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Super Metroid: Arrival (fixt 0.4)

Started by Jiffy, February 05, 2015, 04:21:07 PM

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Jefe, I know you get a lot of criticism here and that you want to be taken seriously. You have to build a good reputation to be taken seriously though, and how is ragequitting on one of your first projects going to give you a good reputation? Arrival is full of potential, so you can't just stop because you released it and there were some issues. If you take the time to further refine it and push it to the finish line, it will be a full, playable, enjoyable hack and then you can move forward. Face it, if you stop now, you know you will never live it down and you may get piles of criticism. Learn from the mistake, fix he mistake, and then move on. Take criticism as constructive and use the knowledge to fix the hack and not have the same problems in the future.


Because the dumb oozing off of you is thicker than normal, and asked to be banned in one IRC channel and ragequit the other, you're getting this here in front of everyone.

Quote from: Jefe962 on February 07, 2015, 04:42:15 AM
e; You can fix it all yourselves, because I have no idea in the fuck what is wrong.
First and foremost, this is your hack. It is a reflection of you, not anyone else. You also wanted to make it in the first place. It is your job to make sure your own stuff works. Or you know, actually use your testers to test and not be a complete idiot and release it because you finished a few rooms. How do you even get out of bed in the morning? Please change my diaper mum, it is my job but I have no idea why so you do it. Good lord take some pride in your work.

Quote from: Jefe962 on February 07, 2015, 04:42:15 AM
e2; I'm having no graphics errors on my main ROM, so... maybe you're all doing something wrong.
Yeah, because people who combined have patched probably thousands of hacks have suddenly all done it wrong with your patch. Why don't you listen to the advice? Quote even gave a possible solution that is so easy even you could do it.

Quote from: Jefe962 on February 07, 2015, 04:42:15 AM
e3; I have another patch. This is one of the betas, that I sent to my testers, before the final area was made. Since after making that everything broke... I guess I'll release that instead. Not much (possibly nothing) should be broken here.
Oh yes, the I give up here is the last thing that is working end. (What is the likelihood it isn't broke completely too?) This is your responsibility. People have been willing to help you even after the outpouring of stupid coming from you, and you still just turn it away because you didn't get the praise you thought you would, and now you're just going to sit around a pout like a whiny little girl who got told she can't use her phone for 20 minutes. You've got a lot of work put into this already, you're near the end (Since this is effectively what your final testing phase would've been like for a little while), and you're just giving up because it didn't work right the first time. Take some time and fix your own crap and stop whining about it.

You want your successes pointed out instead of your failures? Make it happen or you're just going to repeat this same pattern. Stop running from problems and face them. You already have people willing to help, and you're refusing for no reason at all other than your ego is hurt. Get your act together and grow up.


Haha, you do realise that this hack is my own, right? And I can do whatever the fuck I want to do with it? I have no idea how to fix some problems, and others may not aswell. So, what exactly am I to do? Nobody that can actually help can be bothered to help (which is probably nobody, knowing this shitty little "community" that probably has the whole channel opped at this very moment.) Also, I think you're jumping to conclusions, because I did indeed scrap it because it doesn't fucking work, and everyone can see that with their own fucking eyes, except you. I'm not scrapping it due to opinions, I'm not that much of a freak.
Anything else I need to cover?


Language.  Also, "nobody that can actually help can be bothered to help"?  It seems like you've been actively avoiding help.  You rushed out the release without even telling your testers, let alone waiting for feedback from them.  Then when people started running into problems, you spent 10 minutes trying to fix them, and then threw up your hands and declared it impossible for you to do better.  Even now I'm sure some people would be willing to help, if you'd just calm down and put forth the effort to finish this thing out properly.

People aren't upset because your hack sucks, or because it has bugs.  We're upset that a promising new hack has been torpedoed by its creator simply because he got lazy at the last minute.  We're confused as to why you'd spend all these months making it, only to blow a gasket at the thought to spending more than a couple hours testing and polishing.  But as you said, it's your hack.  If this is how you want it to be remembered, then I guess that's your choice.


Quote from: Jefe962 on February 07, 2015, 01:57:37 PM
Haha, you do realise that this hack is my own, right? And I can do whatever the fuck I want to do with it?
Very true. But do you really want to leave people with a potentially good but noticeably unpolished hack? All you will accomplish with that is a bad reputation. You will gain a lot more respect if you stop acting like a retarded vegetable with cat vomit for brains and actually finish your thing properly, especially since you've already made it public.

Quote from: Jefe962 on February 07, 2015, 01:57:37 PM
I have no idea how to fix some problems
So you ask for help. Simple.

Quote from: Jefe962 on February 07, 2015, 01:57:37 PM
and others may not aswell
You're just refusing help here.
In this hack's case, all the problems are due to just lack of testing. There was some bug, you fixed it good and proper, but didn't make sure you didn't overwrite something else or otherwise break something. In other words, you didn't test it.

