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Introduce Yourself!

Started by Phazar, May 17, 2009, 05:59:57 PM

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Welcome, Zero, One, 99, and all numbers in between.

@Zero Dozer I think you should consider Rezo Dozer instead, just so you have a palindromic name. :grin:


Bonsoir je suis lebonchocolat. Je suis nouveau. J'aime comme vous tous la saga Metroid.
(Je remercie les modérateurs de m'avoir amené ici pour me présenter)

Je n'ai rien à dire sur moi mis à part vous demander d'être tolérant à mon égard pour que je puisse ne pas enfreindre les règles du site.

En vous remerciant pour votre écoute, soyez tous dans la joie.


Hey salut Lebonchocolat

Bienvenue à Metconst, un endroit où tout est possible. :)

Comme toi je suis français et j'ai débarqué il y a longtemps par hasard après avoir contacté Quietus  :wink:

Pour les règles du forum tu les trouveras ici :

Bon courage pour tes projets.

A +


Welcome, lebonchocolat. :^_^:

It's always nice to see more people from our neck of the woods (give or take 30-odd kilometres).


Hey I'm new here! I'm just a fan of metroid and have no modding abilities. I just want to comment and see the stuff yall do. Thanks


Quote from: SaveTheQueenIV on September 24, 2016, 04:01:02 AM
Hey I'm new here! I'm just a fan of metroid and have no modding abilities. I just want to comment and see the stuff yall do. Thanks  <---Law book
Pay half of it no mind when your done reading and understanding, if you can get along with most people here.  :twisted:,36.0.html <--- competitive runs <--- more games and tutorials that cover different areas for hacking.

So you say your a metroid fan, which "game" throughout the series is your favorite and why ?
My favorite game is metroid 2 its where most of the real problems came from, including samus who disobeyed simple instructions.


Welcome, SaveTheQueenIV. Whether you're hacking or not, you'll find plenty of material here, so enjoy your stay. :^_^:


Yo. MetalgearPika here :3

I've been floating around here for quite a time now, i've done a little bit of hacking but never finished anything worth showing.

I have hopes that sometime down the road i can become better at it and publish my own hack like many others have on here. i'm 24 years old and have been playing metroid games for as long as i can remember.

...i'm not that interesting of a person XD lol. :3

Magnet Beam

Hi guys! I'm new here. I normally go by my cheat code hacking name, Dybbles.
I decided to join after I saw Biospark's video on his Project Metroid Fusion- Freedom hack.

I am an old school retro game hacker. I make advanced cheat codes for many different systems including the Gameboy Advance.
I hope I can help you guys with my codes and I hope to start making hacks soon.


Quote from: Magnet Beam on September 26, 2016, 03:41:08 PM
I decided to join after I saw Biospark's video on his Project Metroid Fusion- Freedom hack.

Glad to hear that! Unfortunately I haven't worked on that hack in a while, but I'd like to return to it eventually.


Welcome, Metalgearpika and Magnet Beam. Metal and Magnet... Coincidence? I think not. :^_^:

Magnet Beam

Quote from: biosparkGlad to hear that! Unfortunately I haven't worked on that hack in a while, but I'd like to return to it eventually.
That's unfortunate to hear. I will continue hacking codes for this game though.
I made an Action Replay code and a Codebreaker code for your Wall Jumping hack. Is there any good place on the forum to post them?

Thank you, Quietus!


Quote from: Magnet Beam on September 26, 2016, 05:04:22 PM
I made an Action Replay code and a Codebreaker code for your Wall Jumping hack. Is there any good place on the forum to post them?
You can submit it under other resources and alert one of the global mods so the process won't take forever for them to review and accept or deny it.


Quote from: Dark-SA-X on September 27, 2016, 07:06:01 AM
and alert one of the global mods so the process won't take forever for them to review and accept or deny it.

Global mods don't have resource approval authority on the main site, but the queue does get checked regularly.

More importantly, this kind of information sounds like it would be more useful to put on the wiki.


Quote from: Quietus on September 26, 2016, 04:41:13 PM
Welcome, Metalgearpika and Magnet Beam. Metal and Magnet... Coincidence? I think not. :^_^:

They were born to be attracted each other Quietus  :^_^:


Quote from: Dark-SA-X on September 24, 2016, 02:26:15 PM
Quote from: SaveTheQueenIV on September 24, 2016, 04:01:02 AM
Hey I'm new here! I'm just a fan of metroid and have no modding abilities. I just want to comment and see the stuff yall do. Thanks  <---Law book
Pay half of it no mind when your done reading and understanding, if you can get along with most people here.  :twisted:,36.0.html <--- competitive runs <--- more games and tutorials that cover different areas for hacking.

So you say your a metroid fan, which "game" throughout the series is your favorite and why ?
My favorite game is metroid 2 its where most of the real problems came from, including samus who disobeyed simple instructions.

My favorite metroid is super metroid! The reason it's my fav is because I once got stuck. So I'm trying to find out what to do, I'm literally going everywhere, searching every nook and cranny and ended up getting 92% on that playthrough! Never has I gotten lost in a game and still have a blast. I rarely ever get lost in a game but I got lost right after that one boss fight where you need to push him into the acid, so a room around there I had to power bomb and I didn't know that. lol


Quote from: SaveTheQueenIV on September 28, 2016, 01:40:05 AM

My favorite metroid is super metroid! I rarely ever get lost in a game but I got lost right after that one boss fight where you need to push him into the acid, so a room around there I had to power bomb and I didn't know that. lol

Out all of the metroid games the first time I got lost was in metroid 1 in kraids lair back in 1990, stayed lost in there for 2 weeks in that deep pit.
Then there is metroid prime 2, I never could understand or like that mapping system they put in it.
Yeah super metroid can have its wtf moments on the first try or 2 but I kid you not, when I played it in 1994.
I was renting the game and I beat the game in a day or 2, following week, someone gifted me the game. :)

You should try out super metroid zero mission, its combo of metroid 1 zero mission meets super metroid.
If you know the routes of both games it should be simple enough, till you get midway into norfair.


