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Super Metroid Rotation Hack [Beta]

Started by Smiley, January 01, 2016, 04:59:18 PM

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You may know this. In case you don't, this is a hack that rotates Zebes 90 degrees clockwise.

I still don't consider this hack finished, but it is mostly complete and beatable 100%. I'm getting this out now because this year will be quite busy for me and I definitely won't have much time to hack and finish up the last few things.

Pretty much all rooms are exactly like they were in the original game, just rotated. There are some differences however:

  • Small level design changes to make getting around easier, especially early game
  • Some crumble blocks are now super missile/power bomb blocks. Likewise some other blocks are now crumble blocks
  • Suitless underwater physics have been modified. Samus is now slightly more mobile
  • Shot gates are gone. This opens up many more route possibilities
  • Enemies and liquids are not rotated. This means funky enemy placement in places, and hallways that had some acid at the bottom are now shafts filled with acid
Beware, this hack is more difficult than you might think. Fancy walljump maneuvers are required, and one room early on requires infinite bomb jumping. Just one room though.


More videos will be made eventually. Maybe.[/spoiler]


And yes, this is a public beta. This has however been beta'd by the IRC people for some time now, so this is mostly free of bugs and permastucks.

Some credit thingies:

  • First of all, Mon732 for releasing the rotated Wrecked Ship tileset. If you hadn't done that, this hack wouldn't exist!
  • Scyzer for giving me an awesome tool that rotated rooms for me :huzzah: And the horizontal zebetite thing
  • IRC people for betaing this. Now non-IRC people too.
  • AranJaeger / EternisedDragon. Your comprehensive bug lists are great.
  • JAM for vertical door fix patch
  • Anyone who somehow contributed to this but I've forgotten. Sorry if I forgot you.

Download is an attachment.

Item randomizer currently not available.

A Dummy

Talk about a new spin on the classic Super Metroid.  I will definitely have to give this a try in the near future.


Unbelievable.  I can't wait to try this!!!!

A Dummy

Found a permastuck, when exiting the high-jump boots room from the far left side of the door, you get stuck in the floor on the other side.

Been having a lot of fun playing this so far, really tests my wall-jumping abilities.
Any plans to include Ceres in the future?


Remember seeing your YouTube clip awhile back for this, didn't know if it was still being worked on or that it was planned to be released in the first place. Clever idea, can't wait to play it & see how traversing some of these rooms will be!

Here's to a new year of Metroid merriment!  :razz:


So me, thedopefish and SlyPork did a rotation randomiser race last night. It was an experience.
Nice job on this Smiley. :D


Was doing a livestream playthrough of this and ran into a couple issues, and one game-breaking issue.

[Minor]Issue #1: Ice Beam's sprite has the wrong palette for one of the 8x8 corners. It appears orange compared to the rest of the sprite.

[Minor]Issue #2: The Energy Tank in Crocomire's room isn't positioned correctly, due to the room having to retain the default layout.

[Minor]Issue #3: Gravity Suit pickup isn't positioned on the "floor" but is floating in mid-air.

[Minor]Issue #4a: Not sure IF it's possible, but I'm unsure if Maridia Mainstreet's missile pack is obtainable since it's now a 1-high x 2-wide of Speed Booster blocks in mid-air.
[Minor]Issue #4b: For some reason, I was unable to gain access to the morph ball tunnel that leads to Maridia Mainstreet's Super Missile pack.

[Major]Issue #5: Heading Up (right) the elevator from red Brinstar to Crateria results in the blocks shifting and causing a mess of things.

[Game-Breaking]Issue #6: The room to the right (now under) the bottom of the long auto-scroll shaft in Maridia has a bad door transition. I went up through the room into the room that's normally "below" the autoscroll shaft and it tried leading me into the sandpit room above. Permastuck me.


Quote from: Mon732 on January 02, 2016, 07:32:05 AM
So me, thedopefish and SlyPork did a rotation randomiser race last night. It was an experience.
Nice job on this Smiley. :D

And some of us even finished it ;)
Only took me 5 and a half hours. . .


I found this playing earlier today. It's pretty easy to do as well.


Where did you get those tracks from that are in the "pıoɹʇǝɯ ɹǝdns - Brinstar with a twist" video?  The Red Soil Brinstar track is amazing.

Never mind, found it! :D


The hack has been updated. You can grab it from the first post.

Stuff it does:
Quote from: A DummyFound a permastuck, when exiting the high-jump boots room from the far left side of the door, you get stuck in the floor on the other side.
Quote from: TAxxOUTBR3AKxx[Minor]Issue #1: Ice Beam's sprite has the wrong palette for one of the 8x8 corners. It appears orange compared to the rest of the sprite.
[Minor]Issue #3: Gravity Suit pickup isn't positioned on the "floor" but is floating in mid-air.
[Minor]Issue #4b: For some reason, I was unable to gain access to the morph ball tunnel that leads to Maridia Mainstreet's Super Missile pack.
[Major]Issue #5: Heading Up (right) the elevator from red Brinstar to Crateria results in the blocks shifting and causing a mess of things.
[Game-Breaking]Issue #6: The room to the right (now under) the bottom of the long auto-scroll shaft in Maridia has a bad door transition.
Quote from: LeodoxI found this playing earlier today. It's pretty easy to do as well.
All these are fixed. Also fixes some other things, including another broken door transition.
Regarding 4b: there was nothing wrong with the tunnel, but I made the entrance more obvious and easier to enter.
The missile in Maridia mainstreet is possible to get, but it requires a rather tricky speedball. It's probably the hardest item in the hack.

