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General Projects Screenshots/Vids Thread

Started by Zhs2, May 15, 2009, 10:44:44 PM

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Quote from: Quote58 on June 20, 2016, 12:50:06 AM
And here's something I put together for a more tallon 4 style Super metroid tileset a while back:
That's the exact tileset :P I remember you showing me that one and a Phendrana Drifts type of one based on Crateria as well a couple years ago, I liked both of them a lot. The new HD version has a good balance between lush and rock, it's very mossy, mixed in with the flora, and the slight hint of Phazon corruption beginning, the lighting effects and everything, it all plays in fairly well, I'm not ready to release the full room yet though. What I am ready to release though is this satisfying beam transition gif based on FPzero's modification to the Power Suit. (The side view dynamics will be a lot better than the simple Plasma Beam extension.)


Quote from: TobiMikami on June 20, 2016, 01:09:03 AM
Quote from: Quote58 on June 20, 2016, 12:50:06 AM
And here's something I put together for a more tallon 4 style Super metroid tileset a while back:
That's the exact tileset :P I remember you showing me that one and a Phendrana Drifts type of one based on Crateria as well a couple years ago, I liked both of them a lot. The new HD version has a good balance between lush and rock, it's very mossy, mixed in with the flora, and the slight hint of Phazon corruption beginning, the lighting effects and everything, it all plays in fairly well, I'm not ready to release the full room yet though. What I am ready to release though is this satisfying beam transition gif based on FPzero's modification to the Power Suit. (The side view dynamics will be a lot better than the simple Plasma Beam extension.)

Holy shit that was you. I totally forgot since it's been about a year at this point. But ya I did give you some tilesets haha. Good to see you actually ended up using them!
Here's the thing, I wasn't saying you didn't have enough /stuff/ per rock so to speak. What I was saying is the way the tiles are drawn is a bit off. It's hard to put these things into words, but I'd say it's mostly that it doesn't look natural. Your moss is too uniform (only speaking from what we've seen, I'm sure there's lots more to the tileset), and doesn't blend very nicely with the grass. Also the fusion tiles are really green, but there's supposed to have colour like in fusion (In one or two of my tilsets the fusion tiles included are straight rips, or a little edited, where as my normal 'lush' tileset has tiles I've heavily edited to fit with the super metroid tiles and have more colour and whatnot). It's mostly when you have the angle going into a wall edge that has the same moss type as the ground type, which doesn't really make sense on walls.

Anyway I hope I don't sound too critical here, trying to be constructive. I'm sure it'll change and improve over time, I'm just mentioning this because my own jungle tilesets have gone through a couple of years of changes, learning from what did and didn't work.

And I must say, I'm super excited to see what you come up with for phendrana/whatever snow place you end up making!


I noticed with the original tileset the way the grass met with the rocks it was really blah, which inspired the moss, which blended out really well. Then again, it's more of an image than a tileset, so even though I try to keep it a bit uniform, I can't really keep track of exactly where all the colors are supposed to be in each piece, so I don't think it could be cut up into tiles and turned into a set. Did you ever happen to get your new website up by the way? Your Google site is down now, so I figured you had that done. As far as Phendrana goes, I was actually hoping to use that ice/Phendrana tileset you had back then as a base, I think that would pull off really well.


Toby, I'm trying to visually show what I think Quote is trying to say when he talks about the moss not blending well but I noticed something.

In just this small chunk of one of your screenshots, you have 61 different colors. This might be a result of image compression, but your image was a PNG so I'm not sure that's the answer. Your tileset looks like it's trying to use a general 16-bit aesthetic, so I'd look into why your tiles have so many colors on them. These tiles specifically look like they shouldn't be using more than 15.

I'll probably have that image done in a little bit.


I finished the recolor. I think what Quote meant with the moss not blending was that the border between the green of the moss and the brown of the dirt was too sudden. I tried to fix that by darkening, desaturating and shifting towards the blue scale the darker edges of the moss, then better blending the browns of the dirt to match the off-purple of the very dark dirt tiles:

I also managed to whittle down the number of colors being used to just 15 + transparency. The 16 color palette is in the upper right and includes those blue tiles you have on some corners even though they aren't in this particular image. I also added a single black to the row before discovering that I was accidentally duplicating a color by doing that. As I have it laid out, your grass is composed of 5 colors for the dirt, 3 for the blue and 6 for the grass, plus transparency. That duplicate black means you actually have one free color in a traditional 16-color palette row to work with.

I don't know if you're trying to go with 16 colors for your tiles or not, in fact I have a feeling you aren't considering those Samus sprites definitely use more than 16 colors. But there were also tons of unnecessary colors in the set as you had posted them and thought I might at least make you aware of the fact. Some of the colors were only 1 or 2 RGB colors off from another one.

edit: I had the realization that you seem to be using a lighting engine to project light rays. That might be what's causing there to be so many extra colors in your tiles.

The Monster of Surrealton

[spoiler=Kraid's room in SMH: Apocalypse "Q"]


Shaping up to be hack of the year!


Quote from: The Monster of Surrealton on June 23, 2016, 03:35:30 PM
[spoiler=Kraid's room in SMH: Apocalypse "Q"]


Shaping up to be hack of the year!

Not sure how I should feel about this. Is it even possible?

The Monster of Surrealton

Quote from: PonchGaming on June 23, 2016, 03:43:04 PM
Quote from: The Monster of Surrealton on June 23, 2016, 03:35:30 PM
[spoiler=Kraid's room in SMH: Apocalypse "Q"]


Shaping up to be hack of the year!

Not sure how I should feel about this. Is it even possible?

It should, and it'll be amazing.


Figured more about how the SA-X ai works.

It's basically like,


over and over again


Quote from: interdpth on June 24, 2016, 10:19:11 AM
Figured more about how the SA-X ai works.

It's basically like,


over and over again

Does it have some sort of path finding algorithm to keep up with Samus through turns, gaps, and high-above ledges?


When yo' bae is ice cold.

SA-X just tryna figure out life

Quote from: Physix on June 24, 2016, 10:44:13 AM
Quote from: interdpth on June 24, 2016, 10:19:11 AM
Figured more about how the SA-X ai works.

It's basically like,


over and over again

Does it have some sort of path finding algorithm to keep up with Samus through turns, gaps, and high-above ledges?

No, it has about a four tile line of sight. For jumping, it can jump two vertical tiles, then one and it's stuck at one after the first jump :D
Some of them like the one in NOC which lays a powerbomb just follows a path, same for the Omega Metroid one. It also seems like the first TRO sa-x can be visible at least according to the init in the AI. But even so that'd have to be enabled in code.


That second video: who knew the tears of my enemies could be so deadly?

Quote from: interdpth on June 24, 2016, 10:19:11 AMFigured more about how the SA-X ai works.

It's basically like,


over and over again

Yep... that sounds like Nintendo to me.  Especially all the limitations you mentioned, lol.

Quote from: interdpth on June 27, 2016, 09:45:01 PM
It also seems like the first TRO sa-x can be visible at least according to the init in the AI. But even so that'd have to be enabled in code.

My guess would be that this is how they let you hear the first TRO SA-X.  It's probably as simple as actually "showing up" in the room, without loading her graphics or putting any room-specific coding into it.  Instead of explicitly coding that room to load the sound of her footsteps and to utilize them.

Incidentally, if this is the case, it would mean it's probably trivial to get her to appear, unseen, in other rooms as well.  That could be a cool idea in a future hack.


Been fiddling around with Game Maker's particle system (instead of using the old, shitty one I wrote myself).

(For awhile I was using Physix's particle codes, but then I decided I wanted to keep my engine simplistic and a little retro.)

Progress has been stupidly slow. All through June I did nothing but lollygag and play video games. Which may seem fine and all, but I kinda hate myself for not doing anything productive. Hopefully I can build up the motivation to actually make some progress, like implement the Spider-Ball, or start making enemies and destroy-able blocks. :bounce:


Testing out my water refraction/shimmer effect. Inspired heavily by the background effect in:


That animation is hypnotic. Your definition is definitely at or above par with Project AM2R. Eye-candy for Metroid developers.


Found some cool unused behaviors with Metroids in Fusion; by default they follow Samus


Yeah fuck that old version, this one has higher resolution shimmer!

I tried making the surface shimmer, but I can't decide on which one to use.


Shouldn't the water get darker the deeper it goes? (assuming the light is coming from above of course.) I just want to point this out. You have it the opposite in the screenshot. Overall, it looks nice though.

~ SpoOkyMagician



I'm guessing I fixed it?


The new water sure makes it easier to see what you're doing... but it's not like that really matters in the area you are showing.


Quote from: Physix on July 02, 2016, 04:29:46 AM
I'm guessing I fixed it?

I couldn't quite put my finger on what was off on the first version. This definitely looks better to me.


I like it. :yay: I think it looks correct now. Good job. :^_^:

~ SpoOkyMagician


Quote from: altoiddealer on July 02, 2016, 08:37:29 AM
The new water sure makes it easier to see what you're doing... but it's not like that really matters in the area you are showing.

Snarf hated on m'water saying it's all too easy to see through. Called it a "water web" or something, so I gave it a tint.