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Prime World Editor v1.2.3

Started by Aruki, March 22, 2016, 04:06:58 AM

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Prime World Editor is an editor for the Metroid Prime series and Donkey Kong Country Returns! I've been developing it for nearly two years now and it's finally feature-complete enough to release!

Here's some quick bullet points on the current featureset and its limitations:

  • The editor is able to open, view, and edit any level from Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Donkey Kong Country Returns, and all known/publicly available demos and prototypes of those games.
  • Editing is currently limited to room script layers. This means you can spawn new objects, edit object properties, set up links to other properties, and save/repack the level so that the game can reload it. There's no support for viewing or editing most asset types. Most other area components, such as room geometry, collision, dynamic lights, etc. can be viewed but not edited.
  • The editor does not handle moving assets around between paks. You'll need to either stick with assets that are already in them, or add them yourself by putting them in the folder and adding them to PakTool's .txt list file.
  • There is some functionality for importing/editing models and textures, but it's VERY limited and I don't really recommend actually using it. Models import with no materials, while textures are required to be a DXT1 DDS with no mipmaps. There's an editing interface for model materials, but there's no way to add/delete pass types, so you're stuck modifying the ones that are already there.
  • This build doesn't touch the MLVL and SAVW formats, which means there are a lot of limitations on what you can do:
    • If you try to move assets between rooms, you will probably experience hitching ingame when the room loads.
    • Objects that rely on data being saved to the save file, such as Memory Relay, won't work correctly ingame.
    • Objects in MP2/3/DKCR that use .rel and .rso files won't be able to be moved into rooms that they aren't normally in.
  • A few interface components (such as the starting window, the model editor, etc) are kinda clunky and will be redone eventually.

Check the readme for a more complete list of features, limitations and issues.

From this point on I'll be using this thread to post any updates on editor development and future releases. I'm hoping to be able to gradually add new features and do more frequent, smaller releases as new things get implemented. Feel free to post if you have any feedback or questions about using the editor or modding any of the supported games!


Grats on finally releasing it, man! Might take it for a spin later today.


While I obviously have some love for Metroid, I'm actually looking forward to some amazing DKCR levels more than anything. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on March 22, 2016, 05:52:20 AM
While I obviously have some love for Metroid, I'm actually looking forward to some amazing DKCR levels more than anything. :^_^:

Well, any hopeful DKCR modders are going to have their hands very full, lol. I hope someone steps up to do it but man, that doesn't seem like a fun task to me :P

Black Falcon

Props to you for releasing the editor, Parax!

Though I think I have an issue with extracting pak files. When I extracted Metroid1.pak from MP1, PWE crashed after it was finished.
The pak itself was correctly extracted, though I had to reopen PWE afterwards.
Displaying the levels and objects works so far though.

Also, is there a way to make Dolphin load extracted ISO files, or at least replace files inside?
Because during the stream you were able to repack the .pak files and then just reload rooms ingame.
I think I'm just missing something...


Quote from: Black Falcon on March 22, 2016, 07:03:36 AMThough I think I have an issue with extracting pak files. When I extracted Metroid1.pak from MP1, PWE crashed after it was finished.
The pak itself was correctly extracted, though I had to reopen PWE afterwards.
Displaying the levels and objects works so far though.

that's weird... I had a bug similar to that earlier today, but I thought it was fixed. It doesn't happen to me so it's hard for me to debug it, but I tried taking a total guess on what the issue might be based on what was causing the other bug earlier. Try downloading the rar again from the same link in the first post and see if it's fixed now.

QuoteAlso, is there a way to make Dolphin load extracted ISO files, or at least replace files inside?
Because during the stream you were able to repack the .pak files and then just reload rooms ingame.
I think I'm just missing something...

Yeah. First you'll want to have the game files extracted by Dolphin itself... right click the game, go to Properties, then go to the Filesystem tab, right click Disc, and click Extract All Files. You'll also want to extract the dol and the apploader which are separate menu buttons. After that go to Options -> Configure -> Paths. Set DVD Root to point to the folder you extracted the files to, and set Apploader to point to the apploader you just extracted. Then go to Open and open the .dol file directly, and it should start the game with your extracted files.

Black Falcon

Awesome, it worked!
Thanks man :awesome:


Awesome! Did you also test whether the extract pak option is still crashing?

Black Falcon

Yeah it's still crashing for every pak I try to extract for some reason, could it be related to win 10 pro or a missing redist maybe? I mean it doesn't particularly say that something's missing, but you never know.
Dolphin also crashed on me whenever I try to savestate, which definitely worked on my other pc running on win 10 home, not sure what causes this.
I thought maybe it's some kind of permission issue, but running both programs in admin mode doesn't change a thing unfortunately (I'm logged in as admin on this pc already).


trying something else, download the rar again and give it one more shot? If that doesn't work then I have no idea.

