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Room of the Week 2010 - Archives

Started by squishy_ichigo, January 16, 2010, 11:09:07 AM

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Testing out a tileset:



opinions time!

Daltone: The bg palette could use some work, but otherwise this is a very nice room. Good use of layers.

Shadox: Palettes are great, and I absolutely love the new doors, but there isn't a whole lot else going on in the room. Good job regardless!

Daltone wins my vote this week due to lovely layer goodness.


I-I-I just can't vote. They're both equally awesome, just very different styles. Daltone really made something out of the speed transport tube and Shadox made an excellent Crateria room.


Daltone: It's a room that suffers from the infamous over detailed aspect in which the room has more detail then it really needs. You're really not going to spend a whole lot of time in this room, unless you force the player too, but that's stupid, mind you. While the detail does not remove from the game per see, I have to ask: was it worth your time making? (There also the issue in which when all rooms have the same level of detail then each room may not stand out as special as intended.)

Shadox: I have no idea how you could make the palette worse then it was before. The gray stones you had before looked great. And when I said you should tune down the lightning I did not mean to remove it completely!

And my vote goes too.... null, as I'm not in favour for any of the rooms this week.


Voted for Daltone, just for the sexy blue foreground stuff.


Sorry Shadox, Daltone wins it hands down. Excellent work with the Maridian tileset. Like I said, best I've ever seen.



Quote from: Shadox on July 26, 2010, 10:35:44 AM
I surrender! I surrender!

Fair comment. Maybe squishy should just end this early, as there're four more days yet! :^_^:


I had to go with Dalton aswell. That's just really excellent layer effects. I like the tileset though, Shadox.


I voted for Shadox, for several reasons:
1. You can actually play that room, the game doesn't take you automatically though it.
2. It has a better palette. (IMO)
3. The tiles fade out.
4. I felt sorry for him.


Voting Shadox, cuz I don't like that other guy. I like your room and the rockin' tiles, but the pipe seems a little lonely.

To answer your question Crys, Yeah, it was worth it, good experience working with 2 layers :)


It was more a general question rather then a legetimet one. :P

Silver Skree

Going with Shadox on this one. I like that hallway better than I like the very blue, black and dark reddish non-level room.


I went with Shadox this time :P

Daltone's room really is quite well made, but the way the layers go it looks kinda weird to me. I would've changed that palette a whole lot too :O The white on the pipe is wayy too bright, and the rocks look horrible being that bright. If this had had a better palette I probably would've voted for it.

Shadox's room is just every bit as awesome though. The detail in the rocks is nice, even though they aren't custom, but it's still nice to see different tiles put to good use. I liked the first palette with the white better I think (though I can't really compare them as the first one is gone) but it was like the rocks were reflecting light a bit. Maybe do what Crys said and keep the lighter shades, but just darken it a little bit.
I'd fix the palette where the pipe goes into the rocks there, and maybe just make it a straight down pipe, as with the corners on different angles but with the same lighting it looks weird. You could put a few more pipe structures in through the room :)

Hiroshi Mishima

Daltone: I really like this. The layers, the details, it just looks fabulous. However, as this is merely a transition tunnel AND taking into account that you go through it fairly quickly.. it'd be hard to enjoy in-game.

Shadox: The rocky texture, the grass, it looks beautiful. Lack of background, however, really hurts the overall presentation of the room.

My vote goes with Shadox. While they're both good, and Shadox is missing a background.. I seriously freaking like those rocky tiles and that totally wins my vote.


I actually voted quite a while ago, and my vote went to Daltone.  That is an awesome room you made with that cool palette!  And Shadox, although I did not vote for you, I do love those Crateria/cave tiles you made.


@Phazar: I did not make the tileset.
It is a modified SRX tileset from Fusion. :/


Even if they were ripped, you still used them in a way that makes the room look just generally cool.

Hiroshi Mishima

Quote from: Shadox on July 27, 2010, 08:49:00 PM
@Phazar: I did not make the tileset.
It is a modified SRX tileset from Fusion. :/
Sssh, don't you'll spoil the magic of looking at a room and going "wow that looks really good". >_>;


Huge room incoming. :D


Huge room incoming. :D


Tiny room incoming. :D


Medium-sized room incoming. :D


No room incoming. :D


INCOMING! :awesome: