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General Projects Screenshots/Vids Thread

Started by Zhs2, May 15, 2009, 10:44:44 PM

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Yay forum is alive again! Also, things...



Triple post but I'm a mod so it's okay


Corona gives alot of time to work on hacks, thanks again to Quietus for slopes


Nice 'n' curvy. :^_^:

Since I'm inspecting it so closely, I think you may be missing an internal corner tile in the background rock formation just above the loose block. :wink:


Quote from: SMILEuser96 on March 08, 2020, 01:51:01 AM
Triple post but I'm a mod so it's okay
Wow, just listen to that abuse of power kappa

That's a very pretty Super room, Retroo. Props on your slope tiles too, Quietus!


I know no one has ever asked for a 1x2 mini map, but I wanted it to be as modular as possible, so I made it able to do that anyway:


[spoiler]Raygun made a raw audio to sappy converter, I took his work and made a wav/mp3 inserter.[/spoiler]


Working on a romhack in SMILE RF, how do I get the Baby Metroid to target the player instantly?


Let's make this a thing again? What's everyone think of the new look for Phazon Suit and Phazon Mines. For my elusive Metroid Prime remake game.


Looks nice, Tobi. But be careful of the Big N, though you might be safe with it being a ROM hack (I'm assuming of Zero Mission.)

And I'm interested in how it progresses. Not many people choose to make a 2D version of Prime (or at least attempt to.)


Thanks! I'm very aware of the N, that's why I haven't released any public demos, and I've been holding off on even launching a thread for the game, even though people really want to know the plot synapsis and stuff. I'm figuring on having a few trusted alpha players do a physics test soon, then a small private demo, and then when completely done, I'll upload the game with the source for the engine and everything all at once, that way if they shut it down its already finished.


Good luck, man. Can't wait to see how it goes.


Thanks Ridley! I got some juicy stuff for everyone this super early morning beyond late night for me, I'm honestly very very excited about this and quite proud, I FINALLY got ScooterBoot's Space Pirate AI to function mostly in my engine!! This means that not only can I start swapping to my Lrime pirate and shadow pirate sprites, but I can write for Troooper Pirates as well, since i can recolor the Plasma Trooper to make all four.

The best part is this has got me learning Finite State Machines, which are AMAZING!! Pretty much a must for AI especially complex AI, I'll be able to start coding Metroid Prime and Meta Ridley soon! Ahhh it's so exciting! It's gonna be worth the wait guys, you'll be so glad I didn't drop a demo and shit, I noticed projects tend to get shut down once they drop a demo.

I've learned so much about programming and design, I  hope this leads to an actual profitable opportunity, if I don't get recruited like Doc, I can pull Nintendo assets and use my engine to start a new metroid knockoff, run a Kickstart campaign since this project shows not only my ability but dedication for absolutely nothing but a sense of accomplishment, the love from the community, and leaving a unique mark on the world as the guy who made "the other Prime 2D game" haha.


Sounds good, man!

But is the Wave Beam supposed to arc downward?


Great question, and the answer is both yes and no, I'll try to explain as simply as possible:
It's using a trigonometric function to form a sine wave, like AC power, it starts at 0, alternates to positive 60, then 0, then negative 60, then 0. Those peaks are your amplitude and the space between is wavelength. The code is supposed to switch a variable, so one beam, the one you see, that one begins on the negative alternation from zero. It's then supposed to revert to the opposite on a variable that makes the next shot start at Zero to positive 60 back to 0 and repeat. That way it would in rapid succession form a double Helix basically. When I complicated the code i believe it confused Kousorus rather simplistic code, I think it can be fixed with some comparative equals (==) vs force equals (=) or the !(not)  which checks more true or false or 0 false  or anything but is  true , but if I say if x = 5 that wants to force x to equal 5, where if (x ==5) {} does the loop if x equals five already.

Here's a juicy update with SFX improved water clarity and better pirate freeze fx and improved electrocution effect as well!



This one was all me, I drew this auto defense turret months ago, it never worked right. Now I wrote an FSM for this and it's working pretty good so far, I even made my own particle effect, it rains sparks if it blows up and has a disarmed state doe the scan to deactivate.
Also now dialing in the particle effects for my Saturnines. If I can get it to look like the middle one but less long, that'll be pretty good for me idk about everyone else.


Glad to see turrets are working properly (aside from attacking, obviously.)

And yeah, just a little bit shorter might look best.

Since I didn't really get this to a point to give a more proper update till now, I got that turret issue fixed using Parr of the trig functions I used with these new plazmites and sidehoppers, also put more SM BTS slopes into the game cause better tile variety.

Also, BREATHE SOME LIFE INTO THIS THREAD DAMMIT. Someone gotta be working on a hack or a project besides just me here, come on now.


Patience, new hack creator. Visibility will happen in due time.

Also, those missile and Screw Attack explosions look nice. Same with the design of the doors.


This project in its current state has been in the works since 2014. It's considerably far along, I figured maybe since AM2R ended, and Prime 2D got shut down, maybe one "nice" project could get some other hackers to contribute their works as they did in 2014-2016 as I remember, when this thread was abuzz, people sharing little bits of level designs or WIP stuff they may or may not release or just wanted feedback on. Unfortunately it seems those days are gone, despite my efforts to revive some discussion about ongoing projects. To be fair ROM hacks are pretty safe, I don't see any reason anyone would feel the need to keep their hacks in complete silence..