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Room of the Week 2010 - Archives

Started by squishy_ichigo, January 16, 2010, 11:09:07 AM

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Silver Skree

Hmm, I recognize THAT room   :>_>:


A room from my project, abstract.


Maybe next week I'll give a more detailed explanation of the rooms...
But the winner this week for me, is Webber1990


I have to vote Webber. New GFX with just brilliant level design is win. This room could give Black Falcon a run for his hax =)


Squishy: The main issue I have with this room is the middle. It's just too much randomness. It looks very unnatural for the environment you're trying to portray. It's too much of a copy and paste type thing.

FullOfFail: A bit on the simple side design-wise, but it turned out ok imo. When you go into the room I have the sparks dripping down on the experimentation table and those flying bugs all on the cells like they're eating the dead bodies. I like the wall paper, it gives it a bit of depth. I really need to work on my aesthetic skills more.

Webber: This is the one I voted for. Wow man, I am seriously impressed by this. The detail on it is outrageous. I love it, the variety of tiles, it's placements, the colors, all of it. Only a few people are that detail orientated, be glad to be a rarity. I'm envious. YOUR SOUL, SELL IT TO ME

Grime: Well, I like what you have thus far, but it just seems too incomplete. I found the way the eyes and teeth are around the door to be awesome. Looks like you're entering the mouth of something. I'd prob need to see the Background for it to all come together.

JamieWebb: The way the plants look like eyes all the way to the left is neat. I think you need to go step further and make it more abstract as far as tile placement goes. Use tiles in unintended and what may seem impractical ways. I like what you've made so far though, I've been keeeping an eye on you O_o


I fail to see what's so great about webber's room... it looks like Grime/Dman quality stuff, yes, but with a palette that really just butchers any chance of that pic winning my vote.

Voting FullOfFail. That room is pretty assome.


Webber's won my vote. I see nothing wrong with the palette, only moss.


Alright, time for my vote...

[spoiler=My Vote]
I voted for FullOfFail because I thought dead bodies in cages with a torture device (or whatever it's supposed be) at the end of the room was a pretty cool idea.[/spoiler]

...and all the others I really don't have any complaints, the thing I care about the most is tile placement.


My vote for the room of the week is.......
why did I choose this person, because it reminds me of Eris, and that hack was awesome!!! :grin:


FullOfWin here. Squee's room looks like and eyesore to me. All others are very simplistic level design. Though if I had to chose another to FoF's, I'd choose Webbers. There's some nice detail there.


ok, my vote is pretty late this week.  I couldn't choose... so I waited.

squishy_ichigo - This hack is dead, so what do I care about your criticisms. :P

FullOfFail - I really love this room.  Cere's tileset works ALOT better if you export it to a different tileset like I did with the room I showed off this week.  This allows you not only to go around the CRE related limitations of Ceres, but also allows you to add more detail to the tileset with more variety. This wins 2nd place for me. :D

Webber1900 - This wins it for me, but its getting plenty of criticism too! My biggest concern is the palette. The only reason this room didn't get a unanimous vote is because its pretty much all one color.  The background, and some of the detail tiles would do better as a seperate palette.  Otherwise, this room is badass. :awesome"

Grime - A pretty awesome room, but my concerns are on the tiles at the right of the room, they look like they are being used as solid blocks. If they were air tiles, it would be getting a higher rating from me, but the way they are structured with the door there makes it look like solid blocks. :P

JamieWebb16 - 3rd place for me! I really like your designing!  The only reason this didn't rank higher would be it is using the original structure. This looks really good though, I hope to see more rooms like this from you! :)

All the rooms this week were very good. It was hard for me to choose. No hard feelings kiddies.


Made this room especially for RotW! Will not be using this anywhere else.


There's alot going on here, but I'll leave it to you to interpret it. I will note that at the bottom left it's supposed to be the end letters of C E R E S. This is part of Ceres' exterior area.



Ok, I know I just put this in my thread earlier this morning, but I'll put it here too...

*tower room is tall*


Well, I promised myself that I'd enter a room this week.
It was a one-room hack, but I decided I didn't like it..  So here you go anyway.


Who knows... maybe someone out there will like it.


Since my first room failed to receive at least one vote, I might have more luck with this room.
this room is from another hack that I'm working on, but that won't be discussed until abstract is released.


Just because it didn't get any votes doesn't mean it wasn't good.  I personally had a hard time choosing the winner last week.

Don't get discouraged about the number of votes you get!  Read the comments and see what people think about your room! :3


Yeah Jamie, it's not really about votes, but feedback. Atleast to me anyway. Just keep trying to out-do yourself each week.
BTW That room is nice, but I'll hold my commentary off until the voting period.


I though, however, that getting feedback was the point of the screenshot/video topic? V_v;


This room's not complete, but I don't see harm in entering it anyway. Disregard the top-left portion.



Since we can put up screens of hacks as long as they're not released, I might as well post the landing site for my own failed hack.



From the same hack as DSO's pick comes the epic early look at MetroidMst's first attempt with Norfair tiles! Enjoy the wonderful sights not often seen!


[attachment deleted by admin]


Man, 8 screenshots already!

5 or so is good enough each week kiddies, you can wait until next week ya know. It would improve your chances of 'winning' :P.

Why am I complaining that this topic is getting hits...