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[SM] Z-Factor Hack v1.3

Started by Metaquarius, November 30, 2012, 03:37:12 PM

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Get ready for a new adventure on planet Zebes.



Love the Super Metroid text above. :^_^:

[Removing most of my original post, because I'm shelving the hack until some of the major irritations are fixed.  I stand by what I originally said, in that the hack shows huge potential, but the frustration level is just too high.  The hack starts off great, but lulls you into a false sense of security.  What started off as a great hack rapidly deteriorates into clueless meanderings from Norfair onward.]

Metaquarius, your actual room design is great, and most rooms in your hack look good.  Exploration is always important, but players always need some direction.  Fix these things up, and I'll give it another run. :^_^:


I've been playing for like 2 minutes, and I'm already extremely impressed.
I too will give a full review when I've played through it, but for now I'll say that you've got a lot of talent not only with asm, but with level design. Good job and keep it up.


Well this looks very, very interesting. I'll give it a wing when I'm done chowing and let you know my opinions when I finish and/or play a good way through it.


I am quite surprised to see a completed hack from you at this point in time! (Also, note to the great Zhs2 about Top Hacks and the timing of such things... But I digress... That is something to discuss in IRC.)

I have been pretty impressed with your work in what you've shown in the other topic. And the teaser looked pretty good. One thing about the teaser video that may help in the future, you may want to fade the clips in and out to make a smoother transition. Other than that though, I like what I've seen and will start to record my run of it very soon. (Maybe tonight even.)


 :yay: Just in time for the weekend!! I'll spend some time with this over the next few days and get back to you with my thoughts. Just a few minutes in.... looks promising!


Metak's hack online. I'm so glad you finished this work, will give a try soon of this exciting one.  :grin:


Definitely slipping this one onto my Pandora for a play. I was wondering when someone would lurk quietly enough not to ask any questions in the Engine Works board and yet still produce something great from all of the information that has already been uncovered. Metaquarius is a man after my own heart.

EDIT: This patch is small enough to be attached to your post, no file sharing services needed. Compression is optional but highly recommended since it makes downloads even faster.

Quote from: MetroidMst(Also, note to the great Zhs2 about Top Hacks and the timing of such things...)
Oh, don't worry. I hadn't forgotten.


I've been waiting for a hack like this. It's like an early christmas present!

edit: also, why lock it? I dig these tilesets, why can't I have fun with them.
I think it's retarded when people lock their hacks. PM me some of these tilesets and stop being gay.
Btw enjoying this hack very much so far.

review: this is pretty much one of the best hacks ever made.


Is there anyway i can get a version with a header or something? I can't seem to get it to work, i tried hexing a header in so it might not be that. I'm trying to play it on a powerpak btw.

I know, I suck blah blah blah


I'm loving the look and feel of this hack but it keeps frezzing on me  :cry:  I'm using ZSNES and just about everytime I encounter one of those 'bug spawners' in Brinstar the game freezes.  Anybody else encountered this :?:


I'm pretty far in the hack using zsnes and I've never had it freeze.


I must say, I've only played like 20 mins of it, but I'm extremely impressed. I have a soft-spot for vanilla tiles. And this is true to the original, yet unique. Love the minor details, such as the drops and eyes. Can't comment on the hack in it's entirety yet, but from what I played, it's wonderful.

I have heard complaints about it being TOO open-ended though, but that might be due to people sequence-breaking. Will investigate further.


Quote from: FullOfFail on December 01, 2012, 11:33:14 AM
due to people sequence-breaking.

just a quick thing before I finish the hack and review it. You've got something down in this hack that not many hacks do, but super metroid does. When you sequence break in this hack, you can get early items and go different places, but you always seem to end up on the normal path again. When you sequence break, it never seems to break the hack. That's something really good about this.


Feels like I've been going in the wrong direction for hours. I'm definitely getting things out of sequence, yet an upgrade would be nice.
No grapple, speed, powerbombs or charge. I've explored shitloads of norfair and brinstar. Cool secret entrances btw.
I'm going back to the ship..
If the route I took was the intended one, this would be a hard hack.



Charge Beam can be difficult to find

[spoiler]Find a way to get in between the steel girder floors above the pink elevator linking the two parts of Brinstar, then bomb the blocks you see on the left[/spoiler]

I have 35 missles, charge, bomb, and 2 E tanks. I have covered all the accessible areas in Brinstar and Crateria and gotten nowhere. What is my next destination please?


you can go so many places depending on whether you can ibj, ddbj, ggg, etc.
If just going about things normally, supers should be next, then norfair.
If you're sequence breaking, there's plenty of places to go, though you probably need supers first anyway.
So ya, find yourself some spore spawn.


I found a wall I had not gone through before, beat him on the first shot, and got my Supers. Continuing on...


After some play, this hack is getting very mixed reviews. Bottom line: it looks beautiful, plays horribly, and really needed (better) beta testing. The fact that nobody is sure what the intended item order is past missiles, and probably even high jump, and the presence of walls that give no visual clues that they can be walked through are big red warning signs. Finding map stations is somewhat vital as well. Savestates are HIGHLY recommended. Also, fucking Desgeegas.

So far, though:
[spoiler=Item Order]

  • Morph Ball
  • Missiles
  • Bomb (shoot the floor near the second missile tank)
  • Charge
  • Super Missiles (When you reach the highest point in Green Brinstar, go left through the highly unmarked false wall)
  • High-Jump Boots
  • Ice (circle around through three heated rooms via a secret passage below a quintuple enemy spawner)
  • Varia
  • Wave (in the second heated room (it's also the only vertical one) of the previous heat run, shoot the left wall to reveal a spike pit with Yapping Maws to freeze and cross)
  • Power Bombs (northeastern Norfair, be prepared to fight Crocomire)
  • (large item hunt segue here if you wish)
  • Speed Booster (in Maridia; search the room just before a missile station in southeast Green Brinstar for the way forward AND BE PREPARED FOR ANOTHER TOUGH BOSS)
  • Grapple (Use your newly obtained Speed Booster to reach Kraid, then go back to the other monster door that was brown)
  • Gravity (Wrecked Ship time! Don't forget to use velocity obtained by running outside of water to reach high doors...)


I honestly like how it is set up so far. (Still exploring through Norfair, though you don't have to go through it to get a Suit.) Sure, walls with no hints can be a pain to find, but I sort of like exploring around after finding a few and seeing what I can get into. It obviously isn't going to appeal to everyone, but in some instances I rather like it as a feature.

Now, if it keeps playing the same way past where I'm at for the rest of the hack... I'll have issues. It has been fun so far, but that is partly because it mixes things up, and now would be a good time to mix it up a little more.


So far i have:
Varia, 85 missiles, 5 tanks, 1 reserve, ice charge and wave, HJB, 10 supers and 10 pbombs, tho im stuck and i have no idea where to go.

Also there's a problem with Wave beam, it keeps respawning if you re-enter the room


How do you get out of Norfair once you have HJB, if at all? I am surrounded by heat rooms


You need to retrieve Ice. Do not enter any heated rooms until you find the path below where the quintuple fly enemies spawn. There are unheated rooms between heated rooms in this required heat run.


[spoiler]You have to run trough them iirc, at least that's what i did, some are only 1 room and then a normal non-heat room[/spoiler]


I have been playing this as of yesterday and I do say, while it is a a bit of a challenge to find the needed items to advance and where to go, what I have played of it is pretty interesting.
That said, I have been looking all over what I could of Norfair and Brinstar and so far I have had no luck in finding Power Bombs.

I have also come across a permastuck while I was looking for the Wave Beam earlier, and figured I would bring such to your attention.