I don't really remember much about first playing Super Metroid, though I do remember that I got the big box version, with full-size manual with artwork for £4. I only really remember trying for 100%, and, probably like many other players, it was the missiles in the turtle room wall that took the longest to find.



I haven't posted in forever.

*goes back into lurking*


Quote from: Quietus on September 28, 2016, 05:57:32 AM
I don't really remember much about first playing Super Metroid, though I do remember that I got the big box version, with full-size manual with artwork for £4.

Try coming out of pocket for it for 49.99 after it just released, bestbuy at the time had the cut price.
So $34.99 was a steal in my case it was gifted because I wanted it so badly. that and my Metroid 2 and gameboy was stolen on the bus in 1992.


Quote from: Law on September 28, 2016, 07:44:31 AM

I haven't posted in forever.
Um, dat's illegal - Law breaking silence.


Quote from: Quietus on September 28, 2016, 11:58:41 AM
Quote from: Law on September 28, 2016, 07:44:31 AM

I haven't posted in forever.
Um, dat's illegal - Law breaking silence.

Wow, what a criminal.  Now if only we had an island we could prisoners like him off to. . .


Quote from: thedopefish on September 28, 2016, 12:05:46 PM
Wow, what a criminal.  Now if only we had an island we could prisoners like him off to. . .
* personitis looks at Bomb Torizo's portion of Crateria... :>_>:

I suppose after some 1500 posts a reintroduction couldn't hurt: Hi, personitis here, previously known as person701. Name comes from my great ability to try and type things too fast and end up messing something up along the way. I've made a few hacks, pretty decent at speed running SM and some of its hacks, and I've resorted to semi-lurking as of the past few years. Welcome newbies, sup veterans, and if anyone's unsure about joining, it's alright, a lot of us don't bite. :nod:


Quote from: personitis on September 28, 2016, 02:36:16 PMif anyone's unsure about joining, it's alright, a lot of us don't bite. :nod:
Though the odd high or low nibble isn't unheard of. :oh:


[spoiler=Oh boy, so I was reading through my early posts on this forum and...]
wow those are embarrassing to read, I had to stop, it just hurt. So I thought, its been quite awhile since I posted in this topic and have been wanting to make a post, why not reintroduce myself, seeing as my online personality has changed over the years.

Hello, my name is suku igo, you may know me as squishy_ichigo, which is a relic of a time long ago when I belonged to a anime 'fanclub' known as Ichigo House, and was given the nickname squishy. Over the years I've gone by many different subversions of squishy, though I rather like this one.

I used to be a Global Mod on this forum, and an Op on the irc, but recently stepped down, mostly because I don't like actually having power or responsibilities, nor do I think I am very good at it. (though, I do like sending post reports these days, so it's kinda like mini-modding, and then watching when no one does anything about the things I report!) I've helped out around here a decent amount I guess, I made the updated post count 'missile' system, though that probably needs an update again soon, STOP POSTING SO MUCH QUIETUS. I created Room of the Week (now RotM), and a few other things I can't be bothered to remember offhand.

I am know for misspelling and typoing words on irc, where I don't have the benefits of word check. I'm also known as a fun killer, as my manner of moderation was usually of the 'stop having fun guys' variety. I usually try and be fairly civil with people, with the occasional jab here and there for what some people might still refer to as 'the lulz'. I'd like to consider myself fairly calm and neutral on a number of subjects, which makes me a decent person to have conversations with (unless I'm really TRIGGERED, though as I mentioned I do poke fun a bit, which might rub you the wrong way). I'd say my manner of carrying myself online has matured a bit over the years (as any indication of reading my old posts has shown me), and I'm a bit more reserved, which is more inline with how I am irl.

I am a fan of various video games and animes, like many of you, I'm sure, though my tastes have 'refined' over the years. I like a good trope subversion, though as Zhs2 was quick to point out in jest of me, a good straight trope can be enjoyable at times. I find that 90%+ of all media is crap, and that it can be a chore to find anything worth consuming. Currently, my favorite video game series is Dark Souls, though I will be the first to point out that it has several flaws, I still enjoy it quite a bit. I am a fan of more thought provoking animes, though I do enjoy a well made anime like Kill la Kill too, so ehhh, its hard to pinpoint exactly where my tastes lie.

Over the years, I have been hacking Super Metroid, and honestly, have little to show for it. Many would credit me for helping them along the way, I have written a number of useful documents (rather outdated, wouldn't recommend them these days, Grime has some good documents last I checked that bring a lot of people's knowledge together), but am rather short on the higher level asm knowledge that seems to be getting more and more widespread these days. Any hacks that I have released are pretty bad if you ask me, I didn't test them enough, and never went back and updated them with fixes, so I wouldn't recommend playing those. I do have a Super Metroid hack in the works, that I am currently not working on because /reasons/ and am instead goofing around with a NEStroid hack, which may and or may not see the light of day as many of my other projects over the years.

I identify as an agnostic nihilist, which I describe HERE in the spoiler, I look like THIS, I like stupid memes like THIS and worst of all I make topics like THIS
tl;dr: I tell you about who I am, do you even read thread titles?