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[SM] Z-Factor Hack v1.3

Started by Metaquarius, November 30, 2012, 03:37:12 PM

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Hey, I was just wondering if Spring Ball is in this hack. I looked all over, and never found it.


I've spent about 3 days trying to figure out what to do after you defeat Phantoon.


After you beat Phantoon you get Gravity suit and head to Maridia's back entrance (from the Wrecked Ship).

Interestingly the very fist thing I found in Maridia (aside from a missile pack) was springball.  It's down near the very bottom of the map, and you have to go down one of those long multi-room Maridia transport pipes.  It's pretty well hidden, and a darn good puzzle.


Thanks, but goodness, the creator hid these things. I can't find it.


Does the incompatibility apply to both save types, because if not, I can transfer a hard save (Save Station) over by copy/paste/renaming the SRM file


Yeah, getting gravity suit entails leaving wrecked ship (from the left side) and going to the left crateria lake, and making an absurdly difficult grapple jump using those metal-ish rippers to get back in.

There are really quite a few absurdly difficult things in this hack required to progress, like that underwater room in green brinstar where you jump up the frozen geegas while getting pummeled by infinitely respawning pipes/bulls.


I still haven't found Spazer. I looked in brinstar and early Maridia around the Speed Booster, and I think I need Power Bombs to reach it, and that it can be gotten before Speed Booster at the earliest. Still can't find it though... I'll keep looking.


Spazer is in red brinstar, under a floor with shotblocks that are not hinted at, at all.   Only reason I found it was I was shooting at an enemy when my shots poked a hole in the ground.  lol


17:54 / 100%... V.1



Quote from: Crashtour99 on December 15, 2012, 09:55:13 PM
Spazer is in red brinstar, under a floor with shotblocks that are not hinted at, at all.   Only reason I found it was I was shooting at an enemy when my shots poked a hole in the ground.  lol
Hey, you didn't expect I was going to give a such valuable item so easily ? Use dem power bomb ! Can't stand big sidehoppers, use dem power bombs !!! :razz:
Hopefully, v1.2 has been made since.
However, it's the first time someone mentions having trouble with the grapple section above Crateria left lake, is anyone else think this was absurdly difficult ?

Quote from: LReyomeXX on December 15, 2012, 08:58:20 PM
Does the incompatibility apply to both save types, because if not, I can transfer a hard save (Save Station) over by copy/paste/renaming the SRM file
No sure what you meant by "both save types", just because the door bit array works differently in v1.2, you shouldn't try to use any kind of "old" save with v1.2, unless you want random doors to disappear/reappear in the hack.  :wink:

Quote from: Digital_Mantra on December 16, 2012, 02:53:13 AM
17:54 / 100%... V.1

Someone loves v1.0 for sure. :heheh:


I started over on slot 2, and now I can't remember how to get to Phantoon... I (finally) found Spazer. It was [spoiler]near the Brinstar entrance to Maridia.[/spoiler] Very hard to find.


Quote from: Metaquarius on December 16, 2012, 03:05:44 AM
However, it's the first time someone mentions having trouble with the grapple section above Crateria left lake, is anyone else think this was absurdly difficult ?

Well, I abused savestates like mad for it. Consider -- if you muck it up, you get dumped back into the Crateria lake and have to go all the way back through the Wrecked Ship to get back to where you were and try it again. And you're making blind grapple swings, and the grapple beam is tricky to use with precision, and IIRC you have to use it precisely (i.e. only a few frames of Samus's swing will give you enough velocity to get where you need to be).

So yeah, I'd say that segment was pretty bad.


Well, I've gotten pretty far. My equipment list:
All Equipment Screen items except Screw Attack
180 Missiles maximum
30 Super Missiles
30 Power Bombs
9 Energy Tanks
2 Reserve Tanks

I'm about to find Ridley, then get some expansions I may have missed.


Quote from: Shadow96 on December 09, 2012, 10:29:38 PM
Just thought I'd mention that it's possible to get the e-tank and missiles from the respawning red puffer room without like, anything.
I assume you're supposed to have space jump and skrew attack for it, so I thought I'd mention I got it the items on my first visit.
For the record though, it was not just walljumping or ibj. It was actually a huge pain in the ass to get. But there was no way I would see those items and then just leave.

I'm just curious, in what area of Crateria (or Brinstar) is this room in? I've been looking for that room for a while now, and cannot find it anywhere. I'm on 1.2, if it matters.


You'll be looking for a room in red brinstar.  It's a straight horizontal room with low ceiling and red cactus enemies.  Part of that ceiling is fake.


As an extra hint, Varia is to the left, this is to the right.


Hey, what's all this talk about a "secret room"? I think it involves the gray door right next to the WS-->Maridia elevator, but I have no idea how to get it to open...


you have to get it open before fighting phantoon, you get a bunch of stuff from it I believe.


I've been stuck with 5 Super Missiles for the big majority of the game. Plus I just entered Maridia I see nothing but dead-ends. Was I supposed to come into Maridia from the Wrecked Ship or from Brinstar?


In Maridia, you have a very limited reach without Gravity. You need to collect a boosting speed item hidden in there. (Hint, make sure to explore odd shaped landscaping...)


Maybe it would be easier if I had found the X-Ray Scope. I found it, but I can't reach it.


The X-Ray you can grab. Just not from that side. There isn't a hint for it at all, but it is very easy to get.

[spoiler]Explore a big room with spikes and the FireFlea FX effect going on. Not all of the Red Brinstar bricks are solid...[/spoiler]


Quote from: MetroidMst on December 16, 2012, 10:11:20 PM
The X-Ray you can grab. Just not from that side. There isn't a hint for it at all, but it is very easy to get.

[spoiler]Explore a big room with spikes and the FireFlea FX effect going on. Not all of the Red Brinstar bricks are solid...[/spoiler]

I found that [spoiler]hole, room, and Power Bomb door[/spoiler] by accident when getting hit by a Waver


I remember finding it by seeing a square on the map, and bombing along every wall that could possible lead to it.  I then rolled through to the door. :^_^:


Hey, I'm curious... What are the item totals? I got all key items, 240 Missiles, 45 Supers, 50 PB's, 14 E-Tanks, 4 Reserve Tanks, and [spoiler]the 3 items from the "secret room"[/spoiler]I finished the game and only had 93%! Also, second playthrough is easier, third's a breeze.