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Started by TROM, May 23, 2014, 10:01:19 AM

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Jiffy, use spoilers for images  :heheh:

Trom, I know many people (including myself) were discouraged from playing your hack because of the drastic physics changes. I do want to get around to beating it at some point as it does seem like a cool hack, but i never really got into it when i first played it. I know it seems silly, but many people don't like major physics changes and we're all so used to the original. So maybe consider not altering them as much for your next project and see how people react.

Also, the 'A-list' hacks is useless, a lot of people disagree with which should be green and which shouldn't, so don't feel disheartened. It may yet be an A-list hack when the main site gets redesigned :grin:


Thanks..... Maybe here, in France, are more "open" to "code breaking".....HA hA..... My hack works well in here!!!!


Quote from: Jefe962 on December 05, 2014, 01:35:42 PM
Quote from: TROM on December 05, 2014, 01:30:44 PM
Thanks for all for playing.....Your experience is interesting...I work on an other project now....Hydellius is complete....I just be disappointed because my hack is not in green in the "super metroid hack list"....many players don't like it....But which hack has total new backgrounds, ennemies, tiles..... my work is not rewarded !!!!! SOB.....

This is where your feedback comes into play. Don't expect to have an instant A-List hack as soon as you get into hacking. Things take time. For example, MetroidMst wasn't always good. (And he still isn't.) Just look at his first room...

Well still the best room ever.

Steel Sparkle

I had a lot of fun playing this hack Trom! Wonderful job and i can't wait to see what else you do in the future :3
I liked the game so much i even did an LP of it!(Iron Eagle)
My total percent was 74% which i think is this games 100%


thanks for playing....Glad to see someone enjoying playing my hack........

I don't know what a "LP" is....You know.....I'm french ...but please, tell me!


An LP is a 'Let's Play'. They're basically segmented runthroughs that people upload to Youtube.

TROM BaltisMc did.....  that's could be fun..let and see


Quote from: Steel Sparkle on January 06, 2015, 10:29:36 AM
I had a lot of fun playing this hack Trom! Wonderful job and i can't wait to see what else you do in the future :3
I liked the game so much i even did an LP of it!(Iron Eagle)
My total percent was 74% which i think is this games 100%

Sadly, the max percentage is actually 76%.

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: M1CR0H4CK3R on January 07, 2015, 02:14:26 PM
Quote from: Steel Sparkle on January 06, 2015, 10:29:36 AM
I had a lot of fun playing this hack Trom! Wonderful job and i can't wait to see what else you do in the future :3
I liked the game so much i even did an LP of it!(Iron Eagle)
My total percent was 74% which i think is this games 100%

Sadly, the max percentage is actually 76%.
Okay thanks for the info..seems i missed a couple items..Maybe next time..I still enjoyed it tho.Forgot to tell Trom if he wants to watch it search up Steel Crescent to find my channel Iron Eagle..for some reason that's how you find it..



You could just provide a Linky-Dink. :^_^:

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: Quietus on January 15, 2015, 10:54:45 AM

You could just provide a Linky-Dink. :^_^:
True XD..
My Channel
The secret is to NOT take me seriously..i joke around a ton.

Narpas Sword

Can't stop playing SM Hacks these days so I started playing Hydellius.

First thing to say: this is one of the few hacks that really makes you feel being on another planet than Zebes.
Second thing to say: I don't like the jump physics.

Will play on.


that's the end of Hydellius.... I post the last version of the hack i called "hydellius ultimate" with some minor modifications, glitches taken off....

thanks again for all who help me!


Could you give us an idea of what's new or different in this "ultimate" version?


I remove some glitches, change some enemy placements, add one room, make some enemy weaker and change the exit from the sea lab warp point... All for best game play. 


I Have a problem...



i fall in "bug zone"
help me

Steel Sparkle

Yea the same thing happend to me to John. It seems the game cannot be completed and yes i patched to the correct rom and all that fun stuff. Really sucks. I liked the changes but i encounter the same problem upon entering the room so i cannot undo the green gate to beat the game.


Quote from: Johnm on October 30, 2015, 01:23:43 AM
I Have a problem...



i fall in "bug zone"
help me
I just ran into this same bug, and I am not happy at all.

I have less items than you, but I'm also stuck at this same room with no means of backtracking


Hi Guys....Sorry for that problem on my hack.....Don't understand because i haven't this on my PC...

So...I re-send a IPS patch at the top of this topic.....Hope the problem disappears!


Quote from: TROM on November 16, 2015, 04:48:03 AM
Hi Guys....Sorry for that problem on my hack.....Don't understand because i haven't this on my PC...

So...I re-send a IPS patch at the top of this topic.....Hope the problem disappears!

It Works....

Thank you :D


This might be known and mentioned already, but nonetheless, I wanted to mention that after activating the "Wrecked Ship", the game slows down and crashes (unless one kills the 2nd frozen Ki-Hunter immediately) in the following scenario: If a (yellow) Ki-Hunter in the Wrecked Ship is frozen (or still off-screen after freezing it) and freezing a new Ki-Hunter, the crash occurs. Though it does not seem to be a game-breaking bug, but it might be useful to be aware of this.


Back again in this topic... It seems that "hydellius ultimate" was not ultimate! I decided to put some modifications for the game to be more playable.

- remove all (I think) enemies bad placements.
- modify some enemies graphics
- minor tiles change
- map boss icon fixed
- minor rooms change
- hexagon map now works! (thanks to JAM and Cpt Glitch)

A Dummy

Thanks for giving this an update, I think this will be the next hack that I play through since it's been fixed up more.

Steel Sparkle

I have been liking the small changes here and there actually. Dummy i think this is a really fun hack you will enjoy. Just a word of warning. It is big and it may take you some time to beat it.

A Dummy

Well if it's anywhere near as long as Redesign Axiel I won't complain.
That one took me 11 hours to complete, the length of some modern games, and that was with me knowing where I needed to go. XD

edit: Note to forum mods.
Shouldn't this topic be moved to Completed Stuff?  It sounds like this hack is about as finished as something can be.