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Samus: Mother Brain Returns

Started by Odb718, February 10, 2014, 01:38:18 AM

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Quote from: Daltone on March 24, 2014, 03:37:00 PM
Any thing looks better then a spike on a spike, or a spike only attached from the side (saw this one in kraids lair a few times)
That's actually a really good point. Back when it was only Metedit I couldnt duplicate rooms or add objects when needed. Deleting from one room to be able to add to another gets limiting fast.
Kraid hasnt really gotten any attention about stupid problems like that. I know the "bottom cap" room I use a few times has it... and it wont in about 30 seconds.
The face, there really wasnt anything that looked like teeth except the spikes so that's all I could come up with back then and it stuck. I wanted a rounded feel even at the top. I was looking into a way of making the spike vertical originally.

I _Think_ the last one's going to stay in with a minor adjustment. The third from from last was my original favorite. I used paint to add the honeycomb effect behind Kraid to see how it'd look. The original way only has it go straight up which doesnt look as good. What I didnt notice is Kraid and the comb are two different pallets, and if the comb is "gold" it doesnt look as good. So it's out.
I might try to add something above Kraid. So far it doesnt look any better. 

A release should be coming out soon. I'm not sure it'll be final or not. You guys seem to be better at finding bugs than I am. But I only have 1 or 2 things planned for it. I have been cooking up an idea for an all new Metroid.nes hack. It should be very different from my Samus:MBR hack. I'm going to focus on weapon order mainly. Perhaps make it so you cant sequence break. Maaaybe 1 or 2 secrets where you might be able. Weapon order is #1, then overall layout is #2, map tricks will be #3. Expect a maze of some sorts.


So Really soon turned out to be a year. I've been working on Mugen a lot in the past few years and I took on some big projects with other devs.

Any which way, Here's the latest IPS for my Samus: Mother Brain Returns.

It includes Saves and a Mini-Map. The mini-map does have problems when you get to the edges of the world. Once you're back away it works like normal.

I plan on making a video showing off some secrets and tips for the game. But I've been planning on doing that for a long while now. Hopefully I get to it sooner than soon.


Nice!  I think I downloaded this hack awhile back but haven't got around to play it yet.

Thought your avatar looked familiar...  :bounce:  MFG!


Lol awesome man. Let me know what you think.
Saves will help out if you dont have a lot of time to kill. I'd say 5 to 6 hours and it should be beat.


I'm going to give your hack a go, I'm pretty tied up with my hack while on my PC but I do have some time when I'm on my tablet that would be ideal to run through a hack.  (Eventually I'm going to have to get some SM hacks running on my tablet before 95% of the metroid construction community (all SM) drags me out into the street and beats me with a dead metroid).

I downloaded your IPS on my Kindle Fire and patched to a ROM with unipatcher 7.3 (android app).  It patched perfectly (I've been meaning to test it out).

I'll give you some feedback when I get through the hack.

Lucky Dearly

Been playing this hack though I think I've run into a possible game breaking glitch with Ridley. Killing him doesn't play the item fanfare nor boost your missile total. I also noted the boss music doesn't play in his room either.


Recently I just played through this and have uploaded my playlist of it. I have to see I really like the hack, but the Ridley bug struck me too. No boss bit was set, no Missiles collected for defeating him, pretty much a game-breaker right there. However, there was a second odd bug where I would bomb things and just get warped off screen for some reason. It happened twice, and I have no idea what is happening, but it exists.

Besides that though, this is a really good NEStroid hack. I really hope those things can get fixed for a truly complete version of this. Oh, and maybe make the suit look a little better.


Quote from: Odb718 on March 22, 2014, 07:07:23 AMWhich of the 4 looks the best? I honestly cant decide.
The left most is currently the one in the downloadable version. I _think_ I like the 3rd the best but the 4th is nice. The second one makes the biggest impact, imo.

Number 4. I like big stuff but the second one looks more like a gimmick than an actual "construction".


Quote from: MetroidMst on November 25, 2015, 06:05:35 PM
Recently I just played through this and have uploaded my playlist of it. I have to see I really like the hack, but the Ridley bug struck me too. No boss bit was set, no Missiles collected for defeating him, pretty much a game-breaker right there. However, there was a second odd bug where I would bomb things and just get warped off screen for some reason. It happened twice, and I have no idea what is happening, but it exists.

