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[SM] Super Metroid: Apocalypse

Started by X-tradyte, March 12, 2011, 06:19:26 PM

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-.-, Its UH, geez. Never thought it'd be that hard.

EDIT: Zknight: no, it wouldn't work.

EDIT2: tried to do a recored run, but it did the same as VG, I'll fix that.


Quote from: DarkSamus on March 28, 2011, 11:59:19 AM
-.-, Its UH, geez. Never thought it'd be that hard.

LOL, I know it was. Oops @ DS for not testing the patch. :)



I have fixed every problem and bug. I just need to work out my Save stations. Then I need to know how to work space pirates, just the regular shoot and kill ones.

UPDATE: I fixed my pirate glitch, and just the saves need fixing, I blocked them off, but a glitch appeared. Apparently wen I go to test it in an actually test, nothing is saved. I'll fix it when I know what went wrong...or if someone helps.

UPDATE2: Everything is fixed, I will be releasing the fixed version today, after fixing some palettes up. Making it look better and stuff.


If you go down the crumble blocks in the room with the spikes (ergh), you can't get out. In the next room, there is also a red door, with no way to replenish missiles (and you can even get there without missiles, and get stuck). In another greyish CRE room with a heap of slopes, there's a few you can jump up into and crouch, and get permastuck, as well as a few slope errors. Kraid room is also epic lolz (in a bad way).


Quote from: Sadiztyk on April 02, 2011, 01:07:14 PM
If you go down the crumble blocks in the room with the spikes (ergh), you can't get out. In the next room, there is also a red door, with no way to replenish missiles (and you can even get there without missiles, and get stuck). In another greyish CRE room with a heap of slopes, there's a few you can jump up into and crouch, and get permastuck, as well as a few slope errors. Kraid room is also epic lolz (in a bad way).

I'll fix this stuff, Thanks Sadi. You can get out in the CRE room with spikes though. there are shot blocks.
I'll make sure you need missiles to get in. and I'll fix the Slope errors, :)


Quote from: DarkSamus on April 02, 2011, 01:48:29 PM
I'll fix this stuff, Thanks Sadi. You can get out in the CRE room with spikes though. there are shot blocks.
I'll make sure you need missiles to get in. and I'll fix the Slope errors, :)

As long as you can get out and go back, it won't matter if you get there before having missiles or not. If you can't get out, then yeah, you'd need them and also a way to refill them in case you get there with too few in your tank. :)



Quote from: VideoGeemer on April 05, 2011, 08:12:13 PM
Quote from: DarkSamus on April 02, 2011, 01:48:29 PM
I'll fix this stuff, Thanks Sadi. You can get out in the CRE room with spikes though. there are shot blocks.
I'll make sure you need missiles to get in. and I'll fix the Slope errors, :)

As long as you can get out and go back, it won't matter if you get there before having missiles or not. If you can't get out, then yeah, you'd need them and also a way to refill them in case you get there with too few in your tank. :)

0...thats the lowest you need to get trapped, ins no missiles, all missiles doors take 1 missiles to open. Anyways, besides those, can i get some good feedback?

Prime Hunter

Decided to check this out, but already ran into what for a minute seemed like a permastuck location. In the room with the water and fish at the bottom center, where you fall into that area through some crumble blocks on the left side, I had managed to get stuck in a 2 block high area and couldn't get out. Luckily I was able to break free after squirming around for a minute and blasting a few blocks above me so I could stand up, but at first I had been unable to shoot the block above my head which is the one I needed to destroy to stand up. Not sure how I ended up doing it in the end, but it's worth mentioning.


Hah, It shouldn't be that hard. I never got stuck in the permastuck run, My main thing right now it to make sure you liked it, and to fix any errors. Thanks for the input Prime Hunter! :^_^:

Prime Hunter

I'm guessing I'm not supposed to be in the Wrecked Ship after Kraid? :lol:

Seeing as nothing is changed in there I'm assuming the door isn't pointing to the proper location or is not supposed to unlock after defeating Kraid. It's in that same room I just mentioned before with the water and fish two levels above the door leading towards Kraid on the right side of the room. Heading through the door (which I'm pretty sure is locked before Kraid, but is flashing white after so I figured I was supposed to go there) goes to the top hallway of the normal Wrecked Ship where it is impossible to proceed.

