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Metroid - Rogue Dawn

Started by Grimlock, August 02, 2014, 11:44:31 AM

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Critizism..? really? Come on! The hack looks absolutely stellar and I cannot wait to get my hands on this extremely impressive hack! To this day, I havent found a game that has drawn me in as Metroid for NES. The atmosphere, difficulty, music.. aww.. it was mindblowing back in the 80´s and still are!

Dont tell me that the item room music doesnt give you goosebumps! :P

SO, back on topic. It all looks incredible and it´s gonna be amazing to play it :)

Hope it will be released in a near future :D


Quote from: sikkan on October 25, 2016, 10:23:35 AM
Critizism..? really? Come on!
There is such a thing as constructive criticism, which is not only welcome, but often requested by hack creators.


I am extremely defensive against anything thrown at NEStroid. It is so SO S O, unbearably made fun of, and that just isn't fair. When it comes to editing graphics on NES, it is harder than doing so on the NES without it looking ugly or odd; so the mere fact that Grimlock has pulled it off exceeding well (with the help of Snarf) is absolutely incredible.

It disappoints me that more people don't hack NEStroid; many people working on it could have made the game just even more better, as well as more tolerable to those who don't like Nestroid at all; to see it in a new light.

I'm tired of NEStroid getting hate just for the sake of being hated. Nestroid isn't John Cena man. So stop hating it just because everyone else is doing it!

Also...fuck I took the b8. I have failed -- wait-what? Kurosaki-San, you're making a NEStroid hack!? New Spin!? Well bigger shit. #Untriggered

Also, based in Ichigo's harsh words, I do see some room for improvement in the environments Grimlock; but ehh whatever, it's too far in development to really be bothered by it.


Quote from: Quietus on October 25, 2016, 03:07:45 PM
Quote from: sikkan on October 25, 2016, 10:23:35 AM
Critizism..? really? Come on!
There is such a thing as constructive criticism, which is not only welcome, but often requested by hack creators.
I agree, but complaining about a not glowing orb from the chozo-statue is prolly something the dev has chosen  for a reason, so I didnt find that very constructive.


Quote from: sikkan on October 26, 2016, 02:25:38 AMcomplaining about a not glowing orb from the chozo-statue is prolly something the dev has chosen  for a reason
I wouldn't go as far as to say 'complaining'. One user hinted at having it animate (or why it wasn't animated), another agreed, and the creator clarified that it was an aesthetic choice to better fit the ruin theme. I don't think anybody has mentioned it since.


Quote from: Grimlock on October 25, 2016, 06:59:39 AM
It's a Chozo "ruin" theme and the orbs are crumbling stone (part of a statue), why should they glow?

Because it's all... magic!
I don't know. Most Chozo statues in Zero Mission had glowing eyes for example. I just thought it would fit. But if you think it doesn't fit at all, that's your choice.


We're moving back into music integration.  If there's no game crashers discovered we'll be good to go.  :cool:


Conditions seem Optomon.
Grimlock 'n' load, people!
Snarfblam, blam, BLAM! :grin:


Oh god those puns. The wince...the awesome wince!

You better have made it a challenge for me to break Grimmy. I like hard stuff. :P


Beta ROM distribution is now underway!   :cool:

EDIT: The Beta distribution is complete!

The beta starts now and will end in one week (November 6th), please have all your feedback submitted on or before November 7th so we can work any issues during the week and release the following weekend!  Thanks for your help everyone!

You will receive a PM with instructions and my contact email address for this beta.  After you receive the PM please email me with your user name in the title so I know you're on board for the beta test.

Here's the distribution list:

(sorry if you didn't make the list, we're already well beyond my original limit.  We should have a final release VERY soon!)

