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[SM] Z-Factor Hack v1.3

Started by Metaquarius, November 30, 2012, 03:37:12 PM

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Quote from: Chaosfissure on January 31, 2013, 02:15:22 AM
Either I missed a possible path somewhere else due to considering it a Gravity Suit requirement  or am blindly horrid at underwater sand physics and am missing a way to go left in this room.  Any advice?

I don't think you can go to the west in this room without gravity.
[spoiler]Go to the north.[/spoiler]


The the only place I think I could possibly go would be:

[spoiler]That large room with the mass of crumble blocks/sand pits at the bottom, and powerbomb/grapple sections at the top.  I already thought I tried searching that room, only to find a need to have gravity to get any vertical clearance and get through that morph ball slot really close to the door on the upper left.  Unless you have to swing up to get it, which I haven't tried/been able to do yet, that room has me a bit stumped.[/spoiler]


Since you've already finished the hack, you should have a general idea of Maridia's layout.  There are some clues above:
Quote from: danidub on January 31, 2013, 10:30:21 AM[spoiler]Go to the north.[/spoiler]
Quote from: Metaquarius on January 11, 2013, 09:57:39 AMHint[spoiler]You're supposed to go through the central turbo pipe to reach the topleft part of Mardia[/spoiler]
Quote from: MetroidMst on January 10, 2013, 08:25:17 PMUp the elevator to the Wrecked Ship.


Quote from: Chaosfissure on January 31, 2013, 10:57:12 PM
The the only place I think I could possibly go would be:

[spoiler]That large room with the mass of crumble blocks/sand pits at the bottom, and powerbomb/grapple sections at the top.  I already thought I tried searching that room, only to find a need to have gravity to get any vertical clearance and get through that morph ball slot really close to the door on the upper left.  Unless you have to swing up to get it, which I haven't tried/been able to do yet, that room has me a bit stumped.[/spoiler]

Search this room again, you don't have to go to the upper left door.
[spoiler]Try the middle left door.[/spoiler]


EDIT:  Nevermind.



Quote from: Chaosfissure on February 03, 2013, 05:25:19 PM
Does it require any single wall underwater wall jumping (which...I don't know how to do lol)?  Because I don't know of any other way I could make this jump, or path that would take me past here:

It shouldn't require single wall underwater jump to reach that door, IMO. You can reach that door. :nod:
[spoiler=Hint]The room before has dry land,right?  :wink:[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Solution]Try to shinespark to that door in your picture :grin:[/spoiler]


Two minutes after I posted, I remembered the wrecked ship in the normal run that used a similar mechanic and yeah, that worked XD  So I got it before the hint, but I do appreciate the hint :P

So yeah:



My god.  Tourian.  So good.  Worth every bit of frustration needed to get there.


Yeah, pretty much everybody feels the same, and everybody raving about it was the main reason I picked it back up. :^_^:


I'd like to thank TopHack2012 writers and everyone who posted reviews or comments on Z-Factor, your kind words go straight to my heart.
Making this hack was not a simple hobby, it was a passion which required an insane amount of man-hour work, plenty of headaches, and now lots of joy. :^_^:

Now it is time for me to move on, I still have to make real some old dreams ! :wink:


Quote from: Metaquarius on February 11, 2013, 01:22:59 PMNow it is time for me to move on
I hope you mean to other SM hack projects, and not something more serious. :neutral:


Quote from: Quietus on February 11, 2013, 03:22:23 PM
Quote from: Metaquarius on February 11, 2013, 01:22:59 PMNow it is time for me to move on
I hope you mean to other SM hack projects, and not something more serious. :neutral:
Haha... Z-Factor has offered frustation (nightmares probably), roundabouts and Zaridia but players want more ?! OMG that's crazy.  :shocking:


Your hack having some frustrating parts doesn't detract from its greatness.  People, almost universally, raving about it should speak volumes.  It was made even better by the fact that you listened to the grumbles of the majority, and improved your hack.  It therefore shouldn't come as a surprise that people would love to see more of your work. :^_^:


As frustrated as this hack made me sometimes, it was definitely overall an awesome experience.  So I say keep 'em coming!


Agreed.  It was admittedly a love/hate experience at times, but the love side of the equation absolutely carried the day overall.  I'm currently playing through it again in the hope of making it to the super secret room myself. 


And couple all that's just been said along with the other things you have shown us, like Serris and Omega metroid...

There is a word for this:



Not sure if you guys have worked this out yet but, Early Power Bombs/Crocomire skip!!! [spoiler][/spoiler]


Yup, did that on my first play through. Mentioned it to metak a while ago, it is indeed possible to skip wave beam as well as many things. A very open hack.


I understand I'm supposed to get to the central turbo pipe and then eventually make my way to the wrecked ship for the secret room.  The problem is that I've been all over Maridia and cannot for the life of me figure out how to get to the central turbo pipe, even after reading the thread.  I did the frozen fish thing, headed up into the central part of Maridia, I can get to the pipe that leads to Botwoon and Draygon, I can go all over, but I cannot figure out where to go next.  A hint?

Edit:  NVM.  With the help of Danibub's map I got there.  That was tough.  Lots of save states.  Frozen/unfrozen mochtroids are not predictable.  I must say it's an excellent reward though.


Found a permastuck.

I jumped in from the right. I'm playing version 1.3.

Found another:

I used ice beam to freeze the blue fish enemies, jumped up there, formed a ball to bomb, and was stuck.

Is there a permastuck in the wrecked ship? I just got in here, coming from crateria. I dont have gravity. i walked into a room and a gray door closed behind me trapping me, i think, in this room. the next room, to the right, only has crumble blocks above. and in the room im locked in, there is a blue door, but i cant get up to it. is there anything i'm doing wrong here?

here's the gray door:

the blue door, above the gray one:

the crumble blocks in the next room:


That's one of the game's puzzles. :^_^:

[spoiler]Start in the room on the right.  From the top top of the ramp (which is out of the water), run left, and use the additional momentum to get enough speed to reach the door in the left-hand room.[/spoiler]


Thanks Quietus. I did try that but I got up to such a fast speed that I ended up just floating off the floor in the locked gray-door room, before I could even try jumping. Which led me to believe I somehow got stuck. Thanks for replying. I'll give it a whirl again later tonight!  :heheh:


How do I get into the secret room in the wrecked ship? I've tried going through all different types of the turbo pipes, i've killed every boss except ridley, have gravity, plasma. But the door is still gray.  :whoa:  :O_o: :O_o: Thanks!!! :twisted:


You can only access it if Phantoon is still alive.


Of course. 
Oh well.