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Started by TROM, May 23, 2014, 10:01:19 AM

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thank you DM for your critics....I 'm happy to see that you've played enough....

Sorry for the bugs, but it's sad , I don't see those you're talking about... Maybe, for me, they are too insignificant....

Hope somebody else tell me about it's feelings.... Bad or good.... It's always interesting to see how a game is appreciates by others!!


I've lost interest when playing it after a while, not sure why, I may try again later. I don't mind the physics changes, there are some rooms which look like a strange mess with all the new GFX. On the other hand, enemy graphical edits are nice. I think I didn't get far because I don't even remember slaying any major boss. :neutral:


Just got Shark Armor, heading down to Sea Lab. I have to play this game in increments because I get so bored playing it. Sorry but it's like a chore.
You do have some interesting rooms and nice atmospheres, perhaps it's the size and scope of massive rooms that makes me uninterested.
It's what made Golden Dawn make me feel the same way. So don't take it personally. Hell I even had the same issue with parts of Phazon Hack.

With all the mandatory planetary roundabouts to get key items, I really don't care about all the items I've see during, so % in this hack is irrelevant for me.
Time is also a bit redundant as I can't see anyone wanting to get a good time in this, after knowing this hack is a linear merry go round.

Still going to beat this, I'm committed with all the time put in. Just.. I don't know man, this would be amazing if it were 1/3rd the size and fixed up.
Had a game freeze in Wind Tower with ki hunters after Phantoon. That was shitty. Had to start all the way back from my ship. Fix that.


thanks again....For playing....

I know about the "bug" after killing phantoon.....I don't know where it comes from!!! perhaps the pirate below....I will work on it!


Quote from: TROM on June 14, 2014, 05:58:08 PM
I know about the "bug" after killing phantoon.....I don't know where it comes from!!! perhaps the pirate below....I will work on it!

The type of freeze I got felt like there was something off with your enemy settings.

Also Sea Lab is pretty cool, I'm enjoying this area!

Edit: Guessing I need wave for Draygon?


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on June 14, 2014, 06:10:15 PMEdit: Guessing I need wave for Draygon?
That is correct. Have fun finding it :heheh:


Favorite areas: Sea Lab, Fire Unit.
These are places where the linearity starts to feel like an adventure and not something tedious.
Very intelligent level design, custom gfx, enemy placement, and progression at this later half of the game.

Shame it takes midway to truly feel accomplished and enjoying yourself, but hey.. I am.
Your challenges are great I love them, but they may turn off some players. I know this.

Current Review Status: Great hack with a very slow start. Patience with this one gets rewarding.

[spoiler]Gate Fetch Quests and Warp Zones = Awesome![/spoiler]


thanks...again and again....go on and don't hesitate to continue giving yours feelings and "bugs findings"!   V1.3 soon


Fix the energy recharge room before Draygon, you can fall through the floor in the lower left corner.
Beef up the bosses, they're so weak. Except Ridley, tone him down a bit.
Fix permastucks during escape (you can get your morphball stuck in the yellow mound statue blocks).

10:29 / 66%

Good stuff, just needs some updates.
Grats on this hack TROM!


Join the last version (1.3).... Bugs fixed, some rooms re-arranged, new title screen

Thanks again to DM....And all who dare to play! And say what they feel!


You know what TROM, there is a slight chance I will beta 1.3, and give you an entire list of bugs/issues.
Slight chance.


Well.....That will be cool!!!


So, I gave this another try, now I'm stuck after Phantoon, where should I go next? Don't tell me I have to do another roundabout...


look carefully to the map.... you should get the "shark armor" after killing phantoon right in the" wind tower"....It's an exploration!!!!


So, I found a bug!

The [spoiler]boost ball[/spoiler] returns the spring ball physics to normal, cutting the jumping height down significantly. Removing the upgrade fixes said issue.


I know that.....That's not a bug!!!! It's all normal!!! so you may go to the menu screen to choose the "boost ball" only when you need it in the in "demons crest" when you need to change form....


So, I finished.



This is a good hack. It has a lot of creative little puzzles, and a lot of interesting little twists to have to face. The way you altered some of the bosses were interesting too. If I only took this into consideration, 4/5 would recommend to a friend.

But I, at heart, am a critic, therefore I will not stop there.

TROM, let's talk about game design a moment.

The biggest problem your map has is not in difficulty, but inconvenience. Difficulty can be fun, depending on the person, and the way that difficulty is handled. Inconvenience however, needs to be limited, as it can be a useful tool to guide a player, but when it's not given in moderate doses, or you never give the player a way to circumvent the inconvenience, it becomes tedious and starts to suck the fun out of it.

Let's take one instance of each.

The pirates who deal nearly 80 damage to the player, able to kill the player in as little as 5 hits. That is a good show of challenge. It requires the player to slow down, assess the problem, and fight back as required.

The bar gates that you put in, for example, the ones in that first vertical shaft that just open and close and make the player time their jumps to get through. These are bad, they are an impediment that never go away, can never be circumvented, and if they were removed entirely- the hack would lose nothing.

In moving forward with this game, or any other projects, ask yourself:
"How will this effect the player"
"How often will it effect the player"
"If it could impede the player, can we make it easier some how?"

So for example those bar gates I talked about before.

It will block the player's progress.
Every time the player comes through this room, going up.
It does impede the player, and we cannot make it easier on the player.

So it probably shouldn't be put in.

Now that I'm done with that, allow me to point out... That's it. You have a problem with putting in frustrating obstetrical in rather than difficult ones. This is by no means a bad mod, I just want to see it improve.

Lastly... Saying that boost ball isn't broken, citing demon's crest, begs the question... What's the use? what is the benefit of reducing the jump height? Further, why - if you cite Demon's crest, a game with many forms and many very distinct augments, would you have one form that barely does anything?

Anyway... 3/5, would recommend next version to a friend- provided some of those issues are sorted out.


Time and percentage

This hack was pretty alright. I love the twin doors idea... but the way you pulled it off was incredibly obnoxious to me.


Hi.....I posted the last version (1.4) of my hack....some rooms, enemies, backgrounds, item name an more have been changed....Hope players will have fun!!!


Quote from: TROM on August 18, 2014, 03:20:09 AM
Hi.....I posted the last version (1.4) of my hack....some rooms, enemies, backgrounds, item name an more have been changed....Hope players will have fun!!!

Look at this! Only 50 Bucks! -->

Somebody is making loads off the labor of love


This gets raised from time to time.  People seem to have mixed feelings, and there's not really much you can do about it.


I've made a new map for Hydellius 1.4:[spoiler]Hydellius.png[/spoiler]


Hi anyone knows how to remove region code on a rom??? with hex editor maybe ??

thanks for your help!


Here's my new interactive map for Hydellius 1.4

Vismund Cygnus

Christ Dani, that's impressive. You've really outdone yourself here, that seems like it could be helpful. Would be better if there were an easier way of zooming and scrolling through it, but being a .swf means it has its obvious limitations. Still, I'm really impressed, that's nicely done.