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Hyper Metroid

Started by RealRed, April 17, 2015, 11:59:53 PM

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There are definitely a few points in Hyper where progression slows down though I never had any major issues with progression aside from a Speed Booster/Power Bomb hunt. Water physics aside, having to traverse Maridia for the first time is one, Brinstar seems to have tripped a few people up as well somehow, and for me in particular, the point where you need either Power Bombs or Speed Booster. The last I've found is more of a by product of an open world as you start to run out of places to check over a vast world and your chances of finding the path froward start to become more narrow.


Quote from: Shionkreth on August 23, 2015, 10:59:07 PMI don't know why people feel they have to defend it; no one said it was bad
And nobody is 'defending' it. This is a public forum, and people throw their thoughts back and forth. If everybody posted their thoughts, and nobody responded in any way, it'd be pretty weird. Sometimes we agree, sometimes we don't, but it's all good. Chillax. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on August 24, 2015, 04:27:23 AM
Quote from: Shionkreth on August 23, 2015, 10:59:07 PMI don't know why people feel they have to defend it; no one said it was bad
And nobody is 'defending' it. This is a public forum, and people throw their thoughts back and forth. If everybody posted their thoughts, and nobody responded in any way, it'd be pretty weird. Sometimes we agree, sometimes we don't, but it's all good. Chillax. :^_^:

Well now that someone is taking the time to defend that they're not defending it.. they've convinced me. It really WOULD be weird, posting feedback in a forum without having someone trying to educate you on how your outlook is incorrect; I sincerely wouldn't even know what to make of it.


Nobody said your outlook was incorrect. People offered their opinions, which happened to differ from yours. This is the way of life.

If you're going to see it as an attack, begin defamation, and get defensive about people being defensive about their defensive defence of their (IYO) deformed, defective, and deficient opinions (opinion defeasance?), we'll definitely remain defiant, not deflated or defeated, and you may well end up defused and defanged. :^_^:


Shionkreth is clearly an important guy with an important opinion. Let's get out of his way and let him talk.


Quote from: Parabox on August 21, 2015, 05:25:48 PM
JIPS is a piece of shit and LIPS works fine through wine, even does file associations. Surprises me it's not multiplatform or open source, and that there's no good Linux-native patching utility.

Just to list another alternative, I use ucon64 on Linux, which does IPS patching along with a bunch of other things (and is open source and multiplatform).  Note: it's a command-line program.


Great Hack RealRed!! Had fun with it. I'm one of those guys that tried to initially break the intended sequence... such as grabbing the super missile early on... but you did provide the obstacles (GT kicked my ass really fast,lol) and hints (order of gates) that made me play the rest of the game how it was intended... and that is when the game became fun to play!! The thing is I still felt the routes i chose to beat the game were all my own decisions. Also, the fact that I didn't use not one savestate made the game much more enjoyable.
I only have two gripes about the game.... I took longer to beat the game than I should have because of the escape sequence grey doors; I wish you would have used another sprite (ie boulders) for it that would make players say oh ok, don't waste your time with these. And my other gripe is the power bomb acquisition that takes place in norfair where the speed booster mastery is required. I consider myself a very good player (I've beaten every hack without any assistance whatsoever) but this part is insanely hard!! Can someone post a video on how they accomplished getting the power bomb before the gates closed??
Besides those two gripes, this is my second best hack I've ever played!! Thanks RealRed for providing us with an awesome experience.


Quote from: MetroidX on August 25, 2015, 06:10:30 PM
And my other gripe is the power bomb acquisition that takes place in norfair where the speed booster mastery is required. I consider myself a very good player (I've beaten every hack without any assistance whatsoever) but this part is insanely hard!! Can someone post a video on how they accomplished getting the power bomb before the gates closed??

