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Metroid Mission Rescue Version 2.5

Started by Mettyk25jigsaw, August 16, 2015, 08:47:42 PM

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Quote from: FPzero on January 15, 2016, 04:58:45 PM
After getting Chiller,

[spoiler]you should be able to find a room in Arion Skirts near the Arion Skirts <-> Messadon elevator that has Rippers you can freeze into platforms. From there, you'll move towards the center of Arion Skirts for a bit and find a Sector Warp that will move you to the location of a World Warp to Wadaria on the right side of Arion Skirts. After that, explore Wadaria and you'll find the next item.[/spoiler]

I found an unexplored area. I'm now progressing towards the Wadaria elevator. Thanks for the help. I don't know if I would ever find it if not for you letting me know the general area to search.  :neutral:


Hey, Metty, some of the rooms in Bgarnowr Sector 2 have the old HUD colors. My guess is that you forgot to apply the HUD colors to one of the tilesets in here. I'm still on 2.40 so if this is something you fixed in 2.41 then ignore it.


I looked at all tilesets for Bgarnowr and the in game hud palettes are the same and are fine, I am guessing you had the map screen or stats screen on at the time as the colors are diiferent there compared to the in game hud, but is the same like that too throughout the game...I just thought of something, maybe when coming out of map/status screen, the hud colors in game are not reverting back as I have 2 issues/bugs in the past inside that world along the same lines but was able to fix them myself b4 I released it...I'll check...

EDIT: Found it, it was nothing to do with the map but rather the pallete blend patch by JAM, other rooms may be affected too outside of Bgarnowr, I never thought of that...Don't worry I know how to fix it, will be in next version...


If it's any help, I haven't encountered it anywhere outside of Bgarnowr. It sounds like an isolated case.

Progress update, found Combo Ball and am moving on.


Just letting you know the corner tiles here are on the wrong palette row.


That's now the second post I've seen that uses imgur, and the images do not display.


Is it in Bgarnowr and one room is in the map room and the room north of it has a switch to the left of the door as you go up from the map room? If so it has already been fixed for next version...
     Or actually, after reading your post more accurately there was a grey door (grey-I think) Which had pink I think on top and bottom, also been fixed though...Can't remember where that door was though, so you may need to send me a zipped archive of the image to download as I can't view the image you posted...


Okay, I just beat Kraid, but got nothing in return. I also cannot get out of the circular loop before and after his room. I think I'm missing something, and it probably has to do with the door in the top-left corner of the room in this image: [spoiler][/spoiler]

Any insight?


I tried uploading it again. Imgur had given me a bit of trouble when i uploaded it before.

edit: Microhacker, did you get the HP Bonus in that circuit? That's what opens that RT door.


Quote from: FPzero on January 17, 2016, 11:14:43 AM
Microhacker, did you get the HP Bonus in that circuit? That's what opens that RT door.
Yeah, I'm dumb. I saw that door BEFORE I got the RT, but never bothered to check it again... Just got the Crojei Armor/Varia Suit, and now am on my way back into Chaud Bay. Am I supposed to go back yet? Or do I need the Swinger/Grapple first? I know that the Swinger is in Messadon, but I need Wall Jump to reach it. But to get Wall Jump, I believe I need Velocity Boots/Speed Booster. Unless I'm wrong about something...


I don't remember exactly what you're supposed to get next but you definitely don't need Wall Jump to get Swinger. Work your way back to the hint room to figure out what you're supposed to get next. If you haven't found it, there's a warp back to that room in the same room you got Crojei armor in.



[spoiler]To get the swinger, you need space jump. After crojei armor you will get the Sphay beam and you got to go through Chaud bay to get to the beam whilst ending up in another new world called Mahagan for the beam itself...[/spoiler]

Edit: To Fpzero, Sorry I still can't manage to view that image, perhaps you can provide a download of the image for me under attachments in a zipped archive? That would be great if you could...It's just coming up as an X in a box at the moment...Sorry to bother you...


