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Started by TROM, May 23, 2014, 10:01:19 AM

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I agree about the zooming.  I'd also prefer it if the selectable options were toggles, so you could turn on and off whatever you wanted to view, rather than one at a time.


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on August 31, 2014, 12:22:00 PM
Christ Dani, that's impressive. You've really outdone yourself here, that seems like it could be helpful. Would be better if there were an easier way of zooming and scrolling through it, but being a .swf means it has its obvious limitations. Still, I'm really impressed, that's nicely done.
Thanks, you should look again I just made an update.

Quote from: Quietus on August 31, 2014, 12:58:09 PM
I agree about the zooming.  I'd also prefer it if the selectable options were toggles, so you could turn on and off whatever you wanted to view, rather than one at a time.
I'd like to, but did not found the way to do it.


I liked the game so far. (Im at the sandcliff so far (I think i might Sequence Breaked a bit, 'cause i used the walljump quite often))
I found there a small clipping glitch: If you are just above the missile tank (in the main room) there you can unmorph at a specific spot to move samus in the floor
(check that with a more accurate emulator please - i am using zsnes)
It is a bit strange, that you get 3 missiles per expansion pack and open a red door with 2 missiles.
*pic or video to come*


Mtgxyz, clipping through a 1-block-thick platform from above by unmorphing appropriately beneath a diagonal slope (which will force Samus to stay below it even when trying to stand up/unmoprh and causes the clip) does not depend on the emulator and is a normal, known glitch/method to get into the ground.


Usually avoided by placing a square BTS block below the slope, so it pushes you back up as soon as you morph again.


I changed the controls on my interactive map.
Using a timeline it's not possible to offer a more personalized choice.

I'm now seeking an ActionScript 3 code to show/hide a picture from a button.

Edit: Yes!!! I got it   :yay:
Now the zoom effect...


Found another permastuck in the room before the Lower Norfair elevator.  If you lack the ability to kill the Desgeega you are stuck.  Not sure why having both doors locked was necessary.


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on August 31, 2014, 12:22:00 PM
Christ Dani, that's impressive. You've really outdone yourself here, that seems like it could be helpful. Would be better if there were an easier way of zooming and scrolling through it, but being a .swf means it has its obvious limitations. Still, I'm really impressed, that's nicely done.
Quote from: Quietus on August 31, 2014, 12:58:09 PM
I agree about the zooming.  I'd also prefer it if the selectable options were toggles, so you could turn on and off whatever you wanted to view, rather than one at a time.
After 5 interactive maps and a complete reworked version of my web site in Flash, I've finally found it.
Options toggles + Zoom in/out + Mouse wheel scroll + Skin selection + Full HD map = My new template for interactive maps.


Haha, excellent work, Danidub. :cheers:


Quote from: Quietus on October 12, 2014, 10:44:46 AM
Haha, excellent work, Danidub. :cheers:

Thank you. That will be helpful for my next maps.


hi anyone know how to prevent Power bombs opening lightning doors? (when grey doors shines and could be opened)....Or where is the power bombs pointer in hex????



I don't even know where you get your first Super Missile tank.


Check the top left-hand corner of the Sea Lab. :^_^:


Okay, this hack seems great so far, except for one thing: I absolutely hate that all of the traps deal seventy damage. The enemies do a fair amount, but the spikes and steam pipes doing seventy in the early areas is just ridiculous.


Uh, I'm having bit of an issue with the game that I feel that you should fix. There's a Super Missile Tank that I can't reach because one of those green ball like creatures you can't kill in Maridia are blocking the only way to get to it. I find that poor programming and impossible to get. I think you should fix that because I can't get to it.

Never mind, excuse that outburst of mine. I figured it out. Carry on.
After a long time, I managed to beat this hack. I must say it was pretty damn good, but some of the things kinda bugged me like trying to find Super Missile. I found it with the help of a walkthrough. I might record this soon...
Clear Time:06:42 Rate for collecting items:73% I honestly thought I collected everything. Guess I didn't find everything.
I was sad I couldn't save the animals. I liked saving the animals like in the original game. This isn't an issue, but it's something that's grown upon me.


Quote from: GoldenTorizo on October 19, 2014, 03:33:02 PM
Clear Time:06:42 Rate for collecting items:73% I honestly thought I collected everything. Guess I didn't find everything.
I was sad I couldn't save the animals. I liked saving the animals like in the original game. This isn't an issue, but it's something that's grown upon me.

You can save the animals in the same place as in the original, and only during the escape sequence. What were your item totals? How many Missiles, SMs, PBs, E-Tanks, and reserves did you have? I might've found some you're missing.


TROM, I think I found a permastuck. Coming to the pictured area before getting Space Jump makes it so that you can't get back out.

It's in Fire Unit's version of Lower Norfair.


Alright, just finished.

It appears that 76% IS the maximum in this hack. TROM, you might want to use some ASM to change how many % each item is worth. To do this accurately, you'll first need to ask JAM to provide ASM to make the game automatically start you out at 6%. Next, go to 5E71B in a hex editor and change the byte there from 05 to 03. Then, if you have all items, the percentage will be 100%.


Or you could use Scyzer's ASM and just change $64 (100 in decimal) to however many items you can collect in game.


Quote from: Jordan5 on November 08, 2014, 03:30:34 PM
Or you could use Scyzer's ASM and just change $64 (100 in decimal) to however many items you can collect in game.

The only problem with this method is that it is tedious to count each expansion in the game one by one. TROM might not want to do that, so I just gave him a way that was much less tedious.


Well it's more tedious to wait for JAM seeing as he is planning to not be round much for a while, and you should know item totals etc. for your hack, so it's not that hard.


Finished again, faster this time:

I applied the hex tweak, but don't yet have JAM's ASM, so the max with the hex tweak is currently 94%. The only quantities changed from the original are Missiles (135) and Power Bombs (25). Since the 5 at 0x5E71F (PBs provided per pack) cannot be 2.5, I could only correct the Missiles at the moment.


Quote from: M1CR0H4CK3R on November 13, 2014, 12:45:54 PM
I applied the hex tweak, but don't yet have JAM's ASM, so the max with the hex tweak is currently 94%. The only quantities changed from the original are Missiles (135) and Power Bombs (25). Since the 5 at 0x5E71F (PBs provided per pack) cannot be 2.5, I could only correct the Missiles at the moment.
There's a missile pack under the left door of 7D4C2 but it is surrounded by solid blocks.


Thanks for all for playing.....Your experience is interesting...I work on an other project now....Hydellius is complete....I just be disappointed because my hack is not in green in the "super metroid hack list"....many players don't like it....But which hack has total new backgrounds, ennemies, tiles..... my work is not rewarded !!!!! SOB.....


Quote from: TROM on December 05, 2014, 01:30:44 PM
Thanks for all for playing.....Your experience is interesting...I work on an other project now....Hydellius is complete....I just be disappointed because my hack is not in green in the "super metroid hack list"....many players don't like it....But which hack has total new backgrounds, ennemies, tiles..... my work is not rewarded !!!!! SOB.....

This is where your feedback comes into play. Don't expect to have an instant A-List hack as soon as you get into hacking. Things take time. For example, MetroidMst wasn't always good. (And he still isn't.) Just look at his first room...
