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Started by Physix, February 07, 2016, 08:14:22 PM

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It already has joystick and gamepad support... ?

Ice shards! The sound it makes is a high quality "glass breaking" sample. It doesn't fit at all I guess. I copied the idea (and that sexy background) from AM2R, but who wouldn't have?

Zero One

Finally got around to playing the demo you put out, and it's fucking amazing. You have inspired me to finally start working on my own Metroid engine. Amazing work!


You could try using the Mother Brain glass breaking sound effect from SM. I think there were also a few glass breaking sounds in Fusion and Zero Mission too.


Looks pretty good physix. Perhaps you should let DocM64 know you're also working on a metroid engine :grin:


I'm sure a SubZero sound effect from a MK game would be suitable for frozen enemy getting smashed to bits  :nod:

That looks way awesome.  I'm looking forward to playing something on this engine


One thing I'd note is that the main thing I feel is lost with a single "aim" button is a dimension of control. You could stand/crouch while aiming in the same direction, and holding both buttons allowed you to aim straight upwards, especially while crouching. The engine does feel pretty tight, though. I'm curious to see the effects of things like "spike" bombs. :grin:


Quote from: SirAileron on March 16, 2016, 11:04:51 PM
One thing I'd note is that the main thing I feel is lost with a single "aim" button is a dimension of control. You could stand/crouch while aiming in the same direction, and holding both buttons allowed you to aim straight upwards, especially while crouching. The engine does feel pretty tight, though. I'm curious to see the effects of things like "spike" bombs. :grin:

    I had to lower the amount of keys to make room for things like instant morph and moonwalk. Two aim buttons just seemed redundant, especially with controllers having a separate stick for aiming. I have the concept for spike bombs laid out, but no assets have been made yet.

    Blast missiles aren't even a concept, just a random name I came up with. If anyone has a missile concept that can fill a gameplay niche, now's the time to hear it. It doesn't even have to function like a missile, it'll just use missiles for ammo. Be creative! While my base enemy code is restrained to just a ripper, coding special cases for certain weapons doesn't take any time at all, and the code will be easy to copy over to later enemies. The thing is, it must be done now, while the work burden is miniscule. Stun missiles, piercing missiles, whatever you got, I can do it. Fuck, it can even be lightning missiles that explode and stun enemies in a chain. It just has to have a purpose, or at least be fun to use. It has to be practical, but not overpowered. Normal missiles must still have their uses.

    For right now however, finishing the 4th and final subscreen menu (options) is the priority. It's (surprise surprise) not very interesting. I'm actually slitting my wrists as I'm writing this,  so let's hope I run out of code to write before I run out of blood.

Edit: Feeling lightheaded. What ssssdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd


QuoteIf anyone has a missile concept that can fill a gameplay niche, now's the time to hear it.

Maybe you can add it as a Homing upgrade where both Missile and Super Missiles can home on enemies. Not sure how creative or practical it is but something I just thought might be good to have.


I agree with Charmander. A homing missile seems the most logical addition. Weaker, but you don't have to aim.


A homing missile wouldn't work well in a 2d metroid game where precision and accuracy is generally important for killing bosses. For example, trying to shoot into the mouth of Kraid or Crocomire to kill them. If it can be turned off (which I would suspect), then there's only a handful of actually practical uses for homing missiles. Unless you have a bunch of bosses that can be damaged on any body part (looks at MMX), you will probably find yourself having the option turned off more often than not.


Quote from: Physix on March 17, 2016, 01:54:25 AMIf anyone has a missile concept that can fill a gameplay niche, now's the time to hear it.
Seeker Missiles. :yay:

By "charging" your missiles (like in the Prime games) you'll be able to lock on to enemies. A detection cone will project out in front of Samus's gun (like the X-Ray Scope except it's based on her gun, not her visor), and any enemies caught in this cone will be locked on. Letting go of the charge obviously lets lose a bunch of missiles that home in on their targets.

Not only would this be useful for killing multiple enemies, but also opening up Seeker Missile doors and locking on to multiple weak-spots on a boss (if they have multiple, otherwise it may be easier to use a Super Missile). :bounce:


What about Plasma/Napalm/Fire Missiles? When they hit something they explode and burn things for a short time, causing additional damage. They could be used to melt ice or burn plant material, or cause certain blocks to explode with the heat, or light up torches in dark areas, as well as do extra damage to bosses. It would be like a counterpoint to the Ice Beam.


Quote from: Mayo-chan on March 17, 2016, 11:00:01 AM
What about Plasma/Napalm/Fire Missiles? When they hit something they explode and burn things for a short time, causing additional damage. They could be used to melt ice or burn plant material, or cause certain blocks to explode with the heat, or light up torches in dark areas, as well as do extra damage to bosses. It would be like a counterpoint to the Ice Beam.

Something like that wouldn't be a bad idea honestly. Since the Plasma Beam in Super Metroid isn't heat-based like it is in the Prime trilogy, there's no counterpoint to ice beam. They could make for interesting mechanics with ice blocks or lighting up dark areas as mentioned.


Quote from: SlyPork on March 17, 2016, 08:42:40 AMA homing missile wouldn't work well in a 2d metroid game
I'm not sure if this was aimed at me or the comment above, but if it was me: I was assuming they'd be either / or, so when you're running round doing your thang, you can fire off homing missiles, and switch to normal missiles if you need accuracy for bosses (or whatever).

Quote from: FPzero on March 17, 2016, 11:30:28 AM
Quote from: Mayo-chan on March 17, 2016, 11:00:01 AMWhat about Plasma
Since the Plasma Beam in Super Metroid isn't heat-based like it is in the Prime trilogy
If you're looking at that, you could steal Super's plasma ability of passing through enemies, damaging them all?

