The Great Metroid Construction Collaboration Hunt - Post your resources here!

Started by Zhs2, July 20, 2009, 07:55:03 PM

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Metroid Fusion Suit Palette's
!!!! Only patch to clean rom.

By irundas at 2012-07-18[/spoiler]
By irundas at 2012-07-18[/spoiler]
By irundas at 2012-07-18[/spoiler]

Shinespark, Heat, and screw attack still need work, But they still have custom palette's.
The flash sequence for Shinespark and Heat are set if you wish to modify.


Welp. I mentioned to DrevanZero that I would never end up using this graphics set, despite the weeks of work I put into it, because my hack Metroid: Synergy will not be using any existing graphics, everything will be custom hand-drawn. While this set does contain quite a few hand-drawn graphics (all lights, brown background pipes, the moon, clouds, and quite a few of the foreground filler tiles), it also contains a LOT of ripped graphics from Megaman X 1-3 for SNES. The windows, vertical pneumatic tube background, horizontal filtration machine background, and flooring (including the filler ladder tiles) are all from Megaman X games. The air vents for foreground are from wrecked ship i believe. The background vents are reversed and hand-drawn (and ugly).

I will warn you: This set was VERY hard to rip and implement into Super Metroid, and as such, is VERY hard to use. The included tiletable is completed by my standards, but it is pure mindfuckery. Use at your own risk. There are 2 corner tiles (see screens below), 2 45 degree slopes, 2 corner joining tiles (the inversion of a corner I suppose? What you put behind 45 degree slopes in crateria), and 2 vertical wall tiles. You will notice that at the edge of the wall below/behind it there is a 1pixel wide line that travels along with the slope. This line is the reason that the slopes and floors are 2 tiles thick, and it's also the reason why there are duplicates. Correctly using this tileset (see the first screenshot below), requires that the lines are always lined up, and you will know you're using it wrong when they don't. Anyways, if you think it looks cool, you are welcome to use it as you please, just give credit in your hack's readme.txt or whatever.

This set is also built around the Crateria "Flash-Orange" Glow FX, the fx used in the long horizontal hall with the lanterns right before the Boss Statues in Super Metroid. I got help from Scyzer with repointing what colors in this set's palette were used for the Glow FX, and I do not remember the location of the pointers. I would recommend checking out:, a wonderful document compiled by Grime.

You will want to repoint your tiletable, palette, and probably tileset data because this set is complicated. The moon uses most of palette line 3, so it'd be a good idea to replace an existing set like, Wrecked Ship, whose line 3 palette is blank.


Archive is in 7z, which can be unzipped by 7zip, winRAR, and IZArc. It includes .pal, .tpl, and .fpl palette formats.



As requested, find the source file to draw your map on Excel (version 2010 or higher).

On the first tab is a big blank place to start drawing : Use copy/paste from the element on the left side of the window to make your rooms. Then choose doors, gate, PLM and other symbols to complete your map.

On the second tab (which can be removed if useless) I leave a copy of my map as an example of what can be do and how to do it.

trick to know:
If you need to erase a tile or a group of tiles of your map, you can do it like that:
1) Un-merge the incriminated part(s).
2) Copy and past over it a blank square (or many) picked anywhere.

Good work.


Very nice work BigDomino.
Just one thing, in the moves box you have labeled the "GS-->" As Varia suit required.


There is a tutorial I made for those who want to save 24 new places for custom tiles in the CRE tile-table (16x16) thanks to a little door conception trick.



If you plan to draw new doors for your hack and want to save 24 places in the CRE tile-table during the process, maybe you should consider building these doors using a "non-colored" part for the extreme corners of the door cap:

These "corners" will indeed be the same for both blue, pink, green, yellow (and grey)* door caps.
In this case, a simple hex tweak will allow you to get back the places of the 24 useless duplications for your new custom tiles:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Complete line to paste write on your Rom at $ 02:2767 (pc)    [first byte $02:2767 – last byte $02:29A6]  i.e. #$ 240 bytes :