Ceres will, eventually, be in the hack. It will likely be a big while until then though.


I must say that i love this hack so far.  :grin:
It teaches me how to Jump and Midairmorph properly.
The situations off places where i was stuck increased with every minute i played and more than once i was cursing because off some places (Norfair....).

Have found sadly a permastuck in Red Brinstar when i have not PB's.
1 Sidehoper in the Room with three off them is behind the PB blocks and so impossible to reach.

Edit Permastuck is not a Perma when you have Spazer


Maridia Tube (After collected mockball ) >


Found this as well today with the newest update. I was unable to move after doing that.


  • Non-rotated crateria tiles. Uergh. The floor graphics should be used on the walls as if it were in the original. Using the original walls as what was once the floors makes it feel less like rotation and more like new rooms. You're losing some authenticity of what you've made and it feels romhack-y. You could probably change all of crateria with like two graphics changes. That's hardly 10 minutes.
    I typed this when I was looking at crateria, but everywhere has this problem. a lot of the main blocks aren't actually rotated. These don't feel like the original rooms because of this. the CRE generic block as well, should be rotated. It ruins the "holy fuck, everything is rotated" vibe when things AREN'T ROTATED.
  • enemies put in the direct spawning boundaries is poor design choice no matter what your excuse is. You might want to look into rotating some enemies. Again, would afford immense authenticity but I wouldn't expect this. Maybe just moving mini-kraid from right in front of the doorcap. Stuff like that.
    You should really swap standing pirates into wall pirates, as you did with the wall pirates changed into standing. Super metroid has pre-programmed versions of ALL standing pirates as wall pirates. Zero extra work. Grab the files from smile JX if you don't know the enemy IDs. You should rotate KAGO's graphics, too...
  • Doors that were originally going downward (now transitioning left) seem to spawn samus excessive distance from the door. Probably change to that one distance pointer to 8000 or something right?
  • Pretty please put transparent/blank blocks under the elevators? The two CRE blocks is fugly and not needed.

[spoiler=other specific issues]Door going to 1x1 E-tank room unlocked from beating kraid spawns samus in the door.
Door transition leaving crateria doesn't spawn door closing graphics properly and spawns samus in the door.
Koma palette are fucked in "quiet crateria" event of the brick hall, leading to the missile pack. That room's bottom door also doesn't have the normal graphics.[/spoiler]

Actively playing but those are the things that stand out immediately. This actually feels surprisingly fresh. Maybe I'm just a sucker for Super Metroid. Non-rotated graphics and general glitches are killing the full immersion, but hey; this is what betas are for.

EDIT: So much... *pant* *pant* wall jumping... *pant* Has never felt so right...


Quote from: Mon732 on January 02, 2016, 07:32:05 AM
So me, thedopefish and SlyPork did a rotation randomiser race last night. It was an experience.
Nice job on this Smiley. :D
Got the first video edited and uploaded

here  :^_^:


I get a 404 while trying to download the rotation hack :(
is there another link?


I just tested it, and got a generic Dropbox error 429 about 'too much traffic'.


Added a TinyUpload download mirror of the current patch to the OP.


If the hack is going to strongly rely on walljumps are you planning on adding in the spinjump/somersault restart so that we don't have to start all over if we bump into something?


Congrats on the Eurogamer/Gamnesia coverage, got me here. This messes with my brain, it's all so familiar, yet feels so wrong.


Quote from: Strokend on January 05, 2016, 10:54:08 PM
If the hack is going to strongly rely on walljumps are you planning on adding in the spinjump/somersault restart so that we don't have to start all over if we bump into something?
I doubt he plans to add respin to the hack, but you can very easily patch it in yourself. Just download the .IPS for it and apply it to the hack (I do this with most hacks that I play, lol).

A Dummy

I was thinking of the same thing, although I figured respin wouldn't be part of the base hack I would still like it if a link to it was also included in the OP like the randomizer was. (Thanks for linking it Grime, I didn't want to have to go digging around for it)
I'm still going to do my first playthrough without it though, I might as well make my first time as authentic as I can.

A Dummy

Found a few more things.

[spoiler]This is in the room that's before Crocomire. These slopes aren't smooth, Samus stops moving at the points shown and I have to do a little hop to get over them.

Here                                               And here

[spoiler]This is a save point in Brinstar, the one that's in the hidden area before the Etecoons.
When I tried going inside, Samus gets stuck in the right side of the room instead of entering through the bottom like she should. (There was also some sprite glitching, but that cleared up when I went in and out of the menu.)