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Started by Phazar, May 17, 2009, 05:59:57 PM

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Quote from: Pl4y0_98 on February 29, 2016, 04:21:18 PMI would love to give some ideas to those who can make them real.
This thread has you covered. Oh, and welcome to the forum. :^_^:


Hello there, my name is SacredHooves.  I sorta ghosted around the forums for a little bit after finding some hacks over the last couple of months to play.  I personally haven't hacked a game yet, but would be willing to give it a try/go. :^_^:  When I ain't working I am working on just clearing games for fun and sometimes stream them on HitBox for fun.


Welcome to the forum. As is customary, I am obliged to provide you with some anagrams of your username. :^_^:

Chaos do sever!
Seers do havoc.
Does have orcs, so heros caved.

Oh, scare doves! Or chase doves?

Steel Sparkle

Welcome to the Forum Sacred. Hacker or not it's always nice to see a new fresh face.


Hi, I'm Schmeman. Posting this first post so I can use the leaderboards for Shinespark Construction.


Quote from: Schmeman on March 27, 2016, 02:01:07 AM
Hi, I'm Schmeman. Posting this first post so I can use the leaderboards for Shinespark Construction.

Welcome, always good to see that board getting some additional use  :^_^:


Welcome, Schmeman. You're just in time to cram in some practice for Redesign before the community race on 2 April. Go, go, go! :^_^:


Hi, I'm new at hacking and stuff i don't really know to modify/hack things...
also sorry if I'm bad at English I'm not fluent at it right now.

i like to play Metroid (series of course) rpg kind of games and any building game
it was hard but i learned the secret techniques of super metroid,
Nothing else to say...

PS: I'm good at drawing  ^_^


Welcome, AlisonTheDog. You had such a variety of letters in your username that the number of possible anagrams was ridiculous, so I've just plucked some out for you.

Hailstone god (one stolid hag, had ten igloos) loathes doing alien hotdogs.

Also, I'm adding this one just because it sounds so amusingly dangerous: Goad the lions. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on April 08, 2016, 01:00:02 PM
Welcome, AlisonTheDog. You had such a variety of letters in your username that the number of possible anagrams was ridiculous, so I've just plucked some out for you.

Hailstone god (one stolid hag, had ten igloos) loathes doing alien hotdogs.

Also, I'm adding this one just because it sounds so amusingly dangerous: Goad the lions. :^_^:
And this is one of the many reasons that Quietus is awesome.


Quote from: Quietus on April 08, 2016, 01:00:02 PM
Welcome, AlisonTheDog. You had such a variety of letters in your username that the number of possible anagrams was ridiculous, so I've just plucked some out for you.

Hailstone god (one stolid hag, had ten igloos) loathes doing alien hotdogs.

Also, I'm adding this one just because it sounds so amusingly dangerous: Goad the lions. :^_^:

I never got one! do me, do me!  :yay:


I wouldn't want to get you in trouble, but I saw a job advert that said:


One perk of the job is that you get to check all bras! :wink:


Quote from: Quietus on April 08, 2016, 06:34:03 PM
One perk of the job is that you get to check all bras! :wink:

Coming through, coming through! FBI! Federal Boobie Inspector!


Hey everyone, new guy here. You may acknowledge me as cynicalCosmozoan (or more formally, The Cynical Cosmozoan). Long time Metroid fan, shorter time enjoying various ROM hacks, recently started trying edits of my own and felt a need to come in here for help (and critique) when needed. Don't expect me to be super active, but I'll around. Waiting in the ether. Kind of like Phantoon, really.


Heyo! I'm TestRunner. I'm not really that new to SM Hacking, but this my first account here. I'm currently working on a SM Hack and a Repointing tool. Also I'm a speedrunner, but I haven't really had the time to do any runs anytime recently.


Hello everyone!

My name is Firebrand, and I'm finally joining Metroid Construction after years of using it for new mods and infos on upcoming ones. I'm 24 years old, working in a hospital as licenced nurse (male) and been gaming since I was a little boy. If my grammar isn't quite correct sometimes please have mercy, it's been a long time since my last english class.

My gaming career started with the good ol' NES and SNES (huge Nintendo fanboy I have to admit) up to current gaming consoles (feeling quite old thinking about those days  :yay: ) I also played quite a lot DooM back in the day (they also got a pretty rad hacking community) along with Quake 3 and Duke Nukem 3D and that kind of games. WarCraft, StarCraft and Diablo were the biggest time eaters along Counter Strike during my middle school. But all in all, I would say that my taste has a wide range and I'm pretty well informed in reagards of video games from the past 15 years. And I'm a huge Castlevania nerd btw., so if anyone here wants to have a talk about this franchise, feel free to write a message!

But enough of that, of course Metroid is a huge thing in my life too, so that's why I'm here. I started playing hacks around 4 or 5 years ago and maybe someday start working on my own ones (have to get used to SMILE first, right know I'm just overwhelmed by it  :=x: ) I hope that I will be a useful member to this forum and maybe help some upcoming hacks as a tester! But because of my job it's going to be some time before I can start becoming really active here, so I try to be as active as possible until then.

Hope this helps to get a quick first impression of me, didn't plan to write such a huge message.  :grin:


Welcome Firebrand. I recognize you from the byuu board's but thats beside the point :grin:


Might as well introduce myself.

32-year old author/artist from Hawaii with an affinity for psychedelics sums me up pretty well for the most part. Love SM hacks. I think my first one was SM Redesign, back in the early 2000s. Ever since, it's been like really cool all-new adventures on a childhood classic.

My skill level's general difficulty, so I'll list what I can do and can't do.

Can do:
Barely bomb-jumping (the timing STILL eludes me ever since childhood)
Short-run speedboost/shinespark
Fast wall-jumping along one wall

Can't do:
Horizontal bomb-jumping past the first bomb
Advanced shinesparking stuff like the blue suit glitch and speedball

Apart from all this, I frequently play WoW and patiently awaiting the day AM2R comes out. Also, are there going to be any new hacks on the Hacks page of The last update on it is September 12, 2015.


Quote from: PonchGaming on April 27, 2016, 07:01:02 PM
Welcome Firebrand. I recognize you from the byuu board's but thats beside the point :grin:

That's strange, the name byuu doesn't say anything to me  :pwuh: Maybe someone there is also a huge Demons Crest fan  :grin:


Hi, everyone!

I started making posts here but I never actually introduced myself.

I'm a 24-year old university student. I'm married, and I love video games. :P Of course, I never really get much time for them anymore but I try to keep up when I can. I stumbled upon Super Metroid hacking a few months back and have kind of really seen what the community is all about- but I have actually been on this website before (in retrospect) when I first started following AM2R, which I've been following since 2008- a few months after the project started. I kind of fell off for a while, got busy with school and got myself into a lot of various forms of trouble (managed to get away with it all, though..)

That aside, I've recently decided to settle down (thus the marriage) and try and live a peaceful life. Part of that was getting back into all the old games I used to love so much.

Anyways, that's enough rambling. So far I'm having a good time on these forums and it's great to see the Metroid fanbase is still kicking! When Federation Force was announced.. my heart broke. It's not that it's an inherently bad game, I just really, really wanted a classic Metroid game. Even a traditional Prime game would've been better (but honestly, I really just want a 2-D sidescrolling classic.)


Quote from: Altheaas on May 04, 2016, 07:59:06 PM
Hi, everyone!

I started making posts here but I never actually introduced myself.

I'm a 24-year old university student. I'm married, and I love video games. :P Of course, I never really get much time for them anymore but I try to keep up when I can. I stumbled upon Super Metroid hacking a few months back and have kind of really seen what the community is all about- but I have actually been on this website before (in retrospect) when I first started following AM2R, which I've been following since 2008- a few months after the project started. I kind of fell off for a while, got busy with school and got myself into a lot of various forms of trouble (managed to get away with it all, though..)

That aside, I've recently decided to settle down (thus the marriage) and try and live a peaceful life. Part of that was getting back into all the old games I used to love so much.

Anyways, that's enough rambling. So far I'm having a good time on these forums and it's great to see the Metroid fanbase is still kicking! When Federation Force was announced.. my heart broke. It's not that it's an inherently bad game, I just really, really wanted a classic Metroid game. Even a traditional Prime game would've been better (but honestly, I really just want a 2-D sidescrolling classic.)

