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General Projects Screenshots/Vids Thread

Started by Zhs2, May 15, 2009, 10:44:44 PM

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Wondering if there's a preferred approach to room design where tiling is concerned with regards to placement and variety of tiles.

Clean rooms tend to have a lot of the physical elements sharing horizontal and vertical alignment: the metroid halls of Tourian, most of the halls of Crateria, upper Norfair's caverns prior to the bubble room and watery caverns over by the grapple beam. They also tend to have less noise in the backgrounds and a more spacious feel.

Impressionistic design uses the tilesets a bit more freely and with less regard to the intended tile edge alignments. In the original super metroid, the closest this tends to come is Ridley's hideout in areas with ruined architecture, the wrecked ship, and a few places in Brinstar - though obviously, in the original, tiles are generally lined up as intended. However, if you take a look at the rocky Maridia tiles and selected from these randomly when defining masses, you draw some structures that look decent even though they don't put a lot of focus on how the tiles are intended to line up.

Here's a few examples from what I'm working on... The reason I'm asking is because it would be easier to commit to a cleaner design from the get-go and worry less about things feeling too "designed," but most of what I've been doing so far involves taking a LOT of liberties with the original tiles with a more impressionistic approach. My worry is that some of the rooms feel like the visual choices could be executed a bit better.

On the other hand, I've been focusing on making sure the game elements function for now, and part of me feels that going back and  looking closer at visual elements later on after I've had practice by making one pass on all the rooms from start to end, may make the cleanup more coherent, rather than trying to get it right on the first shot.

outside area after a gun emplacement has been destroyed!AlQ6oVIETJWMhgj3ohbkfEUb0J44
same room, left side, using rocky outcroppings for room transitions!AlQ6oVIETJWMhgmt_vE2JnXZ00lx
next room south, bottom of a watery cove you fall into from the room above!AlQ6oVIETJWMhgu-iY9uXHFroKdB
lower part of the gun emplacement bunker, before guns are destroyed!AlQ6oVIETJWMhg2yn1nDEVG0rHO1
same room, after guns are destroyed and the ceiling collapses


Also, I'm still pretty new to this, and haven't got any practice modifying tiles yet, so I realize, it's a *bit* uglier than typical fare for this community XD Gotta start somewhere, though!


To be honest, it looks like a mixed bag. Some of the sections you have are tiled well enough that I can see shapes of whatever you're trying to portray, but other sections do just look like random jumbles of tiles. It seems like it could be interesting, but you'll need to keep the balance pretty well maintained.


Cool, I was looking back over some of it and thinking I probably need to step it up in sections that are lacking. I've got some ideas about ways to clean up the screens that aren't working as well. Also, I'm guessing it's probably better to err on the side of a cleaner look anyhow, and not take the chance that a player get confused by the tiling.

I think the original game generally focuses a lot on preserving the edges of structures and making them really apparent, since that's what Samus does most of her physical interaction with, and a few of my rooms fail pretty hard there :D Nothing that can't be fixed though!

Thanks for the feedback.



I have a suggestion though, fighting Kraid out in the open is kinda not really metroid-y.


Nice job on this one! Phanny fits good in this game, now Halloween can come :twisted:


Gotta say, that Phantoon looks really good. Have you thought about doing normal enemies, or do you not have plans for them?
what are the extents of what you'd like to do with this mod?


Quote from: passarbye on October 12, 2017, 10:26:01 AM
Gotta say, that Phantoon looks really good. Have you thought about doing normal enemies, or do you not have plans for them?
what are the extents of what you'd like to do with this mod?
Oh yes, normal enemies are planned. I decided to make the bosses first as they are a big part of the main game progression, so I wanted to go ahead and flush them out.

Basically I'm adding whatever Metroid content I want to this mod. Right now my primary focus is adding content from Prime 1 and most of the 2D Metroid games. Later down the line, I hope to add content from Prime 2 (Dark World and shiz) and Prime 3 (Hypermode and shiz).

So I guess the end result of this mod will be pretty large. And although it may not have as much content as some of the other large Terraria mods (I've seen some that add 1000+ items), my content is definitely some of the most unique (or planned to be, anyway).


I played your old tconfig mod of this and i enjoyed it quite alot (yes the items are unique for a terraria mod).
Hope you keep going with this. Good luck, but most important have fun while doing it^^


Using minimap coordinates to paint a better picture per room. Need to add some base room stats so I can tell what I'm doing at a glance xD



I can generate these on the fly now, i was having a hard time plotting out the "plot" traversal of how to get to enemies and stuff. So now I can generate these, draw a route out. Get the map going for it. Also added details for the rooms helps out.

If you need one for your ZM or MF hack, let me know.



That's actually some pretty cool, abstract use of the vanilla tiles. Good work. :^_^:


Thanks! Now that I am starting to learn to change tiles and eventually make new ones they were starting to not seem as nice by comparison. I figure it's better to keep going and finish the game, then retile after I finish learning to do things.

Like, for instance, with so many of the tilesets, I am just pleading I can find some way to get a few triangles out of them, for better looking slopes :D Started looking at enemy gfx for solutions lol


Look what I got to work.  :^_^:


@destroyed chozo: looks awesome! I'm pretty new here but depending on the emulator needed (I just have snes9x), I could see giving that a shot!

This is the room I'm squaring away; the smile screenshot shows the BTS slopes (hopefully clearly enough) for a multi-landing staircase across a room transition. The staircase lets you travel up and down. Once in a while you get a pseudo-permastuck, mostly if you are trying, but can exit the pseudo-permastuck simply by jumping. Or morphing, but it's possible in this hack that you might not have morph ever, so I've been paying close attention to size-2 gaps.


The trick to the staircase is those slopes 15 and 16, and the gap between them. The initial half-tile slopes before the gap grant Samus enough vertical momentum to clear the gap and continue up the stairs when she is moving fast. If she moves a little slower, she just goes down the stairs instead. Has a castlevania feel to it.



And another boss down. But plenty more to go.

Each and every boss I make gives me a unique experience in developing them. It's interestingly fun.


Ignore the palettes, it's a placeholder.
There's also four suits, one's all mine.



About halfway through the world building for SM: Proving Grounds. Apologies for accidental eye-bleeding. Hoping to be done by next fall.


I have pretty much no idea what I'm looking at here. There's a bit too much going on in my opinion.

Also, you can take screenshots in snes9x by going to "File > Save Other > Save Screenshot" and then they get saved in the screenshots folder of your snes9x installation.