Edit: Also, I managed to get to the Bombs without getting the Morph Ball. Don't know if that's intentional or not, but as far as I can tell I'm also locked in the room since the only idea I have to get out requires using the Bombs, which I can't do yet.

Edit 2: Yeah, I was right. I loaded up an earlier save state to before the Torizo battle and ran around some more, found the Morph Ball, and then came back to fight him again and could now get out because of what I suspected to be the case. I'd suggest either changing the room so you can get back up to the door without using bombs (and then lock the door or something) or else block off access to that area until you have Morph.

Edit 3: Gah, whoops. Just got stuck while testing out the platform above the Torizo battle area to see if my suspicions were correct about it requiring bombs to get through. Ended up rolling between the rock wall and the left end of the platform and can't get out.

Edit 4: Heh, I think I've gone as far as I can in this demo, but I'll leave you with yet another permastuck spot I found! A level below the door leading to that long hallway right before Kraid's room, there's a sloped platform in the ceiling on the left side of the area beneath where you drop down and can bomb out the right wall that leads to a Super Missile door and some Power Bomb blocks in the floor. If you jump up at them at all you'll go through them and end up in that one air tile above them and get stuck in there.

I hope these permastuck areas are easy enough to find based on the relative descriptions I'm giving. I'd be able to get some screenshots of the areas if necessary, but I'd need to get an image hosting account somewhere first since I don't have one at this exact moment.


I never found morph OR bombs, or any boss other than Kraid. First found missiles, then went straight down to him. I know there's a few red doors I never opened tho now I think about it.


Initial thoughts:

Minor: Samus starts slightly too low, you have to jump to the side to get out of her ship.

Minor: I found that semistuck part in the landing site; you have to know to face right and jump, then walk left and jump in order to get out. It's not hard at all if you do that, but can be a pain if you don't.

Minor: Here's a graphic glitch I encountered:


When exiting the shaft, the background from the shaft extends into the outdoors. Walking out partway and then back results in the outdoor background replacing whatever part of this indoor background was offscreen, but the indoor bg returns if you enter the door and come back out again.

About the spot with the skulteras, I personally had no problems getting out of there, so I'm not sure what the other player's issue was. But I did notice that there are almost no standard enemies. I guess you haven't put them in yet.

A little more major: Here's another graphic glitch.


I doubt Kraid's belly is supposed to be visible before you fall through that floor. ;)

The first time I got here, I did so with *NO* upgrades at all. I'm not sure if that's supposed to happen, but it did, hehe.

I should say, I really like your room design ideas so far. Had to make a note just to say that; there's a good bit of potential here.

Minor: In this room:


The foreground tiles are incomplete, and you can see through to the background when jumping. There's a missile expansion I can't get yet, too, but I can see the foreground tiles are missing from just above there too.

*EDIT* to say that I know the issue isn't that noticeable in this screenshot. I think that's because you don't see the foreground moving over the background. In-game it's more clear.

And major: In the same room, you get trapped if you run out of missiles. This is probably the room that was mentioned earlier in this thread. It looks like you might intend to put a *fuck, what's it called? Looking it up in SMILE* zebbo there, coming out of the ground. That should take care of the problem.

Major: I got to Kraid again, and after running out of missiles, I fought with him for a VERY long time, while taking no damage but not being sure that my shots were doing anything to him either, before simply giving up. It seems you have to [spoiler]stand on the leftmost ledge and angle your beam down so that you hit his mouth when he walks forward[/spoiler], but this does take quite a while, unless I was doing something wrong.

There's another graphic glitch, but it's literally so minor that I don't think your design is at fault in the least; more like the emulator just shows a block sliding down the edge of the screen when you jump at one spot in a certain room. It's so minor that it's not even worth addressing in detail IMO.

Well, that's all I got for now; hope that helps.