[spoiler=Speedbooster puzzle]You can change direction while speedboosting as long as you are spin jumping.  You can also run off ledges, land, and keep your boost.  As long as you don't hit walls or turn around without spinning, you won't lose your boost.  I'm guessing you didn't know this, which might be why you are having so much trouble.[/spoiler]


Quote from: MetroidX on August 25, 2015, 06:10:30 PM
this is my second best hack I've ever played!!

Obviously his first best hack he's ever played was Metroid Incursion. :nod:  :grin:

Nothing beats blasting up the city streets, romping through stink ridden sewers, and wavy ice beaming your way through a Metroid infested laboratory.


Quote from: CaRmAgE on August 25, 2015, 07:11:43 PM
[spoiler=Speedbooster puzzle]You can change direction while speedboosting as long as you are spin jumping.  You can also run off ledges, land, and keep your boost.  As long as you don't hit walls or turn around without spinning, you won't lose your boost.  I'm guessing you didn't know this, which might be why you are having so much trouble.[/spoiler]
Nope, didn't know that you can keep your boost. Will give it a try. Thanks!!

Quote from: Grimlock on August 25, 2015, 09:23:17 PM
Obviously his first best hack he's ever played was Metroid Incursion. :nod:  :grin:
I have never played Metroid Incursion. I'll give it a shot soon. But so far, my favorite is the Phazon v.3 hack.


Quote from: RealRed on August 25, 2015, 12:18:37 PM
Shionkreth is clearly an important guy with an important opinion. Let's get out of his way and let him talk.

That was just too slick.

I don't mean to derail your post for your hack; I just felt like posters dismissing other posters' experiences of the game really discourages posting feedback, which speaking as a game developer myself I know I'd never want. Apologies if I was out of line.

Quote from: Quietus on August 25, 2015, 05:24:31 AM
Nobody said your outlook was incorrect. People offered their opinions, which happened to differ from yours. This is the way of life.

If you're going to see it as an attack, begin defamation, and get defensive about people being defensive about their defensive defence of their (IYO) deformed, defective, and deficient opinions (opinion defeasance?), we'll definitely remain defiant, not deflated or defeated, and you may well end up defused and defanged. :^_^:

Quietus, this is a serious question which I've always wondered about with guys like you; because I sincerely have no idea what standard you use to evaluate it.. But why is what I say seen as aggressive, but what you say is just 'offering an opinion'? Why is what I say not just offering an opinion too? The literal only direct conflict of opinion has been you telling me 'no one is defending it' (which to you is somehow not saying my outlook is incorrect?). I offered my opinion which differed from yours, and had to let me know mine was wrong. I really don't understand how I'm the aggressor in your eyes.


I think you have cart before horse here.

1. You post a message, offering your opinion on this hack.
2. People enter conversation, offering contrary opinions to your own.
3. You reply with 'why does everybody need to defend the hack from your thoughts'.
4. I reply to say we're not defending it, just offering contrasting opinions.
5. You now ask me why us offering opinions is different to you doing it.

So, I now say: It's not different, but the debate on defence was opened by yourself.

Quote from: Shionkreth on August 27, 2015, 02:14:58 AM
Quietus, this is a serious question which I've always wondered about with guys like you
Guys like me..? :neutral:


Quote from: Quietus on August 27, 2015, 04:46:29 AM
I think you have cart before horse here.

1. You post a message, offering your opinion on this hack.
2. People enter conversation, offering contrary opinions to your own.
3. You reply with 'why does everybody need to defend the hack from your thoughts'.
4. I reply to say we're not defending it, just offering contrasting opinions.
5. You now ask me why us offering opinions is different to you doing it.

So, I now say: It's not different, but the debate on defence was opened by yourself.

Quote from: Shionkreth on August 27, 2015, 02:14:58 AM
Quietus, this is a serious question which I've always wondered about with guys like you
Guys like me..? :neutral:

1) You're misquoting me, my statement on defending was most definitely never posed as a question.
2) People CAN'T have contrary opinions to me describing my personal experience in the game (that's right, my 'opinion' of the hack was phrased in how I'd describe my experience playing it to someone else) other than by saying their personal experience was different.
3) So I 'opened' up the 'debate' by saying something you didn't agree with? Got it. Good debate but I believe we've reached an impasse and will just have to agree to disagree.
4) Guys like you - with your arguing style and outlook.