04 80 0C C0 20 D0 20 D8 0C D8 00 00 04 80 0D 80 21 80 21 88 0D 88 00 00 04 80 0E 80 22 80 22 88 0E 88 00 00 04 80 0F 80 23 00 23 08 0F 88 00 00 04 80 0C C4 20 D4 20 DC 0C DC 00 00 04 80 0D 84 21 84 21 8C 0D 8C 00 00 04 80 0E 84 22 84 22 8C 0E 8C 00 00 04 80 0F 84 23 84 23 8C 0F 8C 00 00 04 00 1D C4 10 54 10 50 1D 50 00 00 04 00 3D 84 30 84 30 80 3D 80 00 00 04 00 1F 84 12 84 12 80 1F 80 00 00 04 00 3F 84 32 84 32 80 3F 80 00 00 04 00 1D CC 10 5C 10 58 1D 58 00 00 04 00 3D 8C 30 8C 30 88 3D 88 00 00 04 00 1F 8C 12 8C 12 88 1F 88 00 00 04 00 3F 8C 32 0C 32 08 3F 88 00 00 04 80 0C C0 24 D0 24 D8 0C D8 00 00 04 80 0D 80 25 80 25 88 0D 88 00 00 04 80 0E 80 26 80 26 88 0E 88 00 00 04 80 0F 80 27 00 27 08 0F 88 00 00 04 80 0C C4 24 D4 24 DC 0C DC 00 00 04 80 0D 84 25 84 25 8C 0D 8C 00 00 04 80 0E 84 26 84 26 8C 0E 8C 00 00 04 80 0F 84 27 04 27 0C 0F 8C 00 00 04 00 1D C4 14 54 14 50 1D 50 00 00 04 00 3D 84 34 84 34 80 3D 80 00 00 04 00 1F 84 16 84 16 80 1F 80 00 00 04 00 3F 84 36 84 36 80 3F 80 00 00 04 00 1D CC 14 5C 14 58 1D 58 00 00 04 00 3D 8C 34 8C 34 88 3D 88 00 00 04 00 1F 8C 16 8C 16 88 1F 88 00 00 04 00 3F 8C 36 8C 36 88 3F 88 00 00 04 80 0C C0 28 D0 28 D8 0C D8 00 00 04 80 0D 80 29 80 29 88 0D 88 00 00 04 80 0E 80 2A 80 2A 88 0E 88 00 00 04 80 0F 80 2B 00 2B 08 0F 88 00 00 04 80 0C C4 28 D4 28 DC 0C DC 00 00 04 80 0D 84 29 84 29 8C 0D 8C 00 00 04 80 0E 84 2A 84 2A 8C 0E 8C 00 00 04 80 0F 84 2B 04 2B 0C 0F 8C 00 00 04 00 1D C4 18 54 18 50 1D 50 00 00 04 00 3D 84 38 84 38 80 3D 80 00 00 04 00 1F 84 1A 84 1A 80 1F 80 00 00 04 00 3F 84 3A 84 3A 80 3F 80 00 00 04 00 1D CC 18 5C 18 58 1D 58 00 00 04 00 3D 8C 38 8C 38 88 3D 88 00 00 04 00 1F 8C 1A 8C 1A 88 1F 88 00 00 04 00 3F 8C 3A 8C 3A 88 3F 88 00 00

Done !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
After this change, the game will use the corner of the blue doors cap to draw the other doors animation :

1) * The grey doors are not included in the process : Don't remove any part of them in the CRE tile-table

2) Don't remove any part of the blue doors tiles : They are now the unique model used for both blue, pink, green, and yellow doors animation.

3) After drawing your new door in the CRE GFX sheet (8x8) don't forget to copy your tiles (for left/right door) in Kraid room SCE GFX sheet at the same place they are sorted in the original (-> for this set, CRE ttb use GFX from a special enhanced Scenery GFX sheet ; usual CRE GFX are not loaded). -> For my own door change, it was unnecessary to repoint Kraid SCE gfx sheet: indeed, after modification, the compressed size was lower than the original. Nevertheless, it's better to control via your hex editor that the new size doesn't exceed the original range and overwrite the next gfx. (The range size & end address of every tile-table, gfx sheet and palettes are listed in my Excel document "BigDomino repointing Organiser v0.1". You can get the doc in the Great Metroid Construction Collaboration Hunt topic - p.22).

