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Super Metroid : Darkholme Hospital

Started by Cloud20, May 01, 2012, 01:15:16 PM

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Not only. Danidub called this map "mystery" because also some parts of the 6th floor are hidden, all evidences stations are somewhere in this floor, that why question mark is putted on part of the map, also on the mysterious storage site on the left top, how to enter this? :)

Reposting the new picture for floor 3


If anyone is interested, I publish the palette location for Gravity suit at the ending scene, use it with caution of course, make a backup of your hack and use "I'm a genius" at BS.


If I made any error, don't hesitate to contact me.


These are palette for No sheild mode/ Black nurse mode. Enjoy it :)
Did you noticed the small medical cross on the suit ?




Thanks passarbye.
Now this is a picture from area of 4th floor. Lasers are used for isolations/quarantines zones.


Those white switches look suspicious. That's all I'm saying. Neat lasers though, I like it.


I am SO looking forward to playing v2.0


Thanks guys, for lasers, I should make a video for it because the edited FX1 glow is quite nice :)

Isolation/Quarantine Lasers


Quote from: Cloud12 on August 31, 2012, 06:32:31 AM
Thanks guys, for lasers, I should make a video for it because the edited FX1 glow is quite nice :)

Isolation/Quarantine Lasers
Impressive, and awesome at the same time! Not even the enemy can go through it! now I CANNOT wait for v2.0! :3


i like the lasers and all features with them, good work!
can't wait to play V2!


Just finished v1.2 and loved it,  A nice little hack with a twist


Thanks guys for all comments. Currently I make a pause on Darkholme because I'm busy with another side project. But with JAM, we are woking on the last details of main patch.

Just some things to polish :
-Maybe add an enemy
-Correct graphical glitchs with air tubes
-Redo black blocks for evidences rooms
-Small edits of HUD
-Correct stairs
-Fix again the percentage screen.
-Complete samus medical cross sprite



No many update this time, but just a small HUD custom to show :


now that i see it, i would suggest changing the dark green on samus to a different color.
it blends too easily with your BG on level five (and probably level 6), so it looks odd as is.

other than that, i like the HUD.


Quotenow that i see it, i would suggest changing the dark green on samus to a different color.
it blends too easily with your BG on level five (and probably level 6), so it looks odd as is.

Precisely, dark green blends with BG, I do not see how this is a problem. This is the opposite might seem strange.

other than that, i like the HUD.

Thanks :)
This HUD is a WIP, so it can be better again.


It could be better but it's a really cool concept. Good job Cloud12! :^_^:


Thx Jamie  :^_^:

So now another version of HUD + 2nd Isolation zone



Hey everyone :)

So a small update to show, JAM's patch for matching Shutter palette and CRE palette 0 WORKS !!!

Look :
Level 1

Level 4

Between two images, we can see that 4th floor shutter is darker than 1st, will be very usefull to work on Generator Off patch.

3D image updated :


In the first place, I've not even noticed the slight brightness difference between those shutters...  :portal:
Anyway, glad you're working again on that freaky hospital hack. I'm looking forward a lot on that generator off thingy.


The difference is minimal and is a WIP, so it will be better with Generator Off patch.
And yeah, I still continue to work on this project, it isn't dead

Official/Released 3rd Floor pic


When your about done with adding new things, I think you ought to make another trailer if it's not too much trouble. Perhaps you've already thought of it? I think that after all these updates, it deserves it. Why do you make the 3D images? Free time on your hands?


QuoteI think you ought to make another trailer if it's not too much trouble

It's funny you said it because I'm working on a new trailer. I just added audio on it.
The first minute just show the 6 floors with the danger degree like
"Safe" "Low" "Moderated" "High" "Severe" and "Deadly"

The last 30 seconds will show "New Rooms", "New Enemies", "New Elements of Truth", and "New Ways of Game"
For 3D images, it will take a part of the whole project because it will be integrated on the final guide. 4th floor is just began



Quote from: Cloud12 on November 02, 2012, 06:50:50 PM
QuoteI think you ought to make another trailer if it's not too much trouble

It's funny you said it because I'm working on a new trailer. I just added audio on it.
The first minute just show the 6 floors with the danger degree like
"Safe" "Low" "Moderated" "High" "Severe" and "Deadly"

The last 30 seconds will show "New Rooms", "New Enemies", "New Elements of Truth", and "New Ways of Game"
For 3D images, it will take a part of the whole project because it will be integrated on the final guide. 4th floor is just began

nice, and now I know why you make the 3D images too. That's awesome-can't wait to see the newest trailer!


The new teaser will be probably on-line tomorrow, I just need to send it by my computer, but the export is on it and I haven't it this evening



The teaser is now online, check the first post please to see it