Quote from: Jefe962 on February 07, 2015, 01:57:37 PM
So, what exactly am I to do?
If there really is a problem neither you or someone else really can't figure out, you revert to a backup. Yes, this actually still applies even after the hack is only 10% done.
You should also realise that some problems take longer than two minutes and twelve seconds to figure out and fix.

Quote from: Jefe962 on February 07, 2015, 01:57:37 PM
Nobody that can actually help can be bothered to help (which is probably nobody
As already stated by Mst and dopey, there are people willing to help. You just have your head stuck up way too far up your own ass you can't accept the help.

Quote from: Jefe962 on February 07, 2015, 01:57:37 PM
knowing this shitty little "community" that probably has the whole channel opped at this very moment.)
How is this even relevant? Oh right, it isn't. Moving on...

Quote from: Jefe962 on February 07, 2015, 01:57:37 PM
because I did indeed scrap it because it doesn't fucking work
No. You're scrapping it because you can't be bothered to fix some bugs.

Quote from: Jefe962 on February 07, 2015, 01:57:37 PM
Anything else I need to cover?
Go in the woods and hit the trees to blow off your excess steam. Or something, just calm down and get your act together.


I come here to find hacks of a great game to play. there have bee nso many . No one forced the author to post his hack here so a little repect would be appreciated and tone the langage down. I am a 55 year old man and can brush it off but there are a lot of young people who might like playing Super Metroid and come to this site. Thank you.


Glad to have you in the forums piush. Always nice to see a variety of ages here in the community  :^_^:

So, besides all that has already been said, I will add one point. This topic is in the wrong section of the forums since, you know, it can't be completed properly in-game. Which means I don't think it'll be able to be put in the hacks section either. Just from what I've gathered.


First Aphex Twin takes a massive Soundcloud dump, and now a new SM Hack.. arrives.
Could this week get any better?

Edit: read the thread, heard hack seems promising just needs fixes, dev is being a cunt, no longer interested.


Looks like a lot of stuff has happened over the last 24 hours, so I apologise if i missed something. . .

I didn't think I'd like anything about this hack, from what i'd seen of you I didn't think you'd have the patience or the maturity to make a hack. In all honesty, I offered to test your hack in the hope that I could help you to make something the community would like. It turned out I was completely wrong, you're an impressively skilled hacker: your level design is really impressive (seriously dude, I wish I could make rooms look half as good as yours) and I understand that some of the other things (ASM and hex etc) can be really daunting and challenging, I know at 14 I would've said it was all impossible. It's such a shame that this has fallen at the last hurdle, as I got to beta the entire hack apart from the last area and it was a lot of fun. If you could just fix some of the issues, I know this would likely compete for best hack of the year. If you haven't completely gone off the rails it would be good to chat with you after I have a look at things (I'll see if i can figure out whats what ASAP) to see if we can get this sorted. I know I'm not the only one that was excited about this hack, which means a lot for something based upon an unpopular physics change. It would be gutting for you to give up now, I hope this can get sorted so everyone can play through the entirety of a great hack. Chin up mate, I'm sure this will all be sorted soon :^_^:


Quote from: SlyPork on February 07, 2015, 06:27:12 PMSo, besides all that has already been said, I will add one point. This topic is in the wrong section of the forums since, you know, it can't be completed properly in-game. Which means I don't think it'll be able to be put in the hacks section either. Just from what I've gathered.

Agree. This topic should be moved to Super Metroid. It is not completed


Shame really, I'm a half hour in and it's great. A proper hack. If Jefe wasn't being a brat, I'd gladly beta test.

Protip: You'll get more honest and sincere help if you don't call the community shitty.

Go vent, come back, we'll likely all help you to finish this, it honestly has great potential.
Just don't burn bridges, I've been there, it sucks.

Edit: 2 hours later: I really don't understand.. This is an amazing solid hack.
It's up there in the upper echelon, which only confuses me more because the developer is acting like a teenager.
To be fair, I don't know the ages of you lot. Some of you are old farts like me, some are tweens and all between. What gives?
This deserves attention and love, as stated before this is the last stretch, the final step. You made the game,
now it's time to fix the bugs. This is the final step we all take and sometimes it's the most cumbersome and agitating,
but what motivates us is that we're near the finish line. Chin up, don't be a bitch.


I know all the feedback is positive, but. A lot of bugs have been covered and fixed, but I believe there is only one bug that stops the game from being finished. It's involved with Flipped Kraid's room's palette not loading, but when Grime fixes up other stuff (who has opted to take part in fixing things) and I get the ROM back, I think I have the solution.
So yes, Arrival may Arrive after all.