4) If you use a modified palette or gfx for your doors, don't forget to apply these changes in the Scenery tile-table of set 5 & 6 (asleep and awake wrecked ship) : The gray door who stay among the other tiles of wrecked ship in the scenery ttb is intended to replace the regular grey door from CRE in Phantoon's room during the boss fight. However, you have to know that, after Phantoon death, during the "WS awakening sequence", the game re-draw this door in his predefined place using the standard CRE ttb and a special palette that  you should edit in "I'm a genius" at 13CA61 [6F colors to display] in order to fit your current door colors.

5) The SCE tile table of graphic sets n° 12 et 13 (Maridia) use some door 8x8 gfx tiles (ex: for noob tube, vertical magic tube, etc..).
Be sure to do the required modifications in these SCE tile-tables in order to fit the new gfx.

For those interested to know the detail of the changes done in doors tilemap, see the attached file below.
This doc shows the original and modified code for door animation with colors and comments for clarity purpose.

Credit I give:
- JAM for his explanations about door animation in the topic "[SM] ASM Questions".

Credit to give:
- No credit is needed for using this resource.


The attached document show the complete detail of the changes.
All is clearly explained with comments and colors for a better readability.

Would the webmaster/administartor be kind enough to put this tuto and the previous posted documents in the doc section ?
I think that new people on the forum don't know this tread and miss sometimes some valuable ressource (→ SMILEuser96's tuto about enemy D53F or silverpaw84's tuto about slopes for example)

Thanks by advance.



Find enclosed a document I made about CRE tile-table editing.

I know that some points are still discussed about that and wanted to know the opinion of experienced hackers before posting it in the collaboration topic.

By the way, it would be really helpful if an English spoken person could help me with the possible syntax mistake.

@ JAM :
Could you tell me what you know about tile n° $C0 in the CRE TTB ?
I read somewhere a comment in which you said that this tile was related to gate.

Thank you by advance.


Gate is using this tile to load the shutter graphics (it's NOT in CRE). So overwriting the tile may cause gate graphic problems. But I'm not sure of this.


So, I wrote this guide for editing Layer 2 in Sky Scrolling and non-Sky-scrolling rooms. There was other docs on it, but I felt they didn't really cover all the steps.

If you're a more visual learner, I made a vid covering it aswell:

Draconis Kenjishiya

Quote from: BigDomino on July 26, 2012, 10:15:05 PM

As requested, find the source file to draw your map on Excel (version 2010 or higher)...
Good work.

Thanks mate.


If anyone is interested, I publish the palette location for Gravity suit at the ending scene, use it with caution of course, make a backup of your hack and use "I'm a genius" at BS.


If I made any error, don't hesitate to contact me.


Thank you for those offsets! Managed to get my ending palette changed with no problem.

Black Falcon

Posting an asm file that combines Spinjump Restart by Sadi/Kej with my MorphRoll patch in oder to make both work properly without problems.

Edit: forgot to mention I haven't got the time to test it, so it's up to you to report if it worked or not.
Dunno why it shouldn't work, though.


Well seeming as I am the oe who found it for you, I'll go ahead and attach it to Eternity which, by the way, is back in the works though I am holding off updating the thread until I have some real content.  O.o  Showing off rooms that have already been seen don't really count as new content.

Edit:  I applied the ASM and it did the same as before.  However, I do already have the patch for Spinjump restart installed.  I dunno if that could be having something to do with it but to go back and redo everything when halter progress further.


i almost forgot. this patch fixes samus' graphic glitches. Body leap when run and gun, and remove strange free floating pixels when wall kicking
Edit:i would like this to be a part of SMILE, if someone puts it in i don't need credit.

(i'll post the info on editing samus' animations when i post the Luigi patch)

EDIT:credit not necessary because it's a minor/common fix (give credit to Kejardon for finding Elbow Fix)


Are these different pixels to the ones fixed by Kejardon's Elbow Fix?  (When you wall-jump on a right-hand wall)


Quote from: Quietus on August 21, 2012, 04:12:15 PM
Are these different pixels to the ones fixed by Kejardon's Elbow Fix?  (When you wall-jump on a right-hand wall)
yeah right-hand wall. i think those are the only issues with samus.