Edited to fix typo

Prime Hunter

Quote from: VideoGeemer on April 06, 2011, 06:00:32 AM
About the spot with the skulteras, I personally had no problems getting out of there, so I'm not sure what the other player's issue was.
Normally I wouldn't have had a problem if I had shot out the ceiling tiles before getting to the right side of that spot. But you know how there's that one extra tile on the right side of the pool you can stand on and use to jump up to the floor leading to the door? If you jump at the right angle you can get lodged between that and the shot tiles in a 2-tile air space and it took me a minute to get the proper angle to shoot out the shot block above my head and get out.


Quote from: Prime Hunter on April 06, 2011, 09:01:06 AM
Quote from: VideoGeemer on April 06, 2011, 06:00:32 AM
About the spot with the skulteras, I personally had no problems getting out of there, so I'm not sure what the other player's issue was.
Normally I wouldn't have had a problem if I had shot out the ceiling tiles before getting to the right side of that spot. But you know how there's that one extra tile on the right side of the pool you can stand on and use to jump up to the floor leading to the door? If you jump at the right angle you can get lodged between that and the shot tiles in a 2-tile air space and it took me a minute to get the proper angle to shoot out the shot block above my head and get out.

Oh, I see that now. Yeah, I actually got lodged in there so that I was actually permastuck. I could angle my shot to destroy the block diaginal to me, but I couldn't get the one right above me. Guess that is an issue then.



It looks like my Hack is getting much needed attention. I'm currently making some map tiles and I'm fixing EVERYTHING, I'll make a morphball tunnel at the top corner to get to the bombs, I'll also fix the minor and major graphical errors, Hopefully to get some much needed work done. I'm also hoping I can learn how to make neat custom tiles that look apocalyptic.

If anyone of you know anyone who would love to make some custom tiles that are bored or something, you could contact them and if they say yes, just PM me back. Or you could help me make 'em yourself, if you're up to it(Anyone can) If and when I get a new area done, I might release a newer updated demo.



I'm restarting Apocalypse, because I noticed, I did something wrong in PLM's. I used the feature, that Jathys has yet to fix. (PLMs/Enemies +/-)
I'll be sure to update the topic when I get Crateria finished. Maybe now that I have home internet back, I'll be able to finally learn how to make new rooms.

Thats all for now, thank you. Sorry to disappoint some people, but I just have to restart.


As far as I know, there's nothing Jathys needs to fix with adding PLMs and enemies, you probably just didn't repoint.


Well, I shouldn't need to repoint it, as I should just need to use the amount of PLMs given in a room, so therefore. I'm keeping the same amount of missile tanks, except you'll be able to get 110%.
If you find the secret Missile pack.


Quote from: DarkSamus on May 25, 2011, 06:21:07 PM
Well, I shouldn't need to repoint it
Any time you are modifying data, there is a possibility of overwriting. especially with PLMS and enemies.


Well, I'm not gonna touch pointers in this hack. I wish to only touch the BG pointers, thats all, is BG_Layer, and FX2.


QuoteWell, I'm not gonna touch pointers in this hack.

QuoteI wish to only touch the BG pointers.

Quoteand FX2.

=P  lol.  Sorry.  I couldn't help but be a smartass.


It's fine :P I've been around alot of smartasses in my life time. I will however, make the map surrounded by the terrain, there'll be no map stations. Therefore, hard to know if it's secret or not.

EDIT: I'm actually not doing any of that above ^, But however, I am changing terrain a bit.


I have a lot more done, and School is out for a long weekend, so I've got the whole weekend + Monday and today to hack, I've just finished bomb torizo, and if you want to see a video, then tell me how to correctly do it, otherwise I won't be having any vidz...

I also have a bit more done associated to Crateria. it is about 15% done, I know, I'm slow... Here are some rooms...

[spoiler=Because I'm lazy][/spoiler]


The easiest way to create the vid is:

Record an .smv of what you want to show
Replay the .smv
Record the replay as an .avi
Select a good codec for compression
Upload the vid to Youtube


For recording videos I usually tinker around with SNES9X until I find the one with the best combination of picture and sound quality, then use Windows Movie Maker to compress it.
The uncompressed avi's I usually get straight from SNES9X end up being about 100 mb/minute, and after running them through WMM they end up being around 1 mb/minute.