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Room of the Week 2010 - Archives

Started by squishy_ichigo, January 16, 2010, 11:09:07 AM

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Quote from: squishy_ichigoyou can wait until next week ya know. It would improve your chances of 'winning' :P.
Ahhh, but this makes it more exciting. It's not much of a contest if you're the only one entering. More power to you to go up against more eager crowds!

Is humble squishy succumbing to management stress? :pwuh:


Dang. Zhs2 got me to do something.



Even the best NesTroid hack can't really compare to what can be done with SM, but anyhoo, the rules don't account for NesTroid. Am I allowed to participate?


[attachment deleted by admin]


I actually really like it, snarfblam.  Keep it up!

Also, Bloodsonic's is sexy.


Zounds, this round of voting is gonna be tough!   :O_o:

And also LOL at DSO's tri-force...    :lol:


Quote from: snarfblam on January 31, 2010, 10:07:40 AM
Am I allowed to participate?

You sure are! :3

I don't know how to take a screenshot for your editor.  If you could give us a howto then I'll add it to the rules.


Editroid doesn't have a screen-grab feature per-se. I just used print-screen to grab the screen image. Another option is to select Generate Map... from the Tools menu. There you can select the an area on the map, select the appropriate options (unfortunately, Show Enemies and Show Physics are mutually exclusive, and there really isn't any need for this), and save the resulting image as a GIF or JPEG.


DSO: That's an epic easter egg! xD

I'm the competitive type so LET'S DO THIS! >=D Posted in my topic earlier but why not here.



This is going to be a epic week!


Haha, can't wait to see what the votes are going to look like. It's really going to be a hard decision to pick that #1 slot. I'll prob pick like my top 3 or 4 and leave commentary on them. There's just too many people to cover every room.


* Zhs2 keeps squishy_ichigo far, far away from the gun closet



Get to voting kiddies. :P

(will edit this post when I make my pick)
and I decided I'd rather just bump the topic again when I make my choice, then you kiddies are more likely to read what I post. ;D


I voted for Bloodsonic.  It's colourful, bright, and simple.  A great room.

Second would have gone to snarfblam, because it looks Btatman-esque in its moodiness. :^_^:


Outlander vote goes to person701, because massive Crateria outsides are assome. Grime's Project Base colours are the sex, though.


Crashtour: because I love climbing epic tall rooms.

Will edit in thoughts on pics later.


I thought FoF would've gained my vote for the third week in a row... But he couldn't quite surpass the greatness of Snarfblam's gateway to Kraid hell.


I to, have voted for Crashtours very tall, evil, towah!!, I would have voted for grime to, but can't vote twice. :(


I can't vote because FoF, Crashtour, Grime, snarfblam, and person all tied for first, in my opinion.


This is a tough one. Each room offers so much in their own way. Here's my top 4.

#1 - Person701. He was able to give Crateria some good aesthetics and depth with only the original rocks. Most people use pipes, but he was able to pull it off with just a few. I also like how the FG platforms connect to the BG rocks.

#2 - Crashtour. Epic tower is epic. The red compliments it very well, very evil looking. If it would've had some castle-like windows I might've gave you first place.

#3 - Snarfblam. Maybe you should call this Metroid Super!

#4 - Grime. Not really a fan of all the pipes, but I like the layout and coloration. I know it's a WIP, so there's no point in commenting too much until it's nearing completion.


And here are my comments!

[spoiler]squishy: ehh... interesting concept but the fact that it's the same thing repeated in three other sides doesn't make it seem all the great. Though I can say the design is good.

FoF: I must say, when I saw your video of this room, you took my breath away. The palette fitts that of Ceres almost as if it itself was asking for all of Ceres to adopt it. Great work.

Crash: Biiiiiiiig tower. Quality of the picture however puts you at the bottom of the list... j/k j/k. Good design for such a simple idea but I think just a little more platforming with castle windows would've made this great.

dev: Grey grey grey grey. Pipes pipes pipes. Not bad for being simplist though. It's a big maze and I can see the confusion it could cause, so not to bad.

Jamie: Oiy. You've taken the Maridia tileset and spiffed it up amazingly. The pipes don't seem over used, great color (ok, that's based, I love that kind of color), and the level design is done well.

Grime: I'm not dissin' on your style, but when I can't see much it tends to bother me. Aside, good level design, palette, and I can already tell the atmosphere.

DSO: I don't remember who said it, but I was told "Only few browns work well." This is not one of them. =\ However, the room does seem to induce a decent level of platfoming skill and the triforce was a cute addition.

MST: Tall room is tall. Also FG/BG seem to blend not too bad but I think it could use a little improvement. Also, brightened Norfair palette?! ('.')

Bloods: Reminds me of Redesign. But if it's from RevX, I already know it's inspired from it. Good level design, the colors are crsip, and the room is kept pretty simple. Good job.

snarfblam: Is that NEStroid? Or did someone spike the Coca-Cola I had earlier?

person: Well, I don't like to brag, but I think I did a good job myself. Felt very confident when I got it done.[/spoiler]

And in third is JamieWebb16! Second place is successed by FullOfFail! And my vote the week goes to Bloodsonic! What really made these stand out to me was their palettes which were crisp in my eyes. Everyone else didn't do too bad either. There were a few that made deciding the top three hard. Good job everyone!


@Snarfblam: This one gets my vote. Both the colors and tiles look great, and it's nice to see that the NES game gets some love. Not that I ever would play it as I suck at NES metroid.

@JamieWebb: I really like the tiles but... I just think the palette need some work. It seems awfully bright plus the CRE doors stick out to much IMO.

@Bloodsonic: There are some tiles I would move to make the room play more fluent... but damn, it looks great beside that. The colors match up well and the design is just general good.

@MetroidMst: Damn you're good with norfair tileset, well at least if you compare to me. While it's not very sticking out like other rooms here, it sure does the job well in just being a plain good and simple room!

@Squishy: Oh god stop that, it's ugly! V_v;

@FullOfFail: I'm not sure why I don't like this to be honest. Maybe it's too much blue? The video of another room like this that you showed was great with the layering so I'm assuming the same goes here... there is just something about it that I dislike. :/


Silver Skree

My first place vote goes to Snarfblam. On the scale of NES Metroid standards, that's incredible.

For Second, I can't decide between FoF and Crash. Tie for second. Really, really love both the concept and design for both these rooms. Aesthetic is very nice, too.

Third place for Bloods. Pretty sexy looking room, that.

Nu Zalem

I just love Grime's style and the insane amount of detail that he puts into his room. This room intrigues me to no end. As far as the other pics are concerned, there wasn't one room that I outright disliked (although devonodev's room is...weird). Good stuff from everyone.


My vote this week goes to Crashtour's room.
Although, I'm hoping that this room is right before something epic.  It could get very tiresome if you have to climb the whole tower several times.
All the other rooms were great as well... just pretend my room isn't there.