Glad to hear it, jiffy.  I look forward to giving this a playthrough once you finish patching things up.


Take your time.  Doing it right is more important than doing it quick.  We'll all still be here.



Journey's End Fleetingly Enjoyed
Jury Enumerates Flaws Encountered
Jefe Embraces Fixing Errors
Joyful Experience For Everyone


Aside from some soon to be fixed issues, this is a 'Grade A' hack!
Well done!  :grin:


I'm going over every single room and fixing the BTS, removing permastucks and writing down little quirks to fix (mostly enemy placement and stuff) after I'm done with that, then I should have something pretty solid to pass back to jefe (poop joke). Kraid's only issue is that his tileset palette doesn't load, it's just pitch black. Botwoon glitches out and disappears shortly after popping out of his hole (can probably copy/paste original AI to fix). Lava tilemap is screwed up a little, also should be easy to fix. There's a bunch of totally destroyed rooms, but it's intentional since he grabbed their level data for other rooms. Hack is in good shape, I think. Assuming no unforseen disasters, I should be done on my end in a day or so.


I'd like to add that it's nice to see the community coming together to get this done.  After all, we all want the same thing - some great hacks to play. :^_^:


Damn, can't leave GTs room. Game freezes, and get this, if I let the acid kill me, death freeze.

Well.. my last savestation was about an hours ago.
/puts kettle on

Edit: ship doesn't take off, also extremely anti-climactic ending for such a great hack...


Quote from: Grime on February 08, 2015, 03:38:10 PM
I'm going over every single room and fixing the BTS, removing permastucks and writing down little quirks to fix (mostly enemy placement and stuff) after I'm done with that, then I should have something pretty solid to pass back to jefe (poop joke). Kraid's only issue is that his tileset palette doesn't load, it's just pitch black. Botwoon glitches out and disappears shortly after popping out of his hole (can probably copy/paste original AI to fix). Lava tilemap is screwed up a little, also should be easy to fix. There's a bunch of totally destroyed rooms, but it's intentional since he grabbed their level data for other rooms. Hack is in good shape, I think. Assuming no unforseen disasters, I should be done on my end in a day or so.

In addition, the item index' should be indexed, there's lots of repeats, and one with a high making it infinite. And 2 crashes: GT room after defeated, 1 room in maridia that leads to an item.


Well I'm 45 minutes into this hack and I'm enjoying it.  I really hope Jefe doesn't give up on it as there's real potential here.


Quote from: WindowHead
In addition, the item index' should be indexed, there's lots of repeats, and one with a high making it infinite. And 2 crashes: GT room after defeated, 1 room in maridia that leads to an item.
Can I get more specifics on messed up item indexes? That'll save some time later. Still doing other stuff.

EDIT: since jefe's already posted his anyway, I'm gonna post mine too so people can keep finding stuff to fix. I'm still working on it:


And if anybody wants to look around in it with SMILE, here's an Arrival MDB that excludes the 104 broken SMILE-crashing rooms:


-Hack still isn't beatable. Phantoon needs to set the endgame escape timer with 30 seconds. Right now, dropping into the landing site from above after powerbombing the floor of room 7DE4D is still where the hack ends. Also, Phantoon can be frozen by the Spazer/Plasma combo (you can't fight him in this version of the patch unless you QuickMet into his room btw)

-Some map icons need to be repositioned

-Structural adjustments in room parts with particularly bad camera snaps

-More enemies (and more variety of enemies) throughout the game. Pretty lacking right now.

-Some palette adjustments. Only a few needed.

-Bomb Torizo fight is kinda janky with him appearing out of thin air, and sometimes being 'stuck' on the platform above Samus until you move further left. Also need to look into Golden Torizo crash.

-Item indexes that WindowHead mentioned and probably some unreported, also need to double-check door indexes


-Kraid fight
-Botwoon fight
-Phantoon's glitchy doors and palette transition
-Instances of palette 0000 in the enemies allowed list changed to 0001 (this fixes enemies missing their hurt flash and ammo pick-ups from enemies blinking ugly colors)
-Morphlock ASM applied for sloped morph tunnels
-Flickering lava tilemap
-Some unfair enemy placements (still in the process)
-Countless slope/BTS errors and permastucks.
-Grapple releases into spinjump pose
-Items play sound clips instead of silence or fanfare; major upgrades = plasma SBA sound, ammo expansions = click.
-X-ray beam flaring out weirdly and producing gray blocks around HUD icons
-Buggy backflip code remnants removed, hold down to skip bomb jumping added.


The topic title could probably do with an update too, since it looks like we're on 1.05, not 1.04.


There was infact no X-Ray in the hack, so that can be ruled out.
Also, I'm gonna put Grime's version to v1.1, since it seems complete and new.


It's not a complete version, dude. Just something for people to scour for more bugs.