Metroid MST
Infinitys end
Dr Floppy
Christopher Taber

RT 55J
Mayo chan

John Enigma
el seyf
Ryan Williams

If I told anyone previously that they could help but I missed you on the list please let me know!   :nod:



Well... It's time to break Rogue Dawn. Let's do this sh!t. *puts on glasses


Quote from: Grimlock on October 30, 2016, 05:05:16 AM
The beta starts now and will end in one week (November 6th), please have all your feedback submitted on or before November 7th so we can work any issues during the week and release the following weekend!  Thanks for your help everyone!

So, if i understood this right, the release date will be around November 13th? That would be, if everything goes acording to plan and no mayor game breaking bug/s is/are found, right?

This last days will be diffilcult to endure >,< but hell yeah we will! :D


I'm just checking this today. xP Welp, time to play this til I drop.


Can't wait for this to release! Take your time, guys.


I would like to thank all of our play testers who participated in our final beta!  We got a lot of really good feedback from the group!  We have addressed the issues as best we can at this point.  There is a few final items remaining but we're in the final steps.  Below is a draft list of participants, I'm posting it for everyone to review and offer up any corrections in spelling or that it's even the correct name (I had to guess on a few based on the email address), or if your name is missing entirely.

My apologizes for the delay, the lengthy process getting through the beta testing was anticipated with the large scale group and my current availability. 

Participant list:

" " = name requested to appear as "..." in credits

Metroid MST   :<_<:
Mayo-Chan "Mayo"
Marvin Wimbush
Molly Anderson
Jacob Maxner
Sacred Hooves
Advanced Pillow
John Enigma
Laputan Machine
Jony Marcondes
Rickard Siira
Omar Yakovlev
"Koh1fds"   "chikadubi"
Qwaser Tresa
Megamanmodelt101 "MEGA MAN MODEL T 101"
El_seyf   "El_seyf"
Gamerhenky  to use: "Hengki Kusuma Adi" or "Hengki"
Shinespark "Shinespark1983"
Giovani (cospefogo) "GIOVANI-COSPEFOGO" or "COSPEFOGO"

37 signed on for beta testing, 35 34 followed through, I'd certainly call that a success!  :^_^:

Please post any corrections required or use the beta testing email address provided previously. 



Quote from: Thirteen1355 on December 12, 2016, 12:37:40 PM
Where's Rabbitbones?

The list is for people who provided feedback (participated), not a list of people who received a beta ROM.  I'll double check my MC PMs to see if Rabbitbones provided feedback, it would be best if Rabbitbones responded personally if there is an error or omission though.

EDIT: Rabbitbones provided feedback through an MC PM (instead of the provided email), that's why the name was initially missed.  I added Rabbitbones to the list.


Ah, nice.

Not that Rabbitbones is me or something...


So how long till us non-beta people can get their grubby little hands on Rouge One Dawn


I noticed I'm only listed twice and one is spelled wrong. It's just MetroidMst, though if you feel shame for only listing me twice, ShyGuy, FlyGuy, and Tutankhamun can be used as well. :P


Quote from: Scout1297 on December 12, 2016, 04:19:12 PM
So how long till us non-beta people can get their grubby little hands on Rouge One Dawn

When it's finished.

I wish people would quit asking this :/


Quote from: biospark on December 12, 2016, 04:55:44 PM
When it's finished.

I wish people would quit asking this :/

;-; you didn't think I wouldn't read the fine print did you?


Just sit here and keep refreshing the page. It'll be here sooner than you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Quote from: MetroidMst on December 12, 2016, 04:55:01 PM
I noticed I'm only listed twice and one is spelled wrong. It's just MetroidMst, though if you feel shame for only listing me twice, ShyGuy, FlyGuy, and Tutankhamun can be used as well. :P

Once for producing that kick azz trailer video and once for beta testing of course.  By the way I decided to add something where you wall jumped back (backtracked) to that place.  You expected to find something wicked up there so that's what I added, something awesomely wicked.  :cool:

Then there was that whole back stab thing, that happened too.....   :stern:  :nod: