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The Future of squishy_ichigo

Started by squishy_ichigo, November 01, 2010, 12:45:03 AM

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Alrighty, I'm gonna lay it all on the table right here, and you kiddies can take it how you want.

I'm a chronic procrastinator, like many of you. I'm always brimming with ideas for hacks, and start too many side projects, like many of you do.  I'm tired of it.
I want to sit down and finish one of my big projects. Rainbow City, or Temple of Doom.

I've decided that my best option right now, is to team up with someone, who will keep me on task, so I can finish one of my projects. 

What does this mean? I mean's I'm looking for a co-hacker.

I need someone who will be fully dedicated to this, someone who can keep ME fully dedicated to this. 
Someone with enough free time, 20 hours or more per week to dedicate to this.
Someone who isn't scared to throw down their project if need be to help work on mine.
Someone with experience is preferable, but skills can be learned.
And most importantly, someone who can stand being around me all the time, cause we are gonna be hanging out quite a bit. :P

You'll be working next to me to get this thing done. Its not my hack anymore, its yours and mine.

If your interested, give me a holler on irc, or pm me here, and we'll talk about the details.

If this doesn't pan out, don't expect much from me from here on out other then a helping hand, a great mod, and maybe a document here and there.

Discuss if ya wanna.


I Would Help IF I would be of some use  :^_^:

I know the feeling of procrastinating, Thats why I plan on doing only one hack and probley leaving all of this behind...

