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Started by TROM, May 23, 2014, 10:01:19 AM

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hmm so far i have played look this hack good.

but i have found me stuck.
After defeating Bombtorizo i cannot make Progress.
O know i need Supers but it is impossible to find some for me.
Someone wrote that i find my first pack in Sea Lab but something is missing that i can reach there.
Can someone help me?


Go to "Wind Tower" up and find something you need to progress!! (don't forget to open "twin doors" there)

HINTS : when you explore areas, NOTE bomb, "twin doors", Grapples....placements! To go back there when you get the items!

A Dummy

Discovered a rather annoying bug.
When you have the [spoiler]Boost Ball[/spoiler] equipped the Springball jump height is half of what it was before getting the item. (Good thing I can toggle equipment.)

Jump height when not equipped.

Jump height when equipped.

Great hack though, I particularly love all the different sprites for all the enemies.
Although it's sometimes a little unclear where I need to go. (I ended up unlocking Tourian just trying to find the Wave Beam. XD)

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: A Dummy on April 17, 2016, 11:54:40 PM
Discovered a rather annoying bug.
When you have the [spoiler]Boost Ball[/spoiler] equipped the Springball jump height is half of what it was before getting the item. (Good thing I can toggle equipment.)

Jump height when not equipped.

Jump height when equipped.

Great hack though, I particularly love all the different sprites for all the enemies.
Although it's sometimes a little unclear where I need to go. (I ended up unlocking Tourian just trying to find the Wave Beam. XD)

The Boost Ball is meant to do that. It's not a bug. Yea i don't love that either but it's not a big deal. Just take it off and put it on when you need it.

A Dummy

Well, I finished this hack yesterday, overall I quite enjoyed it.
Time: 12:25
Percent: 69%
I especially loved all of the different sprites and tilesets used everywhere.
And I will always like it when a hack wants me to use missiles for fighting enemies earlier on.
I had fun using the Screw Attack in this hack, I didn't know having the Screw Attack do less damage made it more fun to use, as it gave more of a "buzzsaw cutting through enemies" feel to it.

I'll admit some of the magic was lost for me once I noticed that the map was based off of the Vanilla map, but I mark this down as more off a personal issue than a problem with the hack itself.
And I didn't even notice this until after I got the map of the Fire Unit, and the rooms themselves were very different so I think you still did a good job.

I still had a few gripes with this hack.

One small one is all the one-way paths that are everywhere, I mean I get wanting players to move in a certain direction, especially the first time going through an area, but this just ends up padding out the game length when trying to revist areas and explore. This didn't annoy me too much, but I still thought it was worth noting.

The lower morphball jump height with the boost ball equipped was also a bit of a bother, but only because it's not quite high enough to go through the twin doors smoothly, otherwise I was fine with it since areas are designed around it.

On the Plasma Beam's location.
[spoiler]I had an easy enough time finding the room where it was kept, but because of this gate and it's glitched graphic I ended up turning back thinking I needed the Plasma Beam to destroy it. (Also thinking I was going to get the Plasma Beam for beating Ridley.)
I only knew to go back here because I looked at the interactive map someone made and saw that it was in that room I had previously written off.
I can accept this is more of user error on my part, but I still think it would be nice if something was done to encourage players to investigate more instead of turning back when they're right where they need to be.[/spoiler]

And lastly on the end of the hack... (Incoming rant.)
[spoiler]I thought this part was weird and kind of a let down.
It just kinda ends with no real reason as to why things start exploding, there was a bit of tension going on like I was about to run into something big, but then nothing, I guess there was the ninja pirate mini-bosses aka "Stand on the other side of the wall and shoot them with 50 charge shots."
I'm sure Mother Brain is probably some kind of coding nightmare which is why most hack don't really do anything with her, so I can understand just completely removing her.
But I would've liked just a little more something at the end to give context as to why things are exploding like "Hitting some kind of button or switch to activate planetary self-destruct so the enemies can't reproduce any more Serum" or "I took the Serum I was sent to find and it set off a time-bomb trap all Indiana Jones style" just something besides "I walked into the next room, and, explosions". (Ranting nitpicking over.)[/spoiler]

Overall I still think this is a great hack that's worth at least checking out, if nothing else I think it's worth playing for the different sprites and tilesets alone.
I give this a 4/5.


I watched the LP of BaltisMC, and I really loved the look of your hack. Definitely going to test out the ultimate version to see how the enemy placement has been improved. But great enemy sprites! Really loved the sidehoppers and desgigas.


I just got bombs and charge beam, have circled the planet like three times, and have no idea where I'm supposed to go to advance. 

Edit:  Never mind.  I think I found it. 

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: Firebrand on May 04, 2016, 03:40:35 AM
I watched the LP of BaltisMC, and I really loved the look of your hack. Definitely going to test out the ultimate version to see how the enemy placement has been improved. But great enemy sprites! Really loved the sidehoppers and desgigas.

That's exactly how i found it was watching BaltisMC too. I can say now the Ultimate version is better. It even buffs the weakened Screw Attack.


