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MetConst Summer Contest: Race to the Finish!

Started by DSO, June 22, 2016, 08:40:33 AM

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Quote from: personitis on July 19, 2016, 07:43:23 PM
And as an additional question, are items in orbs considered scenery?
Forgot I had not replied to this, but no. And in Lunaria's case, if it's just a halfhack then I don't think you need to bother removing those hidden items.


Quote from: The Monster of Surrealton on July 27, 2016, 10:04:46 PM
Looks like I'll be doing a NEStroid one.

See, now we're talk'n, I think everyone should be forced to do at least one NEStroid hack!

(don't tell em about the knife).    :grin:


Quote from: DSO on July 28, 2016, 12:20:42 AMForgot I had not replied to this, but no. And in Lunaria's case, if it's just a halfhack then I don't think you need to bother removing those hidden items.
Aight, cool. 'w'


So why faster ? Because you can.
I highly suggest to read the README first, maybe watch the trailer then play the hack if you don't mind flashy backgrounds, silly songs and weird palettes, etc.


New TAS hack material target acquired  :cool:

The Monster of Surrealton

Prepare for a masterpiece.

EDIT: A NEStroid masterpiece.


Quote from: The Monster of Surrealton on August 25, 2016, 11:36:54 PM
Prepare for a masterpiece.

I found some spinning/malfunctioning enemies in the first few screens, might want to check that out.  Other than that so far so good.  I used a ROM patcher on my tablet so I wasn't able to take any screenshots of the offending enemies.

The Monster of Surrealton

Quote from: Grimlock on August 26, 2016, 01:49:19 AM
Quote from: The Monster of Surrealton on August 25, 2016, 11:36:54 PM
Prepare for a masterpiece.

I found some spinning/malfunctioning enemies in the first few screens, might want to check that out.  Other than that so far so good.  I used a ROM patcher on my tablet so I wasn't able to take any screenshots of the offending enemies.

Those are deliberate. There are more later on.


Quote from: The Monster of Surrealton on August 26, 2016, 02:06:54 AM
Quote from: Grimlock on August 26, 2016, 01:49:19 AM
Quote from: The Monster of Surrealton on August 25, 2016, 11:36:54 PM
Prepare for a masterpiece.

I found some spinning/malfunctioning enemies in the first few screens, might want to check that out.  Other than that so far so good.  I used a ROM patcher on my tablet so I wasn't able to take any screenshots of the offending enemies.

Those are deliberate. There are more later on.

Ah ok, I did consider that for a second, that would be the best way to place a stationary enemy in an open area without any significant changes to the game engine.


Quote from: The Monster of Surrealton on August 25, 2016, 11:36:54 PM
Prepare for a masterpiece.
Considering this is in a sea of what's usually Super Metroid hacks, this is aptly named.


Quote from: The Monster of Surrealton on August 25, 2016, 11:36:54 PM
Prepare for a masterpiece.

Raced a bit of it today against Tewtal (total). He got permanently stuck in Ridley's lair (i think), thanks to a scrolling error in the room you respawn in. I stopped playing after getting wave/hi-jump and realizing that my killing Kraid didn't count (according to the statues).

The Monster of Surrealton

[spoiler=I forgot to mention to those who might stream my hack and those who don't want their parents to walk in]
Samus is topless if you beat it under 2 hours. Old meme about me complaining about the lack of naked Samus endings during MST's streams.

Quote from: Schmeman on August 26, 2016, 05:09:37 PM
Quote from: The Monster of Surrealton on August 25, 2016, 11:36:54 PM
Prepare for a masterpiece.

Raced a bit of it today against Tewtal (total). He got permanently stuck in Ridley's lair (i think), thanks to a scrolling error in the room you respawn in. I stopped playing after getting wave/hi-jump and realizing that my killing Kraid didn't count (according to the statues).

-You mean the elevator room? That's strange. It works fine when I tested it (I tested about 3 times.)
-That's Fake Kraid. The real Kraid is elsewhere.


This is what Fake Kraid is supposed to do.
You fell into his trap.

Steel Sparkle

So far i played through 1 hack and that is Y-Faster.

[spoiler]Okay where do i begin. The hack is a lot of fun. It's fast paced and can be played an done in a number of ways. When i read the README i thought the whole "you die in 1 hour" was just for fun. It was not. Nice job making something unique with mother brain. That was cool.

As for the end i got 75% in 38mins  and damn that was an end. HOW DID YOU ADD LYRICS TO A SONG!? IT SOUNDS SO CLEAR TO! This hack proves Meta is a hacking god. Anyways for Y-Faster i rate it a 5/5. [/spoiler]


Are you ready to play the worst half hack ever created?

Introducing: Stupid! Or super metroid stupid if you insist on putting super metroid in front of the title for all super metroid hacks. I know some of you out there are into that....

You're guaranteed to have never played a hack quite this bad unique! It's designed to have not necessarily the worst changes ever, but all changes have been made to make you scratch your head and just say "why was this changed? That's stupid!". :D!:

Featuring stunning areas such as:

Slightly re-coloured brinstar!

Norfair Norway!

Suitless Maridia! ...maybe. Truth be told I don't actually remember, I made this a month ago.

Hilarious text edits that aren't actually in the game because smiles text editor decided to ruin everything!

Yes I realise my screenshots are in completely different resolutions, that's the point stupid! :D
If you missed the download link, have another, just click here, right here, I promise it won't hurt you.

Special credits and thanks and shoutouts to simpleflips Meta for all his/her glorious additions to the SM music hacking scene. Give him a round of applause everyone!

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank the judges pre-eminently for giving this hack the worst rating out of all contest entries: Thank you, you made the right call. :rfk:

edit: I guess I didn't actually state what about this is the "speed running" focus. The point is that speed running this could be a bit "problematic" if you're used to how super metroid is, and you'd be triped up a lot. Plus, there are some neat routes you can take IMO.

Steel Sparkle

@Lunaria that is the DUMBEST thing i have ever heard xD
Im sorry i had to do it :p


PSA: IPSWin is faulty software and will not properly patch things in certain scenarios ( ). I recommend against using it.

The reason I bring this up is that someone have brought up an bug in my hack, but it would seem that this was the culprit.

Steel Sparkle

@Lunaria Well i have a bug to report. Even though i did not use that patching program. I use Lunar IPS i can't beat the game seeing as 2 rooms after beating Gold Torizo the room becomes a mess of tiles. Mostly parts of a P-bomb door and then i fall and return back to the main hall of the entrance to lower Norfair. It's the room to the right of the elevator. its bugged to all hell and i can not continue the game.


Rrriight. I'm unsure what the issue is, I need to fix this, give me a couple of hours and I'll look into it. The room is not glitched in the rom I used to create the patch, so clearly something went wrong but I need to figured out what.



--Mission Log 2K150802--
         --Note 1--

I had been tasked to kill the animals on planet GDQ15. I succesfully eradicated them all except for one,
which pulled some hypnosis doo-hickey something or other on me. I have however managed to escape
its illusion, and now I have to hunt it down.

      --The Dude Who Looks A Lot Like Samus in a Power Suit a lot like Samus's

So this is a direct sequel to SMContention if that wasn't obvious. Don't worry though, I haven't used any Flexglows in this
so your eyes should be relatively safe.
There's a lot of energy tanks and missiles all over the place, and some major upgrades here and there. You don't need to collect many of them, but you should still pick up some.
To progress, don't ever go left through a door.

No special skills are required to beat the hack, but walljumping might be a thing depending on your route.

I have intentionally given some items shared indexes, so sometimes you might see empty item pedestals or items not being there in other playthroughs.

Expected playtime is somewhere around 10-15 minutes.

Known issues:

  • Some backgrounds can screw up during the escape sequence
  • Slowdown in a couple rooms
  • Map data is lost if you save, quit, and then come back again. It's not lost on death though

Have fun or whatever. Here's another download link.

Steel Sparkle

@SMILEuser96 that was fun
Beat it in 07:12 with 82%
[spoiler]The death of that fox thing was rather violent.[/spoiler]


I fixed a critical bug with a room data error in lower norway, if you already download my entry before the point of this post, do so again.  (See the original post for latest version, same link).

Hopefully, that should be the end of issues.

Steel Sparkle

@Lunaria Sorry Lunaria i came across another problem.

[spoiler]He just sits there and does nothing. doesn't die. nothing at all.


Yes, this is intended. He usually gets unstuck eventually assuming you can kill him.

I don't recall the exact requirements though.

Steel Sparkle

@Lunaria Ah okay. I managed to retry the fight and that didn't happen this time and i killed him before it could.