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Looking for beta testers for my New Hack in progress

Started by Meeptroid, September 06, 2015, 03:35:03 PM

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Hey everyone, so, this hack here will be my first complete hack, Metroid: Planet Tower Alpha, where I completely change the game, and I am looking for beta testers, as I don't know all the signs of glitches, so, if any of you could help by being beta testers, please let me know in this topic. :^_^:

Update: I has a screenshot of the first screen, the one you start at, I know its not much, but, its something...



I could help, assuming you not looking for someone who has ever beta tested anything. I have never beta tested anything. But yeah, I could beta test.


I've never beta-tested anything before, but I have played a LOT of Metroid, I know the un-morph jump glitch(?) and the "Secret Worlds" door glitch, as well as how to perform a palette-swap in Norfair and Brinstar by using said door glitch. I would like to beta test your hack :^_^:


The big thing to look for are perma-stucks.  For example there might be tight spots you can roll into that require the bombs to bounce you back out.  If you don't have the bombs then you're stuck.  The same applies to high jump.  Also there is the potential for door scrolling issues if the doors aren't changing to the proper type of scrolling, vertical or horizontal.  You should also look for places where the player is hit right when they go through a door, enemies that do this should be relocated.  Ultra high difficulty is something to look for as well as it leans toward poor design which is some what of a bug.  Palette issues should be considered as well or missing blocks.

Here's it is again in list format (with a few additional):

1. Perma-stucks (no bomb, no high jump, or falling out of the screen)
2. Scroll transitioning issues
3. Palette errors
4. Missing blocks
5. Structures improperly layered (something is behind or in front where it shouldn't be)
6. Music (most likely the use of "item room" music)
7. Enemies stuck in walls or spinning in air
8. Enemies not appearing due to sprite slot settings
9. Enemies not respawning (usually not set or another enemy with the same sprite setting loaded in an adjacent screen)
10. Structures not aligned properly
11. Graphics errors (if using custom graphics)
12. Missile doors/ items acquired not being remembered by game (need to use "Generate password tracking data")
13. Enemies that hit you when you pass through a door
14. Poor/questionable level design

I'll update this list if I can think of anything else (there is always more to add when it comes to debugging)


I can do most of that, especially the perma-stuck stuff and looking out for cheap shots. I also have a tendancy to just... run into glitches for no reason.

Also Grimlock, you forgot about trap doors, doors that seal you in but don't scroll, making you have to reset the game.


Ok, honestly, I haven't done much yet, as I have been a bit busy today, but, I do have time now and a lot of time tomorrow, so, I will try to get a portion of Brinstar complete, I just don't know too much about making rom-hacks, and I wanted some beta testers to help out


I'm not sure it's beta testers you're after. Testers are normally requested after you've got a significant chunk of your hack done, and you're looking for them to test how it plays, and hunt down bugs. Having next to nothing done, and asking for feedback is what this thread is for.


I'm hoping to get a good amount done, the way that I look at it, is, I want them to beta test each area, to make it as best I can, and then I don't have to go back and change stuff when say, I'm almost done with the game. Honestly, that would make it a little easier for me

A Dummy

To quote the rules that are displayed above all the topics.

"Rules for Metroid board
- This board is for Metroid hacks.
- When creating a new topic of any kind to show off a project, please include a couple screenshots, or the topic may be locked!
- In addition to the above, please consider posting any screenshots you simply want feedback on in the General Projects Screenshots/Vids thread or Room of the Week, if you feel competent enough instead of creating a new hack topic. Something that's only 5% done is assumed to never get finished!"

I'm not trying to be harsh, but you are supposed to have screenshots ready.

Does sound like you something good planned, unfortunately I'm not an expert at playing NEStroid so I can't help with this.
Once it's done I can help with testing normal playthroughs of the game though.


Yeah, that would be greatly appreciated, and I will be providing some screenshots of Brinstar either later today or tomorrow.
Also, just as a notification, ALL screenshots I ever take will be on my Dropbox, as I cannot get screenshots to work on the website, so, just expect links to the photos in Dropbox.


Using Dropbox, you'll need to copy the public link from your Dropbox folder and post that link between image tags, like so:

As for some friendly advice on beta testers (and by extension, choosing one), I believe there is something people don't consider when they "sign up" or volunteer: taking notes and reporting segments where progression/travel is unnecessarily difficult or offering suggestions that could improve aspects of gameplay (among other things in a vast spectrum of tasks). And don't confused that with the valid concept Grimlock is pointing out earlier. Looking for permastucks, simple misclicks, or overlooking small aspects is very important to polishing a product.

What I'm trying to get at is that being a tester isn't solely about "Does it work?" It's more of being an extra mind or set of eyes helping with revision in all it's possible forms. Not simply playing the game from start to finish (though doing this multiple times is a great idea) but also analyzing the choices that the creator has made and offering feedback to sway any questionable choices the creator has designed. Getting a working project is great and all, but in my opinion, it's also about getting an enjoyable one as well.

And as always, everything here is variable. For a smaller, theme based hack, you likely won't need more than one (maybe two) testers or exactly need tons of constructive/suggestive feedback. But if there's one thing you should do, it's get a good amount of progress on your hack before asking for testers. I personally feel testing something with little progress is a waste of time to the tester. You wouldn't physically test to make sure each individual part of your computer works before even putting the computer together, would you?

With that, I'll reiterate:
Quote from: Quietus on September 06, 2015, 05:34:49 PM
I'm not sure it's beta testers you're after. Testers are normally requested after you've got a significant chunk of your hack done, and you're looking for them to test how it plays, and hunt down bugs. Having next to nothing done, and asking for feedback is what this thread is for.

We've seen people come and go quite often, so best of luck on your ROM hacking endeavors. :nod:


So, does this mean that you are looking for alpha tester?


personitis, I appreciate you advice, just, like I said, I want to polish up each area at one time, it will be a bit easier for me that way, but I will keep your advice in mind

Also, PonchGaming, I guess thats a good way to think of it, if your ok with testing each area at a time, that would be great!


Can I be an alpha tester too? I'm fine with only testing one area at a time :^_^:


I'm ok with testing it area at a time. Anything to keep me from dying from boredom, though I may not always, most of the time I will be available.


Ok, if that works for you, then I am very happy, hopefully, I can get at least half of Brinstar done within today and tomorrow, then I got to go back to school...  :cry: But yeah, thanks Ponch