Quote from: Steel Sparkle on May 15, 2016, 04:17:41 PM
Quote from: Firebrand on May 04, 2016, 03:40:35 AM
I watched the LP of BaltisMC, and I really loved the look of your hack. Definitely going to test out the ultimate version to see how the enemy placement has been improved. But great enemy sprites! Really loved the sidehoppers and desgigas.

That's exactly how i found it was watching BaltisMC too. I can say now the Ultimate version is better. It even buffs the weakened Screw Attack.

I knew I saw your name somewhere before :D Glad to see another BaltisMC fan around!

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: Firebrand on May 17, 2016, 07:06:24 AM
Quote from: Steel Sparkle on May 15, 2016, 04:17:41 PM
Quote from: Firebrand on May 04, 2016, 03:40:35 AM
I watched the LP of BaltisMC, and I really loved the look of your hack. Definitely going to test out the ultimate version to see how the enemy placement has been improved. But great enemy sprites! Really loved the sidehoppers and desgigas.

QuoteThat's exactly how i found it was watching BaltisMC too. I can say now the Ultimate version is better. It even buffs the weakened Screw Attack.

Im the guy that gave him the save file when his PC crapped out :3 Anyways enjoy this hack it's a lot of fun. Trom did a god job on it.


I'm definitely going to give it a try sometime. But at the moment I still need to finish Escape 2  :lol:  Need to get my a** up again and finish it already, being really lazy lately.


Post a New version with new endding....and some minors modifications...  At last, we know what happened to the serum!!!


Still working on this one.  Totally compatible with existing saves I assume?


Yep....You just might have problem with the map if the saves where made on old version ( without hexagon map)...But instead of that, it works fine!

Steel Sparkle

May i ask why is this here and can it be obtained?


don't understand  what you're talking about.... the spoiler is empty....

Steel Sparkle

I changed it to just a link to the pic. should be fine now.


doesn't work anymore....the pic do not appear 404 error!

tell me what item you could'n catch!

Steel Sparkle

thoughts and answer your question about that spoiler earlier.
[spoiler]To the left of the purple gate at the door there is a missile pack that is just there and cannot be gotten.

Now for my thoughts on the latest version.
I had a lot of fun with this just like i did the first time. I think the changes are welcomed and the game isn't too hard but ain't super easy. Im really glad to say the game has some kind of ending now but i won't fully say what it is not to spoil it completely. It actually ret cons what you do in the game as you killed this boss earlier.

Lastly i know a lot of people complain about the physics but i had no trouble with them and they remind of Zero Mission a lot. All in all i give it a 4/5. Not perfect and the ending could be better but still a really fun hack.
My Time: 4:05
Item Percent:74% (is that 100% for this hack?)[/spoiler]


Quote from: Steel Sparkle on June 01, 2016, 05:41:04 PM[spoiler]Item Percent:74% (is that 100% for this hack?)[/spoiler]
Unless it's been changed, I believe it was reported earlier that 76 is.

A Dummy

For reference, this is the screenshot he was trying to show earlier, it should display now. (Had to remove the ".png")

Just gave the new ending a run through.
I have to say that does wrap things up much nicer, although you might want to remove the ceiling blocks because some of the attacks get blocked by them, and if possible you may want to raise the damage the boss deals, 1 damage is only so scary by end game. lol

Also thanks for revisting this and giving it another small update to polish things out a little more.

Steel Sparkle

Thanks dummy and thanks Quietus. Yea that was the screenshot i was trying to show off. Tiny pic wouldn't work. So i just tried to link the pic directly and i failed that too  :lol:


My goodness how much damage does Ridley take?  I think I hit him with close to 30 supers and probably just as many charged plasma shots and I don't think I even changed his color?  Am I missing something here? 

Steel Sparkle

[spoiler]He is weak to Supers and missiles. be sure to stock up on those. Charge beam is all but useless in this hack.[/spoiler]


Yeah I'm sorry I even asked.  Did it that way and he fell with little fuss.  Too used to fighting him in vanilla where my initial approach takes him down easily. 

Edit:  So I beat this.  In it's current form, after all the revisions, this is a solid, solid hack.  Great graphical edits, and, even though it's based on the original map and is technically a half-hack, it certainly feels like an entirely different world.  Very intense from an exploration standpoint and not hard but also not a pushover.  The physics as currently designed didn't bother me too badly.  The puzzles and colored gates were well-executed.

Complaints mirror most.  Needs more shortcuts.  Some of your one-way doors should stay open once utilized from the other side.  Way too much backtracking through a massive world and way too hard to know/remember where to go at times.  I had to look up a few things simply because I would get an item, know I had seen somewhere to use it, but just couldn't remember and would get frustrated after circling the planet three times not finding it.  You like invisible grapple blocks.  Spike placement in places made them impossible to avoid, a predicament of which I've never been a fan. 

Overall though this is a winner.  I started playing a much earlier version (1.1 or 1.2 I think) and quit because I hated the game.  As it's evolved from that to "Ultimate" it's way, way better, to the point where I can give it a big thumbs up and a strong recommendation.  It's a very, very good game at this point.