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General Projects Screenshots/Vids Thread

Started by Zhs2, May 15, 2009, 10:44:44 PM

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do not ask about what the chozo is holding.

Draconis Kenjishiya

Nu- I like the tiles, a lot =) the grapple blocks and save station are particularly cool.

Sonic - No, I won't ask what the Chozo is holding. I will admire the dark tileset though ^.^


The CRE looks badass (in a good way) but...
The BG on layer 1 is a bad idea though. There is a big black space at the slopes, and other places.

Nu Zalem

Well, it's not perfect, but I thought I show off a room with my imported tiles. I used the save room in this scenario. I'm not a great level designer, but I tried to make it look decent.



That is one awesome room, Antares.  But is Samus walking on air in that shot?

Nu Zalem

No, she's not supposed to be walking on thin air. I just need to make small adjustments to the tiles she walks on (I like to refer to them as "surface tiles"). The small graphic error on the map station bothers me though.


Thanks to Grime for letting me use some of his ultra lush alien tiles, I've created an additional region to Eris.

Welcome to Ziobelia. The Inner Swamplands of the Abyss.

Here is a tree. I like to call it the Tree of Grime.


This whole board must now be locked. we have this.

Nu Zalem

Your areas are always so vivid to me. Your level design is truly a work of art. :)


Quote from: Bloodsonic
This whole board must now be locked. we have this.
If that's the case, then I eagerly await the day that we lock the Super Metroid boards for all eternity. :icon_razz:

Even so, a few complaints (SINNER!)
- It's a bit bright... I had to strain to see what it was at first. Hopefully like you said it's not as bright ingame!
- Is that a big tree behind it (i.e. the purple roots?) Looks stange.


Quote from: Phoenix Wright on June 08, 2009, 10:01:44 PM
- It's a bit bright... I had to strain to see what it was at first. Hopefully like you said it's not as bright ingame!

Actually, that picture was taken with the brightness setting in SMILE on bright. So no, it's not that bright.

Quote from: Phoenix Wright on June 08, 2009, 10:01:44 PM
- Is that a big tree behind it (i.e. the purple roots?) Looks stange.

Behind the tree and swamp surface is a huge cavern separated by a massive lake with mountains off in the distance. The purple rock formations at the top is just ceiling cave stuff, the reason I even put it there (didn't want to at first) was so that it would give the tree more emphasis as you space jumped around it. It's a fairly dark palette and having that contrast with a black background wasn't giving the amount of emphasis I wanted on the tree.


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on June 08, 2009, 11:11:44 PMThe purple rock formations at the top is just ceiling cave stuff, the reason I even put it there (didn't want to at first) was so that it would give the tree more emphasis as you space jumped around it.
I think I'd prefer to IBJ around it; that way I'll have more time to enjoy the incredible scenery. And potentially sequence break.


Haven't posted anything in here for a while, so here goes.  Been working on a tile set for the inside of the space pirate ship (no, not the wrecked ship).  I figured they'd be high tech insects, so the inside would be techy/metallic but organic looking at the same time.  Below are two shots taken of the same screen... The tiles haven't changed, but I changed the FX1 for a different mood.  I know which I prefer, but some people differ on opinion, so I'm posting both.

Thoughts welcome on both the graphic set and the fx1 to go with (though I'll probably use both to an extent):

[spoiler]I'll be either replacing or eliminating the vent.[/spoiler]


WTF?  Fake Kraid in MB's tank?  That just reminds me of M2K2's "Maru Mari" comic series.


Nice GFX, you using slopes here alot though.
[spoiler]removing the vent is probably for the best.[/spoiler]
On the FX, the second one looks better for a space station, imo.


Oh, what do you know, I forgot to comment on Jathys' stuff!  Anyway, I prefer the one on the left.  The one on the right seems too dark.


I prefer the darker one, seems more biological, also, Crys, i loled a lot at that, also its nice to see that you are putting that OST to good use  :icon_biggrin:


Jathys: second pic, but it'd be a much harder descision if the grey in the first pic wasn't so ugly.


Oh wow, just before i killed the old site i found some images i thought i would never see again, just reposting them.

[spoiler=old escape room, huge room within][/spoiler]

[spoiler=something uber random][/spoiler]

and also the title screen for RTSR:388, made by Obsy.

Obsy, where ever you are, please come back.

BTW, no one has to comment on this as its old, just reposting.


Quote from: GF_Kennon on June 18, 2009, 10:15:15 AM

[spoiler=something uber random][/spoiler]

Reminds me of the time I did this:
[Spoiler=Sexy red doors! :3][/spoiler]



Also, I love the coloration in you name on that sexy title screen. I didn't know it could use that many colors. o_O


Quote from: Phoenix Wright on June 18, 2009, 12:20:24 PM

Also, I love the coloration in you name on that sexy title screen. I didn't know it could use that many colors. o_O
It's only using 11 colors from what I can see.


GF_K: That first room is pretty cool, and the second is, like you said, uber random.  However, I'm not even going to ask if it will appear in your hack, because I doubt it will.