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MetConst Community Race

Started by MetroidMst, January 13, 2015, 07:38:43 PM

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Race Hack: Super Metroid Limit
Race Date: 3-28-2015
Race Time: 2PM EST

You have a week to #gitgud


Yay that means I was victorious! I like this idea. Sounds like it could have some interesting results.


I'll have you know I did not die once during the Stardust race.  Though I did finish every boss fight with depleted reserves and critical health, and get Hatchlinged three times.


Three? I thought it was only twice. :lol:

On topic: I like this idea, I tend to lose interest in speed running a game (So not much chance of me spending a month practising ala Stardust) so this sounds like a fun way to do it. I'll have to see when I'm free in March.


No, it was three times.  Once normally, once again after farming the Norfair pre-Tourian Kago, and one more time on the final trip after getting enough PBs to be able to Crystal Flash.  It was quite awkward.


I'll pass on this one. I might join in the mumble but not going to play. Since I don't play hacks much, I will probably be playing blind. I am not a fan of going in blind... For all we know, it could be redesign... :heheh: (in before everyone drops out at that point.) The concept sounds nice but for me, I will pass.

~ SpoOkyMagician


Quote from: MetroidMst on January 13, 2015, 07:38:43 PMand then a week before I name drop a hack so rad you'll be in tears and pulling your hair out if you still have it.
Inb4 Mst makes a So Little Hack especially for this race and everyone plays blind.


Quote from: SpoOkyMagician on January 15, 2015, 01:01:49 AM
For all we know, it could be redesign...
Quote from: MetroidMstand definitely not of one that is huge


Don't worry about the size of the hack, a few of us expressed those concerns in IRC towards Mst. I'm assuming even a blind playthrough shouldn't take more than a couple hours (if it's more I will slap you Misty :heheh:)

Quote from: Hawntah on January 15, 2015, 05:29:19 AM
Inb4 Mst makes a So Little Hack especially for this race and everyone plays blind.
Well, there were some requests for good hacks to be released in order for us to do this, so any So Little hack is out the question :grin:


To be honest, it will need to be given some consideration.  I remember back when I first played Redesign, and my end time was way up around eight or nine hours.  I've seen plenty of others since who have also had high times.  That's obviously not feasible for any kind of community run.


Ah, I didn't see that part MST. Well, as long as it's not big, that's fine. Still not sure if I wanna join. I will just wait and see in March.

~ SpoOkyMagician


Alright, so I'm locking the voting now. It is a tie between the 21st and 28th, but I think we'll go with the 28th to give some space between the Fusion race and this race. On the 21st I will drop the hack, and then you've got a week to #gitgud at it and smash them WRs. (Looking at you Monster and Quietus) WHAT WILL IT BE? Who knows!

Time again at 2PM EST, since that seems to fall in the middle of everyone except weird people.


Quote from: MetroidMst on February 16, 2015, 09:11:43 PM(Looking at you Monster and Quietus)
Hehe, you always single me out.  You do realise that all I've done is made an averagely-skilled 100% run of Stardust, and had one race through Vanilla with you and DSO (and others), and you both beat me, right? :^_^:

I'll wait to see what hack it is... :suspect:


I think you should only give, like. a days notice of what the game/hack will be. Then everyone will really be scrambling. Only the truly lucky ones will have played the hack earlier in the week... ouch.
Anyway, this sounds like fun since it's less spend-months-TASing-the-hack-beforehand oriented. I might join in.


Time to play every hack made so I can't be surprised.


I think I shall try to join you all, with a goal of, um, "not finishing last."

must... clean... rooms...... every time...


I won't be able to participate. I have paintball scheduled for this date. :( Good luck to all who race.


I have moved this topic to the Shinespark Forum, seeing as its about racing, speaking of racing though, I might see if I can join sometime though the time difference makes it hard...


Well, 30 minutes until its the 21st here. (not sure what TZ MST is in.) I can't wait to find out what it is. :^_^:

~ SpoOkyMagician


It's about 12:45am where he and I are at, he's on mumble right now, and we've asked him to. His response was, "When I wake up."

So yeah.



Race is at 2PM EST. You only get a week to prepare, not a week and some extra hours.


I suppose the community race will always be Metroid related but I was just thinking the SNES version of Street Fighter 2 would make a pretty awesome (and unpredictable) race.  A side race perhaps, kind of like the M1 race I was brutally massacred in recently....


Oh right. I suppose that is true. I'll be back later then.

~ SpoOkyMagician


Because I'm nice, I'm giving you all an extra 1:40 to deal with the hack. HAVE FUN IF YOU CAN.


We all knew if we just spammed POST HACK enough that you'd give in and reveal it early. :grin: