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Sacred's Open Invitational 9-5-16

Started by SacredHooves, July 30, 2016, 08:23:50 AM

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If you were to partake in this event: What TimeFame best suits you?

0 (0%)
1 (20%)
0 (0%)
1 (20%)
Front Row Seats for the Schadenfreude *Eats Popcorn*
3 (60%)

Total Members Voted: 0


What's shakin bacons?  It's been awhile since I been around, and ill save the reason to why for later.

I still have a few things to clear off my plate: so I am just dropping some advanced notice about an almost all day marathon of gaming to help me get back into shape.  This event will start at 8AM EST on Monday September 5th, 2016.

The planned docket consist of, but not all in order;
Mega Man (1-6)
Super Mario Bros (The Lost Levels: Oh God Why training)
Super Ghouls n' Ghost
Super Metroid
Super Metroid Reimagined
Mega Man X (1-3)
Super Metroid Item Randomizer (The Main Event)

This list of fun is more of a personal vendetta against myself than anything else, but I wanted to re-throw down a Open Invitational because I mucked up the last one.  So here's to all who can join, bring a friend, bring a snack, bring a beer, and hell bring some cheer!
This also marks the roll-out of my Fall live-stream line-up as well.

Without wasting anymore time, attached above is a poll of what Time-frame (in EST) if you wished to join you'd be around for.  For more info: PM/Email me.


Not sure why this is in the speed running area, as it sounds more like a general marathon, but regardless I may join you for classic megaman (probably just 1-3 though because the others are meh)


Labor Day, huh? I'll almost be guaranteed to be working that day, but we'll see. I'll tentatively join.


I have been at work a lot this week so I haven't had time to reply: allow me to answer a few basic questions.

I put it here in the Speed running board because all the games being played are going to be Speed Runs (weather they get DnF'd or Cleared)
I haven't had a lot of it: but I plan to sit down and segregate some time to playing each of these over the next month so I can stay sharp and avoid DnFing
My two biggest focuses are Reimagined and The Lost Levels: as they are going to be the most challenging of the two to clear within a decent amount of time.
The Lost Levels being a personal challenge: and for the sake of time the A-D levels won't be accounted into this run just 1-8/9 (I forget how many there are)
Reimagined is going to be an Any% run that gets visited a lot within the next 30 days so I can achieve some kind of pattern/route to follow.

The Item Rando run above all else is slatted tentatively for 9:30 PM EST SHARP.  It will be my cool down run for the day so I can recap how I felt it all went personally.  I know pinning this on Labor Day already slaps into peoples ideal work weeks/final BBQs but if you can make it: I am here to entertain/race yall!

Also if you vote for a Time-Frame: please specify which timeframe you voted for and what games interest you the most! (please and thank you)


So as to update because we are now a week and closing in sharp: please pm me either here or on Discord with what game you'd be willing to race me in and at what time frame you are available the cut off for entrance is Sunday Sept 4th at 9 PM: the official list of what games and what order I am doing them in and at what time.  The list above is changing rapidly depending on how I feel.

Again please contact me when you guys can if you want to join me: I am also bringing in a special challenge run involving Super Ghouls and Ghost (I am aware I will be alone for that run, but I am going to do it nevertheless).

Tentatively speaking the game list is now as thus:

Super Metroid Reimagined
Super Ghouls and Ghost
Super Mario World
Ninja Gaiden 1
MegaMan 1-3
MegaMan X 1-3
And the close out being a Super Metroid item Randomizer race

Also a note I am doing these runs not only as speed runs/open challenges; but as a attempt to bring us together on more than just Metroid and bad decisions (Albeit three of these runs are nothing but said item)


So this is just a small notice that the date is being changed to Friday instead of Monday as I have contracted an illness.

Friday is now the new time for the race a thon