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Any Developers here?

Started by Benki, April 30, 2013, 02:19:56 AM

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Well since I have been taking a break from serious hacking (I would literally sit there for hours making one room) I've been learning how to use Visual Basic. I've actually wrote my first program (It's Currently being worked on... Slowly...) It goes to popular music websites and downloads the music being played.
It's still in the concept stage. I just need to get the Libs and complete it.
Virus scan [spoiler][/spoiler]
My first program (It's name application.exe) [spoiler][/spoiler]

What's your first programming experience, Metconst?


First program, eh? I've been writing "real" programs for more than 15 years, but started doing some basic messing around probably back when I was 8 or 9. This was on Apple IIC/IIGS we had at school in the super crappy Apple Basic language and the Turtle plotting program.

When I was 14 I got a copy of Visual Basic (cant remember what version, but an early one) and started messing with it. It was ok as it removed some of the stupidness that is involved with Windows API programming and had some fun. A couple years later I was introduced to C/C++ and bought a copy of Visual C++ through the local community college where I was taking calculus classes (during high school).

Soon after I started learning basic Linux stuff and was introduced to GCC. I havent looked back since. :P I've probably learned (and use) about a dozen different programming languages in general use. It was probably the most useful practical experience I gathered in High school and College.

Unfortunately I don't have many of the early programs I messed with. From what I remember, they were "Hello world" types, and maybe some fake blue screen joke programs. I think its probably good those got lost over the years...

Zero One

My first proper programming experience was with C# wherein I just made random pieces of crap. The first proper thing I made was an ASM-Hex converter. It works as it should, but I wouldn't recommend using it.

The first actually useful thing I made was my own IRC bot, that is in use in a couple of channels. Right now, development for it is paused because of exams, but after my exams, I'm completely redoing the entire thing and drastically improving it; the beginnings of which can be seen here, in it's own repository. It's going to be much better than what's currently in use.

I've also messed around with XNA a fair bit, but not enough to produce anything of my own that I'd be especially proud of.

Next term, I'll be heading off to University to study Games Software Development and I'll be getting taught quite a lot, including C/++/#, XNA, UDK and various other languages like HTML, PHP, SQL, Java... promises to be fun!


My first program was written in BASIC 1.0 on my Amstrad CPC 464.  It was a full retyping of the Fighting Fantasy gamebook, Trial of Champions.  It was fully interactive, with input from the player redirecting to the relevant paragraph in the book.

I can still remember the beginnings of each paragraph as well:

10 CLS
20 MODE 2

It's likely not 100% accurate, but it's still funny that I remember it. :^_^:

Black Falcon

My first program was something that displayed basic functions like y=mx+n and y=mx²+x and whatever, written in Delphi.
I learned it in school, and it's rather easy for me to use.
Once I had enough knowliedge I wrote the Projectiler, which allows you to edit almost everything beam related in SM
(though there are still some bugs I have to fix...)
Yeah that's pretty much it. Haven't touched it in ages, even though I said so in the last post at the end of the above thread...
Delphi however is limited, and I don't recommend using it...


My first program was a Fahrenheit to Celsius convertor in c99, I did not followed exactly the given formula but ended up with the expected results somehow... weird...


"Developer"? Sounds to businessy to describe my programming experiences.

Quote from: Szandor on April 30, 2013, 03:03:08 AM
First program, eh? I've been writing "real" programs for more than 15 years, but started doing some basic messing around probably back when I was 8 or 9. This was on Apple IIC/IIGS we had at school in the super crappy Apple Basic language and the Turtle plotting program.

I was the same age when I started playing around with Applesoft Basic (fun fact, it was written by Microsoft) and Terrapin Logo. Our Apple //c was severely obsolete, but my family was quite unwealthy at the time, so that's what I got. I made silly little games and my own "program manager" and whatnot. Eventually I moved on to QBasic, then to VB6, then to VB.NET, and finally to C#. Somewhere along the line I read up on C++ and played around with it, which is good, because understanding things on a lower level helped my programming immensely, even in VB.

First useful program I made was my LoZ overworld editor. It was pretty terrible and pretty broken, but I rewrote it and it became a proper, useful program.

Since then I've been churning out NES editors and utilities, and that's pretty much it. I've tried making games. I had a pretty sweet Tetris clone going (in XNA), but there were some subtle bugs that could only be addressed by pretty much completely re-writing the game, and, well... I'm too lazy. Quite a shame, really.