I feel your pain buddy  :mad: Was so excited for a new classic metroid game, but then they announced that... Hard times for metroid fans right know.

But that out of the way: Welcome on board  :^_^:


Ieep it's my turn!!  :grin:

Name's Ozma, 25, I've been a gamer for the past 24 years (which I kinda call my 'gaming career' given how long it's been since I started  :grin: ) I like many different styles of games, ranging from anything old-schooled to RPGs to FPS' and so on. My biggest knacks are probably RPGs and STRs although lately I'm through a pretty big craving for Metroid games (which led me here!). Apart from gaming I kinda like me some mangas/animes, just started Fullmetal Alchemist the other day after being told to watch it on so many occasions  :bounce: but one of my current (and on-going) favorite series, as 'anime' if you could say it is (since it's not japanese in origin, well, I'll leave the debate open) is RWBY. Season 3 ended a while ago and they'll be back for S4 this fall, I can't wait!!

Then, if I'm far from any gaming devices, I like to do parkour (although I suck at it xD ) I work in classy restaurants as a waiter/sommelier, so you bet I got a passion for wine, beer, food and so on, and I play a bit of piano. Also, even if it sounds a bit weird, I kinda like gardening; my passion for food gives me a big interest in anything that is as fresh and high quality as can be, and for fruits/veggies, you can't get it fresher if you grow it yourself. Oh, and biggest of all, I love me some science, especially physics and engineering!  :colonrightv: So, for any of these 'off-topics' thingys, do feel free to talk some of these with me!  :^_^:

Last, I might say I have no experience hacking games, and as far as modding goes, my biggest experience was some map crafting in Starcraft Campaign Editor (which, for SC and SC Broodwar at least, I understood well enough to create a whole new campaign complete with storylines, triggers, events, and so on) and given time enough to tinker with everything here, I should eventually come up with something pretty nice, admitting I give it some love. All help will be welcome!!  :grin:

So that pretty much sums it up, see ya on the other side of the hack!!  :oh:

EDIT: HOCKEY!! Forgot about hockey! Just love this thing!! However the playoffs this year are completely out of expectation up until now, many of my predictions went wrong... Heck if I know who'll win the cup!!  :grin:


Hi friends. My name is Adrina Lily. I'm new to this site. Hope to have a chat with you'll.


Quote from: Ozma on May 05, 2016, 10:43:15 AM
EDIT: HOCKEY!! Forgot about hockey! Just love this thing!! However the playoffs this year are completely out of expectation up until now, many of my predictions went wrong... Heck if I know who'll win the cup!!  :grin:



Not sure if unnecessary, but I figured I'd post here anyway.  Hi!  I just registered to the forums a week or two ago, but I actually fell into the hacking scene (specifically Super Metroid) years ago.  Some of you may remember me as Rakki, which is a handle I've kind-of left in the past.  Regardless, I never really released much to begin with, so it doesn't really matter.  =P  I started hacking back in '09, in a lull before I attended college, and only recently picked it back up because I'm currently unemployed.  That's a bit of a story, so I'm not going to get into it here.

The majority of my hack work consists of works-in-progress, but I am sitting on a handful of working patches that I intend to release sometime soon.  I mostly do assembly work, but I've also done custom PLMs and custom blocks.  Eventually, I'll get into custom enemies and custom music.  I intend to someday release a hack consisting of all of these elements that is mostly done in the style of the original Super Metroid - that is, no advanced techniques required, but they'll certainly help you get around.  But I guarantee that's still a ways off.

I'm familiar with both NES and SNES assembly, and I've modified more games than just Super Metroid.  I've done a bit with Zelda 1 and Zelda 3, Final Fantasy (NES), and Harvest Moon, just to name a few.  Again, I've got little that's released to my credit, but I'm certainly familiar with actually modifying various games.  As for non-hacking skills, I also enjoy cooking, I do my own bartending (lol), and I wanna learn about electronic circuitry sooner or later.  Sometimes I pop into the IRC, and I try to be friendly, so if you ever see me online, feel free to say hi!