I will say that a lot of people here are less than friendly about certain things, and ready to jump at anything. However, you have made really dumb statement.

Yes, people can indeed have contrary opinions to your own. Take two people, one generally played on the correct path in the hack, enjoyed their experience. The other went further off, didn't enjoy their experience. They can, and likely will, have to very contrary opinions about the very same hack, both developed from personal experience. That's just to be expected in any hack really. It's no reason to keep an argument going. You post your thoughts, bam, done. What others say, no matter how contrary they are to your thoughts, is just their opinion. You either respect people's right to think for themselves, or you don't. It isn't wrong for someone to post a contrary thought to your own.


1. No, I'm not misquoting you. You offered your thoughts on this hack:
Quote from: Shionkreth on August 23, 2015, 08:00:51 AM
I liked it a lot starting out, but after a few hours in I'd describe my experience playing it to someone else as: "Can I go here? Nope. Can I go here? ..Nope. Can I go here..? Nope...".
Whether it's a statement or a question is irrelevant - you're posting it on a forum, and it's assumed that it's up for discussion.
2. As I've said, nobody is having contrary opinions on your experiences. People are simply entering conversation with you by offering their thoughts on their experience. This is not to say that you are wrong, simply that we feel differently. There is no right / wrong - it's simply discussion!
3. No, you misunderstand. I am saying that in the sequence of events, it was you who first mentioned 'defensiveness'.
Quote from: Shionkreth on August 23, 2015, 10:59:07 PMI don't know why people feel they have to defend it
I (and probably the others) were happy to have a conversation about our differing thoughts on the hack, but you changed it by saying that we were being defensive, implying that we were saying you were wrong.
4. I had no intention of arguing with you until you decided to say we were being defensive by offering our differing opinions.


Quote from: Quietus on August 27, 2015, 07:19:57 AM
1. No, I'm not misquoting you. You offered your thoughts on this hack:
Quote from: Shionkreth on August 23, 2015, 08:00:51 AM
I liked it a lot starting out, but after a few hours in I'd describe my experience playing it to someone else as: "Can I go here? Nope. Can I go here? ..Nope. Can I go here..? Nope...".
Whether it's a statement or a question is irrelevant - you're posting it on a forum, and it's assumed that it's up for discussion.
2. As I've said, nobody is having contrary opinions on your experiences. People are simply entering conversation with you by offering their thoughts on their experience. This is not to say that you are wrong, simply that we feel differently. There is no right / wrong - it's simply discussion!
3. No, you misunderstand. I am saying that in the sequence of events, it was you who first mentioned 'defensiveness'.
Quote from: Shionkreth on August 23, 2015, 10:59:07 PMI don't know why people feel they have to defend it
I (and probably the others) were happy to have a conversation about our differing thoughts on the hack, but you changed it by saying that we were being defensive, implying that we were saying you were wrong.
4. I had no intention of arguing with you until you decided to say we were being defensive by offering our differing opinions.

If I respond to all that we'll just keep going around in a circle pointlessly. You got the last word, let's drop it.



Quote from: MetroidMst on August 27, 2015, 07:00:12 AM
I will say that a lot of people here are less than friendly about certain things, and ready to jump at anything. However, you have made really dumb statement.

Yes, people can indeed have contrary opinions to your own. Take two people, one generally played on the correct path in the hack, enjoyed their experience. The other went further off, didn't enjoy their experience. They can, and likely will, have to very contrary opinions about the very same hack, both developed from personal experience. That's just to be expected in any hack really. It's no reason to keep an argument going. You post your thoughts, bam, done. What others say, no matter how contrary they are to your thoughts, is just their opinion. You either respect people's right to think for themselves, or you don't. It isn't wrong for someone to post a contrary thought to your own.

I feel I'm getting a little misrepresented in this thread. I wasn't saying that people can't have contrary opinions to my own in that they're not allowed. I was just saying they can't because I hadn't posted any opinion; I posted what my personal experience playing hyper metroid so far was. I don't yet have a set opinion on it and as such can't contrast that to someone's opinion on the whole thing or how it compares to the original super metroid or other hacks. I didn't like that people were bringing in these concrete comparisons to contrast to my personal experience and felt they were doing so just to defend the hack, which I didn't intend to come off as critical towards, but have been reassured I misunderstood their intent. That's all.


I think they were trying to be encouraging. Getting lost is typically part of playing a metroid game, and since hyper is exceedingly open-ended, your trial and error exploration leading to no immediate gain comes as no surprise.


Quote from: RealRed on August 27, 2015, 10:38:39 AM
I think they were trying to be encouraging. Getting lost is typically part of playing a metroid game, and since hyper is exceedingly open-ended, your trial and error exploration leading to no immediate gain comes as no surprise.

Well now that I'm a little further in I'll offer a more complete feedback of my experience. After my first post I believe people figured I hadn't played that much, but my in-game timer is just about at 3 hours. Was nice having more unhindered exploration at the start; the level design relating to fighting and moving about is great(I love challenging wall jumping areas), the combat difficulty is great; more challenging than the original but not as needlessly punishing as some of the other hacks and it's just overall very polished.

My first post I believe was at about 2 hours in where the places to go were getting really scarce and everything was leading to either a super missile door, a power bomb door, water or rarely the speed boost block, which was really slowing things down and making the gameplay consist mostly of backtracking.

Come 2.5 hours in I believe I'd gone everywhere I could get to in brinstar and crateria with the grapple beam and the high jump boots(excluding at least a super missile accessible by jumping off one of the blocks that break when you land and bomb jumping your way up; I don't have that precision with the project base mechanics) and regretably had to look up information to keep playing(which that, at the very least, is different from the original as far as my own experience goes).

This led to finding out that to progress I had to go up to the wrecked ship area of crateria and jump off a platform, seemingly in to a body of water, to land on a platform you can't see from where you're jumping from; I could've played another hour or two and never would've tried that, not just because I think it's really out there, but also because that area has so much water it seemed obvious it was an area intended for when you have the gravity suit. Is that all as intended or am I out of order somewhere?

In the ship I got the varia suit, which at least gives me the impression, correct or incorrect, that the intended progression is down to norfair from there, and the smallest bit of direction is nice; like in the original how you'd have come across, through the natural progression, big drops you'd know you'd need the ice beam to freeze guys to get up and things like that; whereas the ship in this seemed kind've off to the side all by itself to me.


Yeah. The way to the ship is awkward, and the enemies inside are too strong.. I hate the way I designed the path over there and I'm not sure why I left it. I'm working on something to fix this problem.


Quote from: RealRed on August 27, 2015, 07:07:04 PM
Yeah. The way to the ship is awkward, and the enemies inside are too strong.. I hate the way I designed the path over there and I'm not sure why I left it. I'm working on something to fix this problem.

I didn't think the enemies in the ship were bad; unlike the ship in the original I felt the difficulty(since it's just for that small, creepy area) made for an exciting tense atmosphere.


The pink thingies kicked way too much ass.


Well.. it is proving pretty fun overall, just got the super missile at long last(I like the using the same ammo for both) but somehow get the feeling I will be scouring norfair for quite some time; gonna be quite the effort searching out all the super missile doors that previously stopped me(too bad the map wasn't color coded for doors you've been to but haven't gone through).

I will say this: after playing hacks like this and z-fact the base game seems so short and easy.


Quote from: Shionkreth on September 02, 2015, 09:00:26 PMtoo bad the map wasn't color coded for doors you've been to but haven't gone through
This would be an amazing addition to hacks. :^_^: