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Metroid - Rogue Dawn

Started by Grimlock, August 02, 2014, 11:44:31 AM

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In drawing, its recommended to work "from the general to the specific". You need to be able to lay down a foundation of fundamental goals and ideas that are achievable. A gesture. From there you have to be malleable. Unless you know exactly the depth of your skill and knowledge, (which you don't since you're a rom hacker aka. amateur game design enthusiast), you're going to find challenges or even roadblocks. You're going to learn what you like and what works, what doesn't. You'll receive feedback.

To have a preconceived notion of what the finished product will be is to have a tombstone, not a plan.


Hey @Grimlock i know you've got few time to spare and things expand on your project thus it's difficult to set up, but I'm developing a hack myself and though am interested in those advances @snarfblam is doing for Editroid (i guess v 4.0).
Is it possible to narrow down the date for a newer Editroid version? (i guess it will be when Rogue Dawn gonna make its appearance...)
Don't get me wrong i'm asking just because i want to hack myself and i want to use all opportunities like slope detection, advanced door transitions, wall jumps, greater memory usage and so on.
Finally thanks Grimlock and snarfblam for all your efforts!! Great work!
'Til then i will continue working on graphics and music. Cheers!


What did Snarfblam exactly do for this hack?

I get the idea Optomon's part is being ignored too much...


What everyone has done for this hack:

Edit somewhere between 95% and 99% of all the graphics
Create a large number of animations seen throughout the game
Design and create the in game areas. (Level design)
Add in screen loading code (code provided by Snarfblam)
Modify the games structures and area layouts to add in Snarfblam's slope detection.

Created the original Editroid and vastly upgraded it for the purpose of enhancing this hack.
Utilized ASM available for Metroid such as health blocks and the mini map and enhanced them.
Wrote custom ASM for this hack (custom abilities, weapon mods, area specific ASM and more).
Created the graphics for the game over screen.
Built the intro and menu systems (per an agreed upon design).
Built the game ending sequence (graphics by Grimlock)
Shared input and ideas for the game as a whole.

Replaced the existing music and sound engine.
Wrote original music for all of the new areas as well as music for specific screens.
Wrote custom ASM for music transitions/ fade outs as well as a few other music issues.
Created new sound effects for the game (+ eliminated the annoying low health alarm)
Shared input and ideas for the game as a whole.

A few tiles and a couple sprites from the Roidz hack, some ASM by others, play testing.  (Will give full credit in readme and if possible in the game ending credits.)

I'm probably missing a few items but as you can see everyone directly involved has done a tremendous amount of work.


I'm really impressed, and i guess in know how much work and time is required to hack.
I can't put into words how much i long for Rogue and the new Editroid Version.


Same here Flower. Just in less beautiful terms:




Quote from: AuroraxPhilic on October 21, 2016, 12:58:36 PM
=> blerk!  :pale:

But i won't topic on anything political here, never mind! ;)


Say... Grimlock, when do we begin testing?


Soon, there was a few level design burps and a few ASM hiccups to work out. 


Some animated screenshots for those patiently waiting!   :grin:


I still love the rain animations. :^_^:


Is there anything you can give to the ones who are impatiently waiting? :nod:

Just kidding. I can't state enough, your work looks amazing godlike. And the longer it takes, the better this will become.


Quote from: Grimlock on October 24, 2016, 06:16:46 AM
Some animated screenshots for those patiently waiting!   :grin:

I can't say enough how beutiful this looks. Looking forward to play the game (wich i have no doubt will be worth the waiting).


How can you even describe this without making and understatement? Amazing craftmanship.

A Dummy

That's some amazing work Grimlock, it doesn't even feel like I'm looking at an NES game anymore and more like one of those 8-bit indie titles like Shovel Knight and Axiom Verge.


That's exactly what was on my mind.

I'm actually gonna admit I think this looks better than Super Metroid.


first image: space pirates huh, what are those ugly glowing things on the wall? l o l
second image: all these animations are great, I especially like the moving line that bobs up and down on the VERY left edge of the screen
third image: chozo orbs don't even animate? 0/0

rouge dusk looks pretty nifty, but better than super metroid huh, maybe you guys are over-hyping yourselves a bit? I'm expecting nestroid with a few minor tweaks, and if I get more than that, cool. Hope the level design works well, with how good the single screens look.
obligatory 'i'm just kidding' because some people don't get jokes, I purposefully went out of my way to find things I didn't like in the images for satirical purposes


There's no hype for me, as I have plenty of games I need to finish.

