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Metroid: Space Complex

Started by Flower, October 15, 2016, 02:53:33 PM

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Hey folks,

Space Demo v0.6 is there!
It has got an updated cave, the beginning of the Temple and tons of work. Still it's very early, unfinished and needs more polish. But a nice in-between "quo vadis".
Mind the bomb jump! It's easier than ever and adds to the game mechanics!
For the interested ones, give the word! I'll shoot you a mail then with the Demo.
Old and new Playtesters :
==> you've got mail!



New pics!
Witnesses of last days' work.

Updated Cave

Trees plus an Entrance


With some minor exceptions, such as inner corners and transitions between colours, that cave room is excellent. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on May 02, 2017, 08:12:24 PM
With some minor exceptions, such as inner corners and transitions between colours, that cave room is excellent. :^_^:
Thanks! I want to draw extra tiles for corners anytime, so they blend better together. But for now I'm happy with it as is. I have to divide where i spend work and time on, so that will be a mid- to longterm task. Wouldn't you like to playtest the demo too? Maybe you could apply some more constructive criticism.


The honest answer is 'no'. Firstly, I'm terrible with commitment (except marriage!), and despite trying a few times - most recently with Rogue Dawn, I just can't seem to get on with NEStroid. :neutral:


Quote from: Quietus on May 03, 2017, 06:18:59 AM
The honest answer is 'no'. Firstly, I'm terrible with commitment (except marriage!), and despite trying a few times - most recently with Rogue Dawn, I just can't seem to get on with NEStroid. :neutral:
Haha ok  :lol: m1 bears some terrible flaws, though I like it and though is it a pleasure to work with Editroid.
Never mind!


Back to topic:
Quote from: Quietus on May 02, 2017, 08:12:24 PM
With some minor exceptions, such as inner corners and transitions between colours, that cave room is excellent. :^_^:


Updated Cave

What do you think? I tinkered a bit and tried to heed your advices. As you see i chose to immediately do it.


The transitions certainly seem less jarring with the middle colour added, though I preferred the original, vivid orange cave walls to the now more muted colour.

The inner corners are definitely better. I think you missed one immediately to the left of the highest mushroom, on the diagonal slope. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on May 03, 2017, 07:48:16 AM
The transitions certainly seem less jarring with the middle colour added, though I preferred the original, vivid orange cave walls to the now more muted colour.

The inner corners are definitely better. I think you missed one immediately to the left of the highest mushroom, on the diagonal slope. :^_^:
Point a: do you have an alternative idea?
Point b: that's nice and i corrected that one, yes i misset it :heheh:


One suggestion :

Cave Example 1

Cave Example 2

Do you like that better?


Point A: No, no suggestion. You had the orange, the orangey-grey, then the blue, which blended nicely. It just looked like you had lightened the orange as well, and I was suggesting you change it back, but I think it might just be my eyes at this point! :grin:

Lastly, I think you have the right idea with the most recent blend / transition tiles, but I think it might look better with just the two colours - orange and blue - with them both blending, rather than having a section with the third (light orange / sandy colour) mixed in with the blue in a chunk between the blue and orange walls. So, rather than having Blue > Sandy and Blue > Orange, you just have Blue > Orange and Blue > Orange.

Oh, and those circle things in the wall look a bit odd. :suspect:

(I promise I'll leave you alone for a while now...) :heheh:


Quote from: Quietus on May 03, 2017, 09:53:04 AM
Point A: No, no suggestion. You had the orange, the orangey-grey, then the blue, which blended nicely. It just looked like you had lightened the orange as well, and I was suggesting you change it back, but I think it might just be my eyes at this point! :grin:

Lastly, I think you have the right idea with the most recent blend / transition tiles, but I think it might look better with just the two colours - orange and blue - with them both blending, rather than having a section with the third (light orange / sandy colour) mixed in with the blue in a chunk between the blue and orange walls. So, rather than having Blue > Sandy and Blue > Orange, you just have Blue > Orange and Blue > Orange.

Oh, and those circle things in the wall look a bit odd. :suspect:

(I promise I'll leave you alone for a while now...) :heheh:
I'll try again with just the two coloured walls, hey that's makes a palette to spare! ^^
The circles in the walls should be rollable walls... Those are new and could be optimized in their look.

If i wished to be left alone i wouldn't ask or listen meh  :razz:


Have a look:

That's the way. i like it. Aha aha


For all of you:

Which transition method from lighted to unlighted cave parts do you like best?
+++ EDIT: Added a poll for this! +++
Or just in case has anyone an even better idea?




or D:
YOUR IDEA!  :wink:



After some further examination of the palettes today, i now prefer version D:

What do you think?
I'll add that to the poll.


You're showing a consistent devotion to design evolution, that's excellent.  That sort of effort pushed to extremes is how masterpieces are made. 

I think you have enough material to show off in a "personal projects" thread at "romhackingdotnet", you should consider setting one up.  If you need help or would like to develop a team it would be a great place.  Also you will find a lot of support and interest in your project there.


It's done! Thanks for the tipp Grim!
Now I'm also on RHDN.



More Pics!  :cheers:




+++ I'll lock the poll next monday. But i think we already have a winner! +++



Poll is closed now.
This is winner:



A brandnew Song.

Get ready for Rampage in the Temple!
It's dangerous here.



A Floral Sign of Life

Painting the enemies in the background's green colour palette makes them stand out less, but makes them merge/ blend with the background.
Especially because there are many green air tiles(passable for Samus and enemies), it goes for a little "hide and seek" atmosphere. Like ambushing sprites you didn't see at first.
What do you think, do you like that idea or is it too distracting (cause that's what i asked myself as well)...?
Curious 'bout your opinions.


Personally, I'd have them different colours, as I feel that keeping them alike detracts from the appreciation of both. If you really want to keep them similar, at least ensure you don't use troll placement, so players have no chance of recognising that it's not grass (or whatever) before getting damaged.


Enemies that don't move until samus gets close enough: Ambush! Keep them green. Other crawling enemies: Shades of purple, orange, or red. Make them stand out, as if they are flowers that fell off the plant and came to life!


Graphical Prototype:

The Lab
