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Super Metroid Falling [UH]

Started by MetroidMst, February 15, 2015, 02:40:45 PM

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4:37, 86%
Nice hack. :^_^:

- Paths are easy to figure out most of the time
- Interesting item order
- Original game physics
- No trick required

- Boss fight are tedious
- Very few shortcurts between areas
- Lots of useless rooms and one-ways
- Barely edited Tourian


...and I was definitely not supposed to take on that heat run with only a single energy tank  :grin:


I am now in Tourian. I have a couple of questions to people who finished this. Was there a reward for beating Ridley and I have everything except high jump boots. Where were the high jump boots ?. Thank you .


High Jump Boots:
[spoiler]They are located in south Maridia, in the room where you connect back to the Maridia tube rooms.  Try jumping up the sandfalls.[/spoiler]


Quote from: ianfrombristol on February 23, 2015, 03:33:33 PM
...and I was definitely not supposed to take on that heat run with only a single energy tank  :grin:

There was a heat run?
I never found one. Maybe because I got Gravity before Varia.


Thanks for teh tip on high jump boots . went back and got them.


Quote from: Blade on February 24, 2015, 09:04:13 AM
Quote from: ianfrombristol on February 23, 2015, 03:33:33 PM
...and I was definitely not supposed to take on that heat run with only a single energy tank  :grin:

There was a heat run?
I never found one. Maybe because I got Gravity before Varia.

Not entirely sure it was a heat run because I kept dying after clearing the first room as I only had a single energy tank.  It was above and to the right of where you picked up space jump


Now where's that Gravity Suit?
Never mind, I found it! :D


I just need Ice Beam and then I can head off to Tourian.


Have now got all the items (except a few missile packs) and I'm off to hand Kraid his a$$.  Is the fight going to be as tedious and drawn out as people on here save even though I have all the beams and 60 super missiles?  If so, to make this hack more accessible is there a utility to edit the boss strength - heresy I know, but it would be a shame to let something as fixable as this mar what is a great hack in my opinion.  I'm betting this is a really easy hex edit, once you know what address to change


It'll probably be easier with Plasma Beam but he still does so much damage that you need some good luck to beat him.


Kraid was the second main boss, after Phantoon, I defeated. He can take 70-80 supers, I think.
Anyway he is still Kraid, so as long as you don't touch his handspikes, you just have to be patient and don't do reckless stuff^^


Finally finished this (11:11 & 95%).  For me the Kraid fight wasn't difficult as I was close to being fully powered-up by then.  I struggled with the Ridley fight for some reason.


  • Good challenge
  • Large hack

Not so positives

  • Tedious boss fights
  • End of game too similar to the original

My thanks to the author of this hack for all their hard work  :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:


I just fought Kraid and didn't think he was too bad with plasma, but you still have to dodge and shoot projectiles because of the massive damage they do, even with Gravity.  I actually found the fight fun (am I the only one?) because it forced me to pay attention and be on my toes.  But I can see how without plasma it wouldn't have been fun, only tedious. 

I still need to fight Ridley and find the Ice Beam and I'll be off to Tourian as well.  This hack has indeed been a pleasant surprise.

Edit:  Ridley freaking sucks.  I'm bad at Ridley anyway.  I can change his color but this is gonna take awhile.


As a general rule for Ridley, it's better to go all out.  Ignore defence, and you'll normally do way more damage than you receive.  If that's not working, make sure you are jumping high when you're attacking, as it'll mean that when you're hit, it will be his body, not his tail (which usually does a lot more damage).


If I'm remembering my Fallings right, Ridley's tail does a lot less damage than his body in this hack.


In the original, Ridley's body does 160 damage and his tail does 120. So the body does more damage even there. Also the body damage is the one editable in SMILE, and I haven't played any hacks that have changed the tail or fireball damage (I'm not sure if the values to change are known at all). So going by Falling's formula of jacking boss health and damage way up, the body probably does considerably more damage than the tail, and you'll want to avoid that. I'd suggest using Screw Attack to dodge his body while he does the U-swoops (it won't protect you from the tail, but that's not a huge concern).

I haven't played the hack so I'm not sure if the boss room is different at all. If there's the flat platform at the bottom where there normally is, you can shoot upwards at him from underneath while he's tailbouncing, morph and roll under his tail when you have no more space, and jump to try and break him out of his tailbouncing action. There's also a safe spot at the far left edge when he tailbounces facing left (again, not sure if it's there in the hack).


I must be having a Monday brainfart, in which case you may completely disregard what I said above.  Now it's going to bug me trying to recall where I heard about his tail.  Maybe they were just referring to the Ceres Ridley..? :O_o:


Yeah, Ridley's body did significant damage in this hack.  In the end I just screw(attack)ed around and then spammed him with all my supers and over half my regular missiles before I could bring him to his knees.  Took me 5 attempts before I got it right (but then I am an average player even on my best day)


Quote from: WindowHead on February 15, 2015, 08:07:31 PM

The title Falling is fitting, this hack gets more shaft than your mom.

Might stream this at some point, but the main reason I made this post is because when I read this I came about 2 inches from bursting out laughing in the middle of my AP Comp Sci class


What I found with the Ridley fight was if he was coming from the left and his tail was on the left I would fire supers then jump up to the right wall.He would then retreat and come at you again. if his tail was coming towards you first I would spin jump to the left side and repeat this method. by jumping to the left wall. worked well for me.  Hope this made sense.


So far, so good! I'll try not to know where everything is yet because it will spoil my fun. Nice hack!

[spoiler]Kraid was very hard![/spoiler]

[spoiler]Ridley was hard at first until I found a way to beat him.[/spoiler]

Game completed:

Time: 11:01

Items: 97%


Succeeded on my first attempt against Kraid (albeit a late encounter, takes forever even with Plasma/Wave), died a dozen times to Ridley and still can't get past him (9 e-tanks, 70 supers). Touching the body does 238 damage...yeah, lame. The amount of HP/Damage these bosses have is just stupid, there's no reason to make it this high. Phantoon killed me INSTANTLY with 7 E-Tanks just because I touched his body...

Also, not sure if it's supposed to be an obvious/mandatory item, but I missed the Ice Beam, wherever it is. The last major item I need. I need to consult a map for this one.

I'm trying to like this one, I really am, the order of upgrades is wacky and fun and the hack makes good on its name, but these boss fights are just...why?


Probably nothing that can be done about this since the hack author isn't here but... permastuck:

I thought the way the below area was designed was a hint you're supposed to under water walljump up, but then if you morph into the statue's hand, can't get out w/o gravity or spring ball.


The download link on the actual page for this hack is "forumattachment.thing". I had to navigate to this forum topic to find an actual downloadable file.
