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Has anyone made a Metroid 1 remake yet?

Started by Pelador, September 03, 2016, 08:47:42 PM

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I was looking through some of the Super Metroid hacks and unless one wasn't clearly labelled as such, I have not seen an attempt to remake the original game using the Suoer Metroid engine. This is surprising to me since I feel as though such a thing would be really interesting. I considered learning to how to do it myself until I read the manual for Smile RF. After which I realised it was far more complicated than just clicking and dragging tiles around.

So a few questions. Is there one? If not why not? Has anyone here considered attempting it?



Super Zero Mission is a remake of Zero Mission.

Besides that, every SM hack I've seen that was meant to recreate NEStroid was eventually aborted or abandoned.

On the PC side of things, there's Metroid Remix, which to my knowledge is still in active development.

EDIT: On our own forums, I found two abandoned remakes: Metroid Super Mission and Super Metroid Old School


Well then it looks like I'm going to have to slowly learn how to do it myself. It's the hex editing that I believe will be my personal impenetrable wall. Also if I were to attempt such a thing, how should one go about recreating the mother brain fight? After all, in the original she did not grow arms and legs.


P18 was making one called 'Retroid' or something and it was seemingly pretty much finished before he was made to stop terrorising irc. This was a while ago though, so I'm not sure if it will ever surface.


Super Metroid old school is not abandoned at all  i just havent had time to work on it for a  while but im still working on it!  work on old school has resumed!!!!

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: ProjectXIX on September 08, 2016, 01:23:01 AM
I have been playing this and i have gotten everything i can find but i would love to know why there is such an obnoxious difficulty spike with Ridely.. He hits way to hard and he doesn't seem to take much dmg. Am i missing something?