I'm hosting both of these on my dropbox. If the image doesn't load now, try the zip. I have no idea what's up with imgur and this board because I was using it just fine on other sites.


Ok, I recognise the room, thought you may have been talking about door tiles, not so...I'll fix that now, thankyou for pointing it out...That particular room has had a palette change, obviously for some reason those corner tiles belong to another palette row...The image is showing up fine this time and yes dropbox is better...


I just got Naelleyn/Gravity, but I have no idea where to go next. Everywhere I haven't been to yet seems to be blocked by Power Bomb Doors/Blocks (Arion Skirts & Chaud Bay), or Fuser Blocks/Doors (Bgarnowr). Do I need to enter Chaud Bay from Base Zero for my next objective?



You need to be in Bgarnowr, start at the green dot in image where the beam gate is on which you need the sphay/wave beam, follow arrow and then explore more, it's a fairly lengthy trip...Good luck...[/spoiler]


Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on January 23, 2016, 03:54:11 PM

You need to be in Bgarnowr, start at the green dot in image where the beam gate is on which you need the sphay/wave beam, follow arrow and then explore more, it's a fairly lengthy trip...Good luck...[/spoiler]

It took me roughly 70 minutes to get the Combo Ball.
[spoiler]35 minutes to find the stupid EXTREMELY well hidden Mega Racheta block (you REALLY should give the player a hint for this one...), about 10 minutes to find the Racheta block in the floor, then 10 minutes to get to and beat Botwoon, then 5 minutes to backtrack to the Combo Ball door.[/spoiler]
All things considered, though - I still enjoyed the challenge. I only have one complaint about this hack so far: tweaking Wadaria's Background and Foreground palettes is a MUST. I can't even see most enemies, which is a BAD design flaw. I've dealt with it up until now only because of the music that plays in Wadaria (I really like it, for some odd reason).

If that was fixed, I would give this hack a 10/10 rating when finished, seriously. It is a HUGE hack - bigger than Redesign - but it lacks the BACKTRACKING that the original Redesign exuded at every turn. I will give a more thorough review when I finish the hack. For now, cheers!  :cheers:


Will do for next version, I assume you are talking about those 3 or 4 rooms in wadaria where it is dark blue with very dark fog, if I change that to what the rest of the rooms in wadaria are like, would that be fine? As I can understand some people finding those few dark rooms with the fog annoying, so that's why I only did it in about 4 rooms, but as for the red fog, are you including that in your complaint? Because I personally can see Samus just fine there. Maybe it  is different for you? Just want to know if I should do all of wadaria that's all...
    As for the Super missile block on way to Botwoon, I will make that easier to find by doing something...As for the Racheta block, I assume you are talking about that one on the tube, I myself think that I have made it clear enough that there is something there with the structure that is already there, making people realise that they need to xray around the area, not so much so with the mega racheta though, I will do both normal and easy for M.Racheta, but just Easy for the racheta one...And Both Normal And easy for the dark blue, dark fog rooms...Thanks for your input, I am always willing to take advice so I can make it more player friendly... :yay:

And thankyou for your kind input of how you like my hack, it really makes me want to persevere more not just on my first hack but on my 2nd...I think the hack is much more up to scratch now than when it was first released, so much so that I even think Vismund would like it now. It would be good if he could take that on...

My second hack has had to have a couple stoppages in order to improve on my first, so I haven't given up on MMR. When JAM so Kindly offered assistance to add more features to the hack, he also has given me perseverance, but even before that he was doing so and still is...

I didn't have a lot of assistance with beta testers as only one really went through with it, give thanks to miniKraid for that, he was great, But I really needed more testers because there is only so much one beta can do. If I had something like 5 or 6, I may have had a much more polished hack when I first released it, some of them understandably couldn't find the time given the size of the hack, so that's ok, I can really understand that and I guess it would be hard for that not to happen to at least a few...

