The Great Metroid Construction Collaboration Hunt - Post your resources here!

Started by Zhs2, July 20, 2009, 07:55:03 PM

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makes spark echoes work correctly in ceres rotating elevator shaft and stops echoes from glitching out when samus has iframes by making them invisible


Scrolling sky on BG3.

Adds a new FX that can be used to place the scrolling sky behind layer1 & layer2, for some nice parallax.

Based of Amoeba's custom scrolling sky.


frees up $8080AC..8110
data block entries are now allowed to cross banks (doesn't have to be word-aligned)


Fixes a bug where Samus morphs in midair and the springball always jumps at full height when jumping the moment she touches the ground.


fixes overflow when you kill too many firefleas
makes the fireflea make a hurt cry when touching samus while hurting her at the same time
killing a fireflea by contact damage increments the number of enemies killed by one instead of two in vanilla


Quote from: nodever2 on May 13, 2024, 10:18:16 PM
SM: Homing Drops
The main reason I made this and am posting it when we already have another tractor beam is because these drops don't move in a mere 8 directions at a constant speed. They use math to move at a variable speed in a more direct route to the player which is much more satisfying


This thing is also more CPU intensive than our other tractor beams though (I haven't noticed any real lag but it's definitely not a cheap calculation). If anyone out there wants to improve/optimize this code, feel free to get in touch. Like I said it's been a couple years and unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to dig back into the main logic of it since then and try to improve it. But I wanted to get this out there since some interest was expressed on discord today.

The tractor beam in Project Base (at least 0.8, might even be in 0.7.3, can't remember) already does this, and the code for it has been available for years as well. If you want to check for optimization you can compare the two in case mine is better or worse. I wrote it in like, 2017 though so the code might be less efficient than yours, I don't think I ever went back and updated it after that.

I like the idea of drops automatically drawing in after a second. I did something similar at one point but it didn't fit well enough into Project Base.


Instant Unpause (SRAM Expansion)
Makes unpausing almost instant by taking advantage of an expanded SRAM to decompress tiles to it, and when unpausing, reloads the tiles from it! Works in rooms with extra large tilesets like Kraid's room unlike my other instant unpause patch.
Uses no freespace.
Bug: When using SMART to apply this ASM to ROM, you'll need to do a manual hex edit: $77D8 - $03 -> $06.



1.1: Works with SMART's quickmet and uses a better hijack in SPC's side.


Change Starting Area and EndCeres BTS

Credits to P.JBoy, Black Falcon, JAM, PHOSPHOTiDYL, somerando cauuy, squishy_ichigo, Amoeba, TestRunner and Smiley.

Tested in xkas. Assembles in both xkas and asar.

Edit 08/19/2024

Added ability to skip Samus narration entirely.

[spoiler=What This Does and Why It Exists.]

There is an older resource on the SMMM that can change starting area. However, I've found it just doesn't work when combined with other game beginning ASM.

This functions on code from Black Falcon's Skip Ceres, except it is modified to start in any area with any save. The hijack for this is in the Vanilla Ceres starting routine (and can be commented out if you want to start at Ceres but take advantage of the other features in this resource.)

By default, this ASM completely skips all the cutscenes pertaining to entering and escaping ceres, as well as approaching Zebes. (You can comment these individually to pick what scenes you want to keep.) I have it set to start at Area 00 with Save 00. (The Landing Site.)

Additionally this comes packaged with a BTS tile (type 02 fool xray, bts value $04.) This is like the Endgame BTS, except it triggers the transition from "Ceres" to Crateria. (In reality you could be in any area, touch the BTS and immediately watch the ship descend on Crateria.)

Also included is the hex map skip code (not mine.)

Does not skip any of the dialogue or cutscenes pertaining to that. (Nodever2 has this covered. You can do the same in SMART.)

There is a slight delay when the ship descending scene starts. Not sure what's going on there.


enemy drawing queue expansion
Makes each enemy drawing queue entry take up 1 byte instead of 2, freeing up low RAM, and it can be used to expand the enemy drawing queue or use it for other purposes.
With default settings, the sizes are 16,16,16,16,16,32,16,16 and it frees up $0F14..0F67.
No freespace used.


Enemy Tile Loading Rewrite
Rewrites the enemy tile loading routine to do:
Frees up $82:DFD1..E038, $A0:8C4E..8D39, and $A0:8E35..B5
Frees up RAM $0DA0, $0E5A..75, and $0E7A..0E7F
Makes bitflag 8000h in enemy tile data size useless (it was used in vanilla to load tiles to reserved space)
Ups the maximum number of enemy types to 14 from 4 without using extra RAM!


Makes the footstep type controlled by a RAM flag, allowing it to be set by init ASM, main ASM, PLM, or more, removing the hardcoded footstep types in vanilla. Uses 2 bytes of RAM.
To use: LDA #$yyxx : STA !FootstepType where xx is the footstep type when walking and yy is the landing graphic type.
Also comes with a PLM that sets the footstep type to its room argument ($yyxx).


Fixes springball lock (when Samus morphs in midair or falls of a ledge as morphball, with springball equipped, Samus can't control her height of her jumps, even if she unmorphed midair.)
Doesn't fix turnaround lock (when Samus turns around midair and she can't control her height during her turnaround animation)
No freespace used.


1.1: No longer uses freespace in bank $91 by making a new animation delay instruction that transitions to pose depending on direction. Fixes a vanilla bug that if Samus gets hit while standing up, she can't stand up anymore.


1.11: Code in $90:E09B uses less space


Change Starting Area and End Ceres BTS has been updated (download in original post above.)

Link here if you don't feel like scrolling:

Change Starting Area and End Ceres BTS v1.1

Added functionality to skip Samus monologue entirely. Credit goes to Amoeba and TestRunner because I figured out the pointers from studying their Intro Scene Editor. (Figured it would be convenient to be able to skip that in this resource, in the interest of having maximum flexibility in starting the game.)


Bomb damage scales depending on beams equipped, including hyper beam. It's set to half the charged beam damage. Vulnerabilities remain unchanged.


1.03: freed a bit more space, forgot to remove an old routine


[ZM_U] Lightning Effect Fix

Allows the Lightning flash to be tied to an animated tileset, rather than Crateria room 5. By default (in the IPS file), Lightning flash will be tied to the rain animated tileset, but this can be changed if you've messed around with your animated tilesets (in the ASM file). Does not require any free space.


Quote from: ModdedMage on August 22, 2024, 04:31:50 PM
Is this asm compatible with MF?

No. Although ZM is based off of fusion the code is in different spots and just in general different


Compressed FX Tilemaps
Makes the game load compressed FX tilemaps instead of uncompressed ones, freeing lots of space in bank $8A!
Repoints the FX tilemap pointers to freespace and expands it to avoid crashing in Ceres rooms.
Also included in the .7z file are uncompressed vanilla tilemaps which you can edit and compress them.