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General Projects Screenshots/Vids Thread

Started by Zhs2, May 15, 2009, 10:44:44 PM

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oh if only I could put these into SM. They look awesome.
The shoulder pads do look a bit odd in the larger sprites, but I think that's cause they're a bit too high by a couple pixels more than anything else.


Quote from: Scyzer on September 11, 2015, 09:04:13 PM
oh if only I could put these into SM. They look awesome.
Actually, this would be a good idea for a Super Metroid hack. Overhauling the SM graphics and importing bosses from the NES Mega Man games. defeating the bosses would give vital abilities and weapons, and the final boss is Dr. Wily in one of his huge machines. The name: Super Megatroid.

Also, I'm kinda suprised everyone likes the sprite sheet so much. I uploaded it to Imgur and it got eight down-votes in an hour  :lol:


Quote from: PKstarship on September 11, 2015, 09:19:43 PM
Quote from: Scyzer on September 11, 2015, 09:04:13 PM
oh if only I could put these into SM. They look awesome.
Actually, this would be a good idea for a Super Metroid hack. Overhauling the SM graphics and importing bosses from the NES Mega Man games. defeating the bosses would give vital abilities and weapons, and the final boss is Dr. Wily in one of his huge machines. The name: Super Megatroid.

Also, I'm kinda suprised everyone likes the sprite sheet so much. I uploaded it to Imgur and it got eight down-votes in an hour  :lol:

I was actually going to put shadowman into my current hack as an easter egg boss, but I got some major feature creep and now there's way more cool shit instead haha.

also scyzer:
99 little bugs in the code, 99 little bugs in the code.
Fix them up, patch it around, 999 bugs in the code!
- Mon732
this is the best sig I've ever seen omg  :lol:


Mon732 said it XD
I can't remember where though. It was somewhere on the forum.


That was on the Engine Works thread, my topic that had questions about basic ASM. I was kinda upset that my Hyper Beam patch didn't work quite right, so he said that to me. :^_^:


Quote from: PKstarship on September 11, 2015, 01:22:18 PM
I don't know if this is the right place to put this, but I don't think I should make a new topic. I made this:

I hope to use it with my upcoming Mega Man 2 hack. It follows the palette limitations of the NES. The normal sprites are black, orange, and yellow, while sprite layering is used to add the red, green, and light green. What does everyone think?

Um, PK, did you draw those sprites from scratch or did you use some sort of editing program to edit the original sprites, either way, that looks so cool


I got a simple Mega Man 2 sprite sheet, opened it in a Android pixel art app called IsoPix, copied each sprite, and edited the copied sprites to look like Samus.

There's more sprites to come, I need to make Zero Suit Samus sprites, Energy Whip sprites for Z-Suit Samus, a Morph Ball for Samus, graphics for the Ice, Wave, and Plasma Beams, A new "Weapon Aquired" sprite animation for Armored Samus, sprites for Missiles and Morph Ball Bombs, and probably some other stuff I can't remember at the moment. I want to have a large amount of content in my Mega Man 6 hack. When I'm done making the new sprite sheet, I'll post it here.



Quote from: Hawntah on August 12, 2015, 12:56:32 AM
Quote from: biospark on August 12, 2015, 12:51:55 AM
What do you mean? Even without this modification, you just springball if you're moving left or right when you hit A.
Oh, never mind then. I thought it didn't work that way.
My final post on these forums: A suggestion regarding Mid-Air Sparking.
I think normal jumps should not trigger shinesparks, but double-tapping A (in either normal or morphball) would activate the shinespark. Just a thought.


OK, I have finally gotten to work on the Super Metroid hack, of which I switched from Metroid to Super Metroid, Metroid Alpha Tower.

Here's the first screenshot! First room I did, and I fully intend on at least changing up the existing rooms at least slightly at Ceres, I plan on it being a "Sector Zero"-esque place. Keep in mind this is the part that proves my hack has been started on, so, hopefully it will be completed, please give me feedback!

Also, that suit color is not final. Just thought I would throw that out there


"Oh my god, they're all dead!"

But seriously, it looks cool. I want to ask though, is the Baby Metroid going to be in this hack? If not, then the intro needs to be changed, but I think there's a patch for that.


Quote from: PKstarship on September 20, 2015, 10:45:22 PM
"Oh my god, they're all dead!"

But seriously, it looks cool. I want to ask though, is the Baby Metroid going to be in this hack? If not, then the intro needs to be changed, but I think there's a patch for that.

It will most likely be in the hack, and the story will be modified to allow the Baby Metroid in the story. The story will most likely be heavily modified, as will the game of course


Well, your not wrong about the hack going to be finished on the original post. Like previously, I'm here if you need a tester


OK, so, I feel like maybe before I make Alpha Tower, that maybe I should go for something basic to get me used to using SMILE JX, so, I am planning on making a hack for Super Metroid that simply adds a few more rooms and changes positioning on items (Sorry if I am going for something another hack might have done, if so, I simply do not know about it). Wish me luck please, and also, this does not mean I am giving up on Alpha Tower, I am just going for something that will allow me to get used to the editing program and so I can figure everything out. I also intend on it being harder than the original.


Are you going to learn asm? You should probably learn asm so you can get good ato that too. I myself will learn asm later in next year. I wish you luck.


I might learn ASM, it all depends, but, like I said, I will start off with that hack I just talked about, and, I have a name (that hopefully isn't taken, please, someone let me know if it is :awesome: ) Super Metroid Plus, I gotta get used to the editing program, luckily, SMILE is maybe easier for me than Editroid (No offence Snarfblam, just the way my brain works, Editroid is a little bit tricky for me to use)


Super Metroid Plus, eh? Guessing it's like Metroid Plus. Correct me if I'm wrong. Seems pretty legit.


Actually, its just to change location of items (if I can anyways), change the map up a bit, and, possibly, change graphics (PK, in this case, my own graphics)


A name is trivial and doesn't add much, if anything, to a hack at all. I personally wouldn't worry about a generic name being taken though. I would also advise (from personal experience) to stop talking about what you're going to do and do it! Things don't work out when they sit around by themselves. Also keep in mind that this thread is for showing off screen shots and videos for works in progress, not for the discussion of ideas. That'd be better off left over here. :wink:



Thanks, I'm still feel kinda new to these forums even though I have posted quite a bit, I don't understand it completely, so thanks.


Quote from: Meeptroid on September 22, 2015, 11:13:21 PM
Thanks, I'm still feel kinda new to these forums even though I have posted quite a bit, I don't understand it completely, so thanks.

I think what most people are trying to tell you is that actions speak louder than words. Once you've finally made significant progress on a hack, then you can made a thread for your hack with images/videos and people won't get upset. I would recommend saving your hack ideas for the ideas thread, and any minor progress you make for this thread.


OK, thanks biospark. God, I swear, how long until I'm gonna get everything right?


I figured I'd share some progress on my editor.

Rather than my previous copy/paste system, I opted for SMILE-style right-click-drag copying (that's a mouthful), since it seems convenient and most of you are used to it.

In addition, there's a new toolbar for quick access to stuff. On the toolbar are undo and redo buttons, a feature which took a while to implement, but it certainly seems worth the effort.