Black Falcon

Yeah that did it!
Works without crashing now.
Thanks  :^_^:

Edit: okay, so it worked for pak metroid 5+, still seems to have issues with 1-4, but maybe there's something wrong with the iso image I'm using, I'll try a different one later.


I doubt it's a problem with your iso if the pak extracts correctly. If it's still crashing then I have no clue what the problem is. The crashes don't happen at all on my PC so this is a really difficult thing to debug.


Quote from: Parax on March 22, 2016, 06:10:23 AMthat doesn't seem like a fun task to me :P
I think I saw that on m2k2. Is that really all relating to that one parrot enemy? :grin:


I'm pretty sure the crash-on-extract problem is fixed now. If you were having issues, download it again and give it another shot.


- Fixed crashes when extracting/repacking paks and when editing character properties
- Fixed a bug in the unlink dialog where closing it would cause it to proceed with deleting all links
- Changed link/unlink keyboard shortcuts


Can this be used to modify the text that certain characters say in Prime 2 and 3?


No. That requires editing STRG files and PWE doesn't handle asset modding yet.


- Added character editor with animation playback support
- Added script template attachment system
- Fixed MP1 damageable triggers rendering the wrong side in some rooms
- Fixed the "Show Sky" button in the World Editor not actually doing anything
- Other minor fixes and template updates


Hey, if anyone's interested in working on billboard icons for different script object types, let me know. You would be helping us come up with designs for icons that suit the object they're for + actually creating the icon itself for use in the editor. Main requirement is that you're able to nail the same style being used for the existing icons so that everything looks consistent. Bonus if you are also willing to convert your icons to TXTR and test them in the editor yourself (it's possible with PWE though the process is annoying on the current build - I'd show you how). We have two artists working on them currently but there are a lot of objects left and progress is slow, so any extra help would be appreciated. Shoot me a PM if you're interested.


sorry if i bring this thread back.
but i want to say that is awesome. you know what this means? 3D prime version of Metroid 1, 2, Super, Zero mission and Metroid Fusion  :whoa: :O_o: :grin:
please make this happen!  :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


- Overhauled collision view

Basically, the collision view is now WAY prettier and easier on the eyes. It's now color coded based on surface type (ie primarily which footstep sounds will play when you walk on it). Additionally, the editor highlights collision triangles that can be stood on, which makes it easier to find new tricks. Note that the "standable collision" highlighting only highlights standable triangles (not edges/vertices) and it's not 100% accurate in Prime 3 maps. There is a new option under the View menu, "Collision Render Settings", which will allow you to configure how the collision geometry is displayed. Finally, the aether box is now displayed as a red wire box.

Download link same as the first post.


Looks great man, would love to see metroid prime fan games in the future. Bothered no like metroid so be great to see the legacy of great metroid fan games transition into the third dimension.


Hi! Just a quick update - I'm still working pretty hard on the exporting update and it's finally coming along really well. A lot of the final UI is in place and it's like 10x easier to use than the current public build. It's now totally possible to place any asset you want in any room you want and it just works ingame, fast load times and no hitching. There is more important functionality missing that I'm trying to get out before I can finalize a public release, but right now I estimate I might be able to have it ready within a month or so. I'm really looking forward to this being finished lol, it's taking forever and it's going to enable so much cool stuff that I've been wanting to implement for ages.

Also! If anyone's interested in financially supporting PWE's development, I recently started a Patreon! Not offering any rewards, still going to be doing public releases as soon as I can, but if you want to support me the option is there :>



Just thought I would mention that repacking unmodified .pak files from the wii trilogy version with PakTool does not produce .pak files that are the same size as the originals (I tested this with the metroid1.pak from all three games). I dont know if this is actually a problem, however, I do know that changing anything in the metroid1.pak from MP1 of the trilogy version causes the game to crash after loading the area. I double checked this by making the same modifications in the Metroid1.pak of metroid prime 1 gc version which worked fine.


Quote from: Rollerblade96 on April 02, 2017, 10:52:00 PM

Just thought I would mention that repacking unmodified .pak files from the wii trilogy version with PakTool does not produce .pak files that are the same size as the originals (I tested this with the metroid1.pak from all three games). I dont know if this is actually a problem, however, I do know that changing anything in the metroid1.pak from MP1 of the trilogy version causes the game to crash after loading the area. I double checked this by making the same modifications in the Metroid1.pak of metroid prime 1 gc version which worked fine.

When you repack are you specifying the game as a MP1/MP2 pak, and not a MP3 one? The pak files are completely unmodified from the final GameCube release so there is no reason why it should work on GC but not on Trilogy.