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Super Metroid Falling [UH]

Started by MetroidMst, February 15, 2015, 02:40:45 PM

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A new hack has arrived via the Japanese hacking counterparts! Super Metroid Falling is supposed to be a full hack of some kind. Also unheadered AFAIK.

I have the original download from the site attached to the post, but if you want to grab it there, here you go.

Otherwise, I guess use this for help/comments and generally what every other completed hack topic is used for.


I've actually been playing this for the last couple days, it's fairly good so far.  Very interesting item order.  It makes you travel a lot which is a bit of a downside, especially since there aren't too many shortcuts available, meaning lots of traversing the same areas.

Of note, it looks like there's a heat run early on but if you encounter a heated room you should just turn back.  It does not seem to be required.


Kraid is a fucking BEAST in this hack.


Yeah I just fought him earlier today.  I'm not a fan of the bosses in this hack.  Two E-tanks of contact damage WITH Gravity Suit is not exactly fun when they all have a huge amount of health.


I encountered kraid in my power suit with spazer. It turned into a 45 minute savestate-a-thon and wasn't fun at all.
If I wasn't stubborn I'd have waited till I had plasma and a better suit.

This hack is pretty good, and I enjoy playing hacks that don't mess with the original physics, it allows me to brush up on my techniques and not get rusty.

The title Falling is fitting, this hack gets more shaft than your mom.

Edit: 5:09 / 99%
Fun hack, well made in many places, terrible boss health/dmg decisions.


How did you get to Kraid so early?  I thought you needed [spoiler]Grapple Beam from Draygon[/spoiler] to get there?  All I know is that I fought him way later and still had trouble.


Quote from: FPzero on February 15, 2015, 11:35:44 PM
How did you get to Kraid so early?  I thought you needed [spoiler]Grapple Beam from Draygon[/spoiler] to get there?  All I know is that I fought him way later and still had trouble.

xray revealed a super block, then a pb block. i dont know why the creator made a shortcut, its a terrible fight, and its only for the goldstat and an etank.


I'm glad I missed that shortcut then because the first time I found that hallway I would have been vastly under-prepared for the fight.



Light clue :

[spoiler]Mardia, after Botwoon[/spoiler]


I started this one last night. Liking it so far. gives me a chance to explore with skills like infinite bomb jump , wall jump, mockball etc. Beat spore spawn so far.


Wow. I just start playing it, and already I'm stuck.

I walked into the "Bomb Torizo room" (or, at least, it looks like it), and the doors instantly lock, and there's no item in the statue's hands; and the statue won't turn into a Torizo. I think I'm perma-stuck? Or I'm just really really stupid, and the solution is something simple. :O_o:


Quote from: Scooterboot9697 on February 18, 2015, 08:05:13 PM
Wow. I just start playing it, and already I'm stuck.

I walked into the "Bomb Torizo room" (or, at least, it looks like it), and the doors instantly lock, and there's no item in the statue's hands; and the statue won't turn into a Torizo. I think I'm perma-stuck? Or I'm just really really stupid, and the solution is something simple. :O_o:

What do we do when we're stuck? We bomb things, and seeing as we don't have bombs, we shoot things.


Quote from: WindowHead on February 18, 2015, 08:25:04 PM
What do we do when we're stuck? We bomb things, and seeing as we don't have bombs, we shoot things.
Yyyuuuupeh. So it was the latter. I was stupid and the solution was simple. (Looks like I didn't shoot around enough the first time.)



Finished with 5:08, 95%.

The bosses bring it all down for being stupidly overpowered but the rest of the hack is generally pretty good.  I like a lot of the design throughout.  The trek through Lower Norfair to find Ridley was pretty difficult too in terms of exploration, and while Ice Beam was a little stupid to find, once you got into its area the rooms preceding it were well-designed.

Item order was pretty unique too.


Thank you MetroidMst for sharing this. I am enjoying it. Samus is slowly getting her weapons back.


Is there anything particularly hard about this (i.e. required hard mockballs, IBJ, dumb spike placement, etc.) other than the apparently stupid boss health?


No tricks required from what I remember.
Not a spiky hack either, tho there are a few areas with dumb spike placement.


It's worth noting that the original site now lists v1.2.  From what I can gather there are no major changes, only the reworking of one room that was awkward to negotiate.


4:42, 82%

This is a pretty nice hack, but the bosses are indeed a bit too tough. Kraid in particular has way too much health, but the others aren't so bad, especially since you can get some quite useful items before fighting any of the major bosses. I recommend leaving Kraid last or second-to-last.

There are a lot of tiling errors, but room design in general is pretty good. There are some retarded spikes in some places and somehow nearly every new route seems to be obstructed by crumble blocks, but the way around them is usually nearby.

I recommend playing this, but get ready for some tedious boss fights. Seriously, that Kraid fight...


I now have almost everything and am now heading to Ridley   Then i will go through the areas with x-ray to look for stuff. Nice hack, no real tricks needed. Lots of exploration and yes thw boss heath thing. I left Kraid to second last.


Was I really supposed to take on Crocomire with just 30 regular missiles?


Quote from: ianfrombristol on February 22, 2015, 02:22:21 PM
Was I really supposed to take on Crocomire with just 30 regular missiles?
Keep playing and you'll find the answer to that question. (I had a similar question myself.)

EDIT: Finished it earlier today in 4:16 with 87%
Overall, I think this hack was really fun. It does have some issues with boss health/damage, (For the four major bosses) and a few too many obtuse paths, but it really wasn't anything I found completely off-putting. (Except maybe Kraid. Seriously)


That fight took me quite a few tries but I'm really good at fighting Croc with only missiles now which will hopefully help in other hacks.