Besides that though, this is a really good NEStroid hack. I really hope those things can get fixed for a truly complete version of this. Oh, and maybe make the suit look a little better.
Hey man, thanks for playing my hack. I'm actually watching you play it right now via the youtube videos. I'm getting a couple good laughs out of it. Almost ALL of your problems/complaints spawn from before Editroid existed.
The build you played was pretty old.

I have a theory as to why you warped through the screen. In both times you killed multiple enemies that produced pick-ups. I think the on-screen limit was reached with the mini-map, explosion sprites, and pick-ups. I'm thinking the rom just didn't remember Samus and put her at 0,0. Probably at the top left of the screen. Which actually puts you at the bottom... inside lava. Which you hear some times.
I think the Ridley bug happens with the continue-warp. I've never gotten it. But I've never been able to make the continue-warp happen with my emulator. I dont get any of the bugs you get. The credits are perfect on my end. I've never fallen through the floor like that.
So with that said, I dont think I personally can make a fix. If I can't reproduce the problem, I can't test to see if it works. I mean I WANT to make the rom perfect. Trust me... 9 years... It's almost 20 now.... DAMN YOU SNARFBLAM! Lol. (Don't listen to me snarf keep making awesome stuff for M1!)
I'll TRY to fix this stuff... everything but the suit! She's got an X-Ray visor built in! You guys didnt even notice! Some stuff you can see is breakable. Slight differences only that helmet can see! When you go down elevators you can see it above the visor!
Now that I can actually make more blocks I was going to make more breakable blocks noticeable. But IDK how to adjust their property, or it was that they respawn to bad blocks. I can't remember why I haven't changed them yet.


I made these box covers for Samus MBR. If anyone's put them on their Nes Classic, feel free to use them


I personally like how the black looks. I think it's actually the jpg'y'nes of it. (pun intended)
If you look closely at her left foot you can tell this is totally photoshopped.

Here's a link for the current build. It include Zero Suit Samus for the Replay skin.
There's a LOT of changes. The biggest one is a shortcut to Ridley.
Ive also added the Brinstar destructible blocks in the last hiding spot. You blast them and they wont return.
Thanks to SnarfBlam and ZeroOne with their help in ASM.
I also fixed the missile mess-up icon in Brinstar.
You still start with 30 health and the hazmat suit palette because some things have to remain from 1999.
I've made a few of the bombable blocks more noticeable. No one seems to see them in Kraid. I think this is why most people say it's "linear".
I hope I got rid of all the extreme slow down. It's known to cause problems where the Nintendo just cant keep track of where Samus is and puts her off screen. I've adjusted a bunch of stuff in the problem areas. But testing random happenings is pretty impossible.
I've also changed some palettes in Brinstar. Or I should say I've duplicated rooms so they have different palettes. I did some minor tweaking of the look and flow of some rooms. Just adding ornamental blocks and other small stuff.

This right here is a sav file. The 3rd save spot is Zero Suit Samus with no power ups. So a fresh play through if you don't like my Original suit. This Sav file MAY work with other hacks. You'll have to rename the sav file to match what you name the nes file and put it in your sav folder for your NES Emulator. Tested with Nestopia and FCEUX and it works.

So with all that. I'm pretty sure the hack is back to being finished!!!!
That means we can expect the new Editroid any minute now...


One more edit for the books.
I've updated some stuff. If you dont see this screen,
you're playing an older version.

I've changed some visuals and a few things of certain rooms. I've only tested the hack with Nestopia. So you may get mixed results with another emulator.
I've tried to make bomb blocks as noticeable as possible, while not making them JUMP out. I've also tried to force you to notice them too so you can spot the difference(s). I mean that's why Samus has the X-Ray embedded in her helmet right??

Wave and Ice stack. Pick them both up.



Liked Inceptroid enough so decided to give this a go.  It's pretty fun for an M1 hack.  I've found every major powerup except for wave and screw attack.   Ridley is down, headed to take on Kraid next. 

Edit:  Beat it.  Found 7 e-tanks total, 245 missiles, all powerups and beams.  Pretty fun, nothing amazing, but I understand most of it was done many years ago so good job.  Parts of Tourian looked really cool.  Difficulty felt about right - hard like the original game, but not punishingly hard.