I really like the art style of this. Personally, I like this better (graphically) than Super.

But now you have said that, I can't stop thinking about glowing Chozo Orbs whenever I look at the third picture again.



That better be a joke, @squishy_ichigo . If it's not, you really do not like the NEStroid what so ever; and I think that's extremely disgusting of you.

...if--if it is a joke...than...fuck I took the b8 m8. (I really doubt that though...)


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on October 24, 2016, 05:42:55 PM
first image: space pirates huh, what are those ugly glowing things on the wall? l o l
second image: all these animations are great, I especially like the moving line that bobs up and down on the VERY left edge of the screen
third image: chozo orbs don't even animate? 0/0

rouge dusk looks pretty nifty, but better than super metroid huh, maybe you guys are over-hyping yourselves a bit? I'm expecting nestroid with a few minor tweaks, and if I get more than that, cool. Hope the level design works well, with how good the single screens look.

obligatory 'i'm just kidding' because some people don't get jokes, I purposefully went out of my way to find things I didn't like in the images for satirical purposes

Hmm... no, I don't think anyone gets it.  Actually you had me thinking for a second (or about an hour or two "ish") that the NEStroid hate was migrating from the IRC to the main forum.  I know some of it is in jest but it gets pretty irritating that you can't talk about NEStroid on the IRC without people barking out how much they hate NEStroid.  I mean really, if people are going to be dicks (or pretend to be), at least put some effort into it and make it funny or something... "NEStroid sucks" was funny like before the first time it was said, then it was like "uhhh yea "O" "K", thanks for expressing the hate".

Honestly, your post doesn't read as a joke, if that's what you intended then maybe you should re-read it???  It reads more like you're having a bad day, or maybe slammed a few too many down the chug hatch, and then decided to troll the NEStroid forum since that's the fun thing to do on the IRC.  If you were just joking then fine whatever but just know that I'm really pretty spent on the whole "NEStroid hate club" in the Super Metroid hacking crowd around here.  There was a time I wanted to create a Super Metroid tile set and toss it out there for anyone to use but at this point, probably NOT going to happen....


Still, the non-glowing Chozo Orbs stick out for me now, even if it was just a joke.

But the rest is plain art. Good art.


Quote from: Thirteen1355 on October 25, 2016, 06:44:52 AM
Still, the non-glowing Chozo Orbs stick out for me now, even if it was just a joke.

But the rest is plain art. Good art.

It's a Chozo "ruin" theme and the orbs are crumbling stone (part of a statue), why should they glow?


It wasn't my intention to get you upset Grimlock, so if I did, sorry about that. I go to far at times, and this is just another example of that. I thought that it was written to be fairly obvious that it was a joke, but then people didn't think that so I added the disclaimer, but even that wasn't enough I guess.
I rather like everything that I've seen about Rogue Dawn so far, and as far as NEStroid goes I am hyped to get to play it. The things I pointed out were really just silly things I pointed out because rather than praise how amazing a person is for existing I prefer to give criticism, it's just how I discuss works on the forum. I went too far, and twisted what could have been constructive criticism into a satire of that to poke fun at people who only ever post things like 'wow, this is good'. I actually kinda like NEStroid. Which is why I started working on a hack for it. It's quite different from other Metroids, and the gameplay feels kinda quirky, but it has its charm. Sorry guys, I can come across as a real faggot sometimes.[/spoiler]

what my comment could have been:
The glowing red things in the first image are rather odd though, they just look off to me. The overwhelmingness of the blue in the second image is a bit much for my taste as well. Otherwise, everything looks great. Great job, and what not. The rain is especially nice.


I think the red thingys in the first image bring life to the place, not only because they are animated.

Just like when power returned to the Wrecked Ship in SM. Suddenly, everything had strange glowing lights and beeps.
Otherwise, the place would look a bit abandoned and dead.

I can understand the criticism about the blue room, though.