In which case you may as well just release it as a fix for the body, since the other is already done. :^_^:


A couple of guides. One is an expansion upon my creating new rooms guide. Just added some answers to questions in that one, nothing really changed there except that. The second is the locations of the item names in-game, along with the hexadecimal alphabet and some notes about that. These are the in-game names that show up when you collect the item only. I also have left out Missiles, Super Missiles, Energy Tanks, and Reserve Tanks. You can look those up if you really want to with the info provided in the document.

Have fun hacking!


Quote from: MetroidMst on August 25, 2012, 07:16:15 PMThese are the in-game names that show up when you collect the item only. I also have left out Missiles, Super Missiles, Energy Tanks, and Reserve Tanks. You can look those up if you really want to with the info provided in the document.

Have fun hacking!

Not to pick or anything, I'm just trying to make sure here, These are just in-game as in Message box right? Cause I still have a .txt document on them by DChronos. If this is something different I apologize for a misunderstanding, I just wanted to make it clear so I don't re-download something I already have, y'know?


Yep. Just what appears in game. I was unaware JAM had already done such a thing.


Quote from: MetroidMst on August 26, 2012, 03:32:45 PM
Yep. Just what appears in game. I was unaware JAM had already done such a thing.

Ah, well it includes everything. I'll put it up if you want it, but otherwise I don't see any use of putting it here. Since well, I think it's on the Doc's page on the Main site.

Edit: Yes it is, it's located here


For those who may have encountered the enemy gate problem (where you activate the gate and it continues to activate and deactivate), I found the problem not long ago.
Sorry if this has already been explained.

Any Hex editor
Lunar Address

(Skip all this if you know how to use Lunar Address)

First of all, if you have set up your gate, you're fine.
Gates must have the "Special GFX" checked, however, there's the problem.
Leave the gate for now and save the room (if you've made changes obviously), click "Edit" and then "Pointers", copy or take note of your "Enemy Pop/Allowed" data.
The enemy bank is $A1, so open Lunar Address and set:
80:8000 - FF;FFFF
(???? = given data in the "Enemy Pop/Allowed")
Type $A1???? into the SNES RAM/SNES LoROM type section to convert it.
(Quick conversion $A1???? = $10????)

Now open your hex editor and goto offset $10????. (I use HxD)
This is were the problem occurs. Here's an example of my offset:
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 3F D5 48 00 80 00 08 00 00 A8 04
00 03 40 00 00
BF E9 08 01 D8 00 00 00 00 28 00
00 00 00 00 00
BF E9 78 01 D8 00 00 00 00 28 00
00 00 00 00 00 FF FF 03 3F D6 16 03 5C 01 00 00

Ends at FF FF.

1st Enemy, 2nd Enemy, 3rd Enemy, etc.
First you need to check the Enemy ID (I'm not sure what to call is) which is located in the list of enemies in the "Species" of an enemy. For SHUTTER2, it would be D53F, and so on.
In hex editor, D53F would be shown as 3FD5 so look out.

Here's my gate:
3F D5 48 00 80 00 08 00 00 A8 04 00 03 40 00 00

Locate the "Special GFX" byte (it would be located just after the 00 A8 as most gates are commonly set to a "Special" of A800).

Here's my gate again:
3F D5 48 00 80 00 08 00 00 A8 04 00 03 40 00 00

The highlighted byte refers to whether "Special GFX" is activated or not.
If you look at all the preset gates in the rom, they all may have been set to "Special GFX".
However the "Special GFX" byte of the preset gate is actually FF.

So, change the 04 to FF.

Here's my gate again:
3F D5 48 00 80 00 08 00 00 A8 FF 00 03 40 00 00

Now click "Save".

The enemy gate problem does not occur no more.


Slow Damage Block

This patch creates a new block for Super Metroid which deals 1 unit
of damage per second to Samus when stepped in. The block used is an
"Air-Fool X-Ray" BTS 03. The ASM has already been done for you.

This block could be used for survival based hack or for weak radiation.


I'm not sure that'll add anything new, since there's already SMILEUser96's Doom patch as well as InsomniaDX's Lava block, which can be customised to any level of damage.