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Super Metroid Prime (Discussion) [Hack on hold]

Started by personitis, November 22, 2011, 09:14:00 PM

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Read here first plzkthnx

This here topic is for the discussion of the Super Metroid Prime hack in development. The aim of this hack is to convert Metroid Prime into the great 2D adventure of Super Metroid we all know and love. As such, anyone can guess that this is a huge task. Progress has been very, very slow. But why discussion? Well, I'd like to here your thoughts on the project and what you would do about certain aspects of the hack. For example, I'm taking into consideration small details such as Power and Ice beams not being able to pass through the surface of water and how the Space Jump looks in third person (taken from MP2). I also plan to not alter the Super Metroid physics as least as I possibly can (you're definitely loosing wall jumping, but jump height and fall speed will not be altered).

However, I can't just make a topic about a hack and give no material. So...
A list of changes:
* Morphball has Prime-like behavior.
* Springball comes packaged with Bombs. A small Trilogy throw in. :^_^:
* Boostball added (not Insom's patch afaik). Replaces Springball.
* Space Jump Boots take the place of High Jump Boots (modeled after MP2 multiplayer Space Jumping).
* Tractor Beam GET!
* Wall jumping removed.
* Scyzer's Prime HUD patch applied.

Thanks to BlackFalcon for all the ASM. Credit goes to Scyzer for the HUD.

Another reason I'm putting this topic up is to encourage myself to start cracking down on this thing. Again, progress has been sloooow. Mainly cause I'm a lazy and slow hacker, like every other person on these forums. :heheh: When enough progress has been made, this will also double as the hack's official topic.

A few things to note however.
1. Don't beg me for anything. If I need something from you, I will come to you.
2. Don't ask for a release date. At the current moment, that's like asking when another Metroid game will be released.
3. For those with access to the SMP board (yup, it exists), don't share or spread information located in there (or at least without my consent :cool:).
4. Keep posts positive and let them have a meaning (I.E. don't make posts like "This is a stupid idea." or "Good stuff bro!")

Now that all that is said and done, please, discuss. I'm interested to hear what everyone thinks.

Edit: 1,000th post FTW! o.0
Edit 6/29/12: I hope this doesn't bump the topic. For now, I'm putting this hack on the shelf so that I can focus on learning ASM and create a more original hack. Not sure when I'll get around to this again and it may be a while. It's not dead (yet :=x:).


I want to see Flaahgra. NOW! Can I at least beta test this someday?
Good stuff bro!
About the secrets in the SMP board...[spoiler]Hard to say anything because I didn't even know about such a place :lol:[/spoiler]
When will this be released? Do you have any idea of when Fusion's official sequel will be released?

Ok, I guess that's enough rule-breaking...

Anyway, I'm liking this idea. I thought it was going to be a hack of Prime for a while there. [spoiler=This is why]("The aim of this hack is to convert Metroid Prime into the great 2D adventure of Super Metroid")[/spoiler]
The tractor beam could be better, but other than that, I can't really complain or whine about anything else in the video. Good luck with this!


As I have mentioned several times in the past, some control related features would be a nice addition.
ie. item cancel is now missile button, hold down missile button for supers (eats 5 missiles), missile button for power bombs while in morph, etc

Area graphics and enemy AIs will likely be the hardest things on your todo list, good luck! :3

This is one hack that I will be especially critical on, and would even test for you (and I never offer to do that).  Make it as close to MP as possible!


1. How about Beam Combos from Prime? I.e., special items, allowing to make Special Beam Attack for each beam. Even using existing ones in Super Metroid will looks cool. And possibly, make every special beam attack drain several missiles (as it was done in Prime).

2. Half-charged shots are also will be nice, I guess (although there will need to do a lot of repointing). I mean, if you're charging your gun but not wait long enough, something between normal shot and charged shot should come out.

3. Beam shields for doors. Not too hard to create.

4. Using top line of HUD to display room names. Like DSO did.

Well, these 4 things is possible to make, at least. If something else comes in mind, I'll write here.


@Squishy: Thank you for re-mentioning the control aspect. I recall you telling me this at one point in time. With that said, it will be likely to see Item Cancel act as the missile button. I don't like the idea of holding it down for Super Missiles however. As for difficult stuff, boss creation will be the toughest thing to date. I'm almost 100% sure of that.

@JAM: Since the goal of the hack is to come as close to Metroid Prime as possible, beam combos will not be left out and neither will beam specific doors. The top line room name display (what a mouthful) is an interesting idea worth throwing around. Half-charged shots were actually not on my "list of details" so I'll make sure to slap that on there.



Would you consider redrawing Samus's sprites. You might not want to but it would be cool for you to pull it off.

What you have so far is really interesting and I hope this does get finished. Don't let this slip! :)


Did this ever go anywhere? I thought that this was a really cool idea.


It's generally common forum practise to actually read the first post (not to mention the subject) to find out information about a hack. I'd recommend doing that.


Quote from: ProjectXVIII on August 15, 2013, 06:44:49 PM
It's generally common forum practise to actually read the first post (not to mention the subject) to find out information about a hack. I'd recommend doing that.

Unfortunately Person701 failed to mention that in his points to note...

In preparation for this thread I've decided to replay Prime tonight - I'll get back to this thread if I have any worthwhile thoughts.  In the meantime just get on with it - I'm not a young man you know  :grin:


QuoteUnfortunately Person701 failed to mention that in his points to note...
Did I...?

Quote from: Topic TitleSuper Metroid Prime (Discussion) [Hack on hold]

Quote from: person701 on November 22, 2011, 09:14:00 PM
Edit 6/29/12: I hope this doesn't bump the topic. For now, I'm putting this hack on the shelf so that I can focus on learning ASM and create a more original hack. Not sure when I'll get around to this again and it may be a while. It's not dead (yet :=x:).

In preparation for this thread I've decided to replay Prime tonight - I'll get back to this thread if I have any worthwhile thoughts.  In the meantime just get on with it - I'm not a young man you know  :grin:
Preparation? Ok... Despite the smiley, you're still coming off a tad rude. I might also note that you should read my quote above again and take into consideration the amount of work this project actually is. This won't be done for a while (should I decide to complete it) and hasn't seen progress in months for the above stated reasons.

As for thoughts, please, put them out there. I can always keep adding to my current list of details and features, but I'm positive I've noted the vast majority of them.


Please believe me I was not intending to belittle all the hard work done to date. I am 100% behind you on this - sorry the humour didn't come off for you, my bad