However on the bright side, after it's release I have had mainly constructive criticism, so that is why I have had the perserverence to keep at it. If it wasn't for all that, I probably would have given up and 'maybe' move on to a 2nd...As it is now, MMR is still alive and being improved, and a 2nd hack is definitely in the making. Originally it was going to be called 'Super Metroid Blackhawk' but have changed it to 'Super Metroid Blackhawk Indi' as I now am going to also (at one stage in game) rip the gfx from the super Nintendo version of Indiana Jones...

Thankyou to all who have in any way given me perserverence with this hack, if you have given constructive critism, then you are one of them or maybe someone who has offered to add features to the hack which I couldn't (off one's own back), yes Jam, I may be talking about you... :lol: Cheers...


Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on January 23, 2016, 11:31:26 PM
Will do for next version, I assume you are talking about those 3 or 4 rooms in wadaria where it is dark blue with very dark fog, if I change that to what the rest of the rooms in wadaria are like, would that be fine? As I can understand some people finding those few dark rooms with the fog annoying, so that's why I only did it in about 4 rooms, but as for the red fog, are you including that in your complaint? Because I personally can see Samus just fine there. Maybe it  is different for you? Just want to know if I should do all of wadaria that's all...

Just the dark fog rooms. Also, I missed the Racheta block because I rushed through the tube it was in the first couple of times. The hint was obvious there, but I just missed it.

A Dummy

Thank you very much for sticking with this project, it looks like you've done some really good work with this one.
Last time I played this I think it was either version 1.7 or 1.9, and I only played to getting the bombs just because of playing other things at the time.
But now this definitely looks like it's going to be the next big hack I'm going to play through from start to finish, I'm just passively waiting for the next version before I start it again.


QuoteThank you very much for sticking with this project, it looks like you've done some really good work with this one.

Your welcome, I'm only going to stop working on it when I feel it's got to the point where I can't improve anymore, like when no more helpful pointers or bug notices or constructive criticism are coming in, then I will feel, people are happy with it...In saying that I will still encourage people to keep on doing so if there is something there that can be worked on, even if it takes a very long time for the feedback to dominish...


I cannot figure out how I'm supposed to get to Crocomire. I see his area on the Map, but both ways to get there are blocked by 'Boss is dead' doors according to your Map Mettyk25jigsaw... But JAM indicated a few pages back that he beat Crocomire, and only had just gotten the Velocity Boots. I'm at a loss here.
Also, if I 'accidentally' went into Chaud Bay Ridley's room before beating Mahagan's Ridley, would that cause Mahagan Ridley to not appear? If so, then I need to start a new game... :(

Found Crocomire. Man, that was tough getting there, too. :/


Quote from: M1CR0H4CK3R on January 27, 2016, 08:43:12 AM
Also, if I 'accidentally' went into Chaud Bay Ridley's room before beating Mahagan's Ridley, would that cause Mahagan Ridley to not appear? If so, then I need to start a new game... :(

No, that should be fine, it's designed in such a way that ridley will only appear in this order excluding Arion skirts Ridley------------wadaria's Ridley will appear once you find a bomb slot, after fighting wadaria's ridley, mahagan's will appear, after beating him, chaud bay's will appear, after fighting chaud bay's ridley, you have access to the cruiser/screw attack...
   It is only a problem if ridley appeared when one gets there without fighting the other 2 area's ridley beforehand (wadaria and Mahagan)...However, come to think of it, are you saying you've been to chaud bay's Ridley room? If so you shouldn't be able to get there yet until after plasma beam I think...Also what's the latest item you collected? I'll have a quick squiz at it my end anyway in the meantime...

EDIT: Just read your post more thouroughly, you may or may not have already collected the plasma/quantau beam, but what disturbs me is an error on my end... Looks like you can get to the xray beam without fighting crocomire, oh dear, one more thing to fix. You are doing easy version, am I right?


Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on January 27, 2016, 05:39:45 PM
Quote from: M1CR0H4CK3R on January 27, 2016, 08:43:12 AM
Also, if I 'accidentally' went into Chaud Bay Ridley's room before beating Mahagan's Ridley, would that cause Mahagan Ridley to not appear? If so, then I need to start a new game... :(

No, that should be fine, it's designed in such a way that ridley will only appear in this order excluding Arion skirts Ridley------------wadaria's Ridley will appear once you find a bomb slot, after fighting wadaria's ridley, mahagan's will appear, after beating him, chaud bay's will appear, after fighting chaud bay's ridley, you have access to the cruiser/screw attack...
   It is only a problem if ridley appeared when one gets there without fighting the other 2 area's ridley beforehand (wadaria and Mahagan)...However, come to think of it, are you saying you've been to chaud bay's Ridley room? If so you shouldn't be able to get there yet until after plasma beam I think...Also what's the latest item you collected? I'll have a quick squiz at it my end anyway in the meantime...

EDIT: Just read your post more thouroughly, you may or may not have already collected the plasma/quantau beam, but what disturbs me is an error on my end... Looks like you can get to the xray beam without fighting crocomire, oh dear, one more thing to fix. You are doing easy version, am I right?

Quantau Beam is my latest item. I've now beaten all bosses except the Wadaria, Mahagan, and Chaud Bay Ridleys, the Giant Metroid (which I assume is unable to be 'beaten', just like in the original game), and Mother Brain. I've got 87 Rachetas, 42 Mega Rachetas, 12 Nuclear Hand Grenades, 7 HP Boosts, 3 HP Bonuses, and all other equipment except Cruiser and Transparent Glasses. There are a LOT of bomb slots in the game. Is the one you're talking about in Wadaria, or another area? I've nearly exhausted the explorable map of Wadaria (except for rooms that require the Cruiser), and I might have already found the bomb slot since finding Ridley's 'empty' room there, but I don't want to go all the way back there for potentially no reason...

Edit: I'm also on Normal Mode.


Quote from: M1CR0H4CK3R on January 27, 2016, 08:43:12 AM
Quantau Beam is my latest item. I've now beaten all bosses except the Wadaria, Mahagan, and Chaud Bay Ridleys, the Giant Metroid (which I assume is unable to be 'beaten', just like in the original game), and Mother Brain. I've got 87 Rachetas, 42 Mega Rachetas, 12 Nuclear Hand Grenades, 7 HP Boosts, 3 HP Bonuses, and all other equipment except Cruiser and Transparent Glasses. There are a LOT of bomb slots in the game. Is the one you're talking about in Wadaria, or another area? I've nearly exhausted the explorable map of Wadaria (except for rooms that require the Cruiser), and I might have already found the bomb slot since finding Ridley's 'empty' room there, but I don't want to go all the way back there for potentially no reason...

Edit: I'm also on Normal Mode.

Ok, you've given me a big clue as to where my error is, you have suppose to have found the transparent glasses by now, you have obviously not been through Smachoghr the 1st time? Something might be wrong with the door blocking your way to the 2nd entry to mahagan, will look into...Anyway that's why you fought crocomire late...

To answer your query here is an image in spoiler...

You need to follow the green line first coming from the left of it, and then the blue line starting from the top left of it. At the end of both lines is a bomb slot at the red dots...Bomb both of them, the first one lets you through the door where the blue line starts and the 2nd makes ridley appear...On the image outside of the map is the key spot in question, there should be a sign saying boss above the bomb slot, the bomb slot should be hidden behind Sam's red helmet on image...Good luck...[/spoiler]

Edit: A question in spoiler to MICROH4CK3ER...

Is this where you went after getting your grapple beam/swinger in order to get walljump/wallbooster? That is through the right door in first image?...