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Room of the Week 2012 - Archives

Started by Zhs2, July 03, 2010, 12:53:45 AM

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Zero One

Sure, why not.




[spoiler=here's mine][/spoiler]


Your image is broken, passar :neutral:
You have to copy the public link.


Quote from: SMILEuser96 on April 14, 2012, 04:07:01 PM
Your image is broken, passar :neutral:
You have to copy the public link.
i'm such a retard. thanks. :P


Ice Ice baby....

Metroidmst, round two...

I'll post a vid to show the fx1 since that's kinda important for atmosphere.


Shadow for me.

I'm not a fan of NESTroid, but snarf's blue / white mix was super sexy, and originally had my vote.  I only changed my mind when Shadow posted one of the sexiest rooms I've seen in ages.

Great work, Shadow. :^_^:


Passarbye room is sexy and clean. Nice Super metroid and Metroid zero combination.

Zero One

A fight between FlamingCobra, Passarbye and Shadow for me, but FlamingCobra got my vote. Passar, those grey bits on the crystals don't really fit. Also, maybe look into drawing some vines on the submerged Chozodia tiles; that'd look awesome. Shadow, it's a good room, but I'm not too fond of the colours. Also, the Chozo Statue looks a bit rough around the edges. Also, you've got a small tiling error underneath the left pillar next to the statue.


thanks guys, i'll work on that tileset, or have someone edit it for me.
(i'm terrible at GFX editing.)

i'll have to say FlamingCobra this week.
although shadow and snarf were really close this time.
(practically a tie between the two)


Loving shadow's room a lot. Few gripes with the way a couple things look (mainly those granite columns, they look kinda bleh to me, maybe if they were a shade of light blue, but I guess he's going for monochrome). Passarbye's room looks downright amazing, and then I see those crystals with no texturing whatsoever, and I can't vote for it. My vote goes to FlamingCobra. An all around great room with solid design and tiling.


I like Shadow96's room the best. I was originally going to vote for Zero One, because his design seemed pretty balanced. Shadow96's room has a lot of detail -- lots of little interesting things; eye candy --- but it doesn't appear too busy. It is both simple and elegant, just like Phendrana.


Oh well, time to once more write about the rooms of rotw.
Okay, I have to say, this week is pretty interesting.
[spoiler]Snarf, buddy, little unimpressed this week. That palette? damn.... I would eat that palette. Mostly cause I'm hungry though :P But the room itself feels really boring and far too much like regular m1. We've seen what you can do with level design, so this is a little disappointing.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Great room this week. You've got some tiling issues, and certain tiles don't really fit the gfx, but over all I still love the room. Now that the background isn't so close to the foreground in colour, it looks a lot better. I will say though, that the layer two background stuff could have been used better. It would've been nice to see more curve and less strait in-your-face background. This is defiantly one that I'll consider voting for though.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Okay, so I like the simplistic nature of the room. It's good for what it is. The left side has a couple spots where the tiling is off though. Like how the filler tiles are next to the stone/mechanical thing the shows the next layer behind it. It's kinda off putting and I'd hate to see that in game. As well, a tile near the top is used incorrectly, but that's not as big a deal.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Round two! You're room isn't bad, and I love the layering, but It doesn't feel very appealing to me. Those glowy colourful things in the middle of the room would look far better horizontally as opposed to vertically. Anyway, you're room doesn't really stand out like they sometimes do.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]That tileset is slick. Not quite there yet though. The chozo tiles, although I like how they fit, the red outline doesn't work with the dark outline of maridia tiles. This is a big issue as the gba games used a different style for drawing their tiles. The two styles, although both good, don't work well together. You kinda have to choose between super style or zm style. In anycase, the room layout is great, and I like which tileset were mixed. Those crystals though, oh man, they are a /huge/ put off. They have no texture, shading, substance. They really don't fit at all. those two issues combined, I don't think I can vote for that room.[/spoiler]
Yours Truly :wink:
[spoiler]Oh hey, it's my room. Ya, that room isn't great. Um, it's still the beginnings of the tileset, so It's not very good. But those pillars are custom, and I'm kinda proud of them. They turned out far better than I expected.
Okay, I know about the freaking TILING ERRORS. It was driving me crazy because when I noticed it, I'd already submitted my room. But not just that, I was on revision 3. So I was NOT going to re-upload it at 11:30 just to fix it. But rest assured, both the tiling errors are fixed, and I'm surprised I over looked it. Anywho, Idk, I don't like the room without a good background. The background is on it's way though, tilesets take time. Especially when so much is custom.[/spoiler]

So since you may not get the kind of atmosphere I was going for, I'll edit my post to include a video through the magic of youtube. Here's a hint though, It's snowing. (ya, you totally didn't see that coming :grin:)

Edit: Here ya go. This is what my room would've looked like had I more time.


Quote from: Shadow96 on April 16, 2012, 04:40:38 PM
the room itself feels really boring and far too much like regular m1.
Now that you mention it, it bears an eerie resemblance to this room from the original game.


I wonder how that happened...

Zero One

Quote from: snarfblam on April 16, 2012, 05:24:00 PM
Quote from: Shadow96 on April 16, 2012, 04:40:38 PM
the room itself feels really boring and far too much like regular m1.
Now that you mention it, it bears an eerie resemblance to this room from the original game.


I wonder how that happened...

I caught that too; was that intentional, or did it just randomly turn out that way?


I guess the sarcasm tag is needed here after all.
when it's THAT CLOSE, it's pretty obvious, to me at least, that similarity was the intent.


Hot damn shadow, I knew someone could do something cool with that tileset. :P


Thanks Crys. I wasn't sure what to use as a base for it, but then I remembered this tileset and realized that with some editing it would work really well.
And Snarfblam, I got that it was supposed to be the same room, I was just saying that you could've used a room that wasn't the same. As is, that room is still boring, and the tiles aren't enough of a change.


This is from a graphic overhaul hack. The goal is to make things more pleasing to the eye, but still recognizable. I was pretty happy with it, but I'm always open to criticism on my hacks.


I think shadow didn't notice a lot of the other rooms you posted (such as the norfair rooms) are also the same as the original


Alright, well this is just sad. I hate to waste a room like this on a /week/ like this, but oh well.
Actually the room sucks, but whatever.



The mods'll probably just skip a week.