Perhaps you could have Blast Missiles that explode on impact and have a blast radius? Whether it hits an enemy or a wall, you could still take out enemies with splash damage.


Actually, if we're talking about functionality without breaking the game, what about a ricochet projectile? Or a grenade? That way you could have puzzles set up where all other weapons wouldn't be suitable, because an object isn't in "line of sight" access from Samus's position.


Quote from: SirAileron on March 17, 2016, 04:51:14 PM
Actually, if we're talking about functionality without breaking the game, what about a ricochet projectile? Or a grenade? That way you could have puzzles set up where all other weapons wouldn't be suitable, because an object isn't in "line of sight" access from Samus's position.

Explosive, bouncy grenades sound fucking dank.


Quote from: Physix on March 17, 2016, 01:54:25 AMI had to lower the amount of keys to make room for things like instant morph and moonwalk

I'd consider combining the beam and missile options into a single menu, if you're worried about number of keys. Right now it does feel a little confusing to have three buttons that deal with switching weapons. Having one button to control all of that might work out for the best, especially with the menu system you've got going. It could be categorized to be easier to read/decipher.

Something like:

  • [BEAM] (Long) (Ice) (Wave) (Spazer) (Plasma)
  • [MISSILE] (Normal) (Super) (Other)
  • [BOMB] (Normal) (Spike) (Power)
  • [TOOL] (Grapple) (X-Ray)

Considering the game pauses when you enter weapon select, there doesn't seem to be much of an advantage in separating them, especially if you're not working within SNES hardware limitations of screen and memory real estate. Not that I'm an authority on this, of course.  :razz:

EDIT: I guess an interesting side-effect to this sort of menu is you could possibly allow for power bombs and missiles to be selected at the same time. Missile SBA possibilities? lol


Quote from: SirAileron on March 17, 2016, 05:11:27 PM
Quote from: Physix on March 17, 2016, 01:54:25 AMI had to lower the amount of keys to make room for things like instant morph and moonwalk

  • [BEAM] (Long) (Ice) (Wave) (Spazer) (Plasma)
  • [MISSILE] (Normal) (Super) (Other)
  • [BOMB] (Normal) (Spike) (Power)
  • [TOOL] (Grapple) (X-Ray)

EDIT: I guess an interesting side-effect to this sort of menu is you could possibly allow for power bombs and missiles to be selected at the same time. Missile SBA possibilities? lol

I like the idea, but it'll be difficult in practice. I'll need a lot more vertical space to display all of that at once, and I want the weapon switching to cover as little screen space as possible.


I don't see why you have a problem with dedicating a button (only 1 is needed) for diagonal aiming. This hud is clearly inspired by Black falcon/insom's hud and that works with the amount of buttons on a snes controller. Not including an aim button (even just 1 like fusion/zm) in a metroid engine is in my opinion a big mistake.

As for missiles, they're looking rad and I think the blast missile upgrade should be just that, an upgrade. Not a separate type of missile. Just give it a nice big blast radius for damaging enemies around whatever it hits and have it apply to both types of missiles once you get it (ala super missile upgrade in fusion), and that can lead to a couple of nice puzzles.


Blast Missile-- How about a diffusion missile without the ice? Something more like an outward chain of explosions or perhaps fire.


Quote from: Quote58 on March 17, 2016, 11:29:49 PM
I don't see why you have a problem with dedicating a button (only 1 is needed) for diagonal aiming. This hud is clearly inspired by Black falcon/insom's hud and that works with the amount of buttons on a snes controller. Not including an aim button (even just 1 like fusion/zm) in a metroid engine is in my opinion a big mistake.

Except he does have an aim button that works like the one in Fusion/ZM. The original complaint was that the person missed having both aim buttoms like SM does.


Quote from: FPzero on March 18, 2016, 12:32:18 AM
Quote from: Quote58 on March 17, 2016, 11:29:49 PM
I don't see why you have a problem with dedicating a button (only 1 is needed) for diagonal aiming. This hud is clearly inspired by Black falcon/insom's hud and that works with the amount of buttons on a snes controller. Not including an aim button (even just 1 like fusion/zm) in a metroid engine is in my opinion a big mistake.

Except he does have an aim button that works like the one in Fusion/ZM. The original complaint was that the person missed having both aim buttoms like SM does.

Oh, when I tried it (before he posted any button list, hence not realizing this) I couldn't find a button that worked for diagonal aiming. In fact I found the button mapping really odd and annoying to use.

As long as their is a button for aiming it's all good by me


Power Missle:
Deals Increased Damage in larger radius at cost of several normal missles. (works like micro power bomb).
Destroys Missle tiles in a radius. Can be charged upgraded with beam power (without charging):
Spazer - increased radius
Plazma - even more increased damage
Wave - Pass through tiles until hit Missle tile/ enemy
Ice - just aoe Freeze. maybe with diffusion as in fusion but only for enemies; can't destroy missle blocks with frost diffusion, only in a normal PM radius.


Quote from: makazuwr32 on March 18, 2016, 02:47:37 AM
Power Missle:
Deals Increased Damage in larger radius at cost of several normal missles. (works like micro power bomb).
Destroys Missle tiles in a radius. Can be charged with beam power:
Spazer - increased radius
Plazma - even more increased damage
Wave - Pass through tiles until hit Missle tile/ enemy
Ice - just aoe Freeze. maybe with diffusion as in fusion but only for enemies; can't destroy missle blocks with frost diffusion, only in a normal PM radius.

How would charging a missile work in practice? You charge up, switch from beams to secondary (missile), and the charge just stays there? Even without holding down the fire button? It sounds so awkward.


The way the Metroid Prime games did seeker missiles was that you could just hold the button to charge, and firing missiles was done on the release of the button. Normal missiles could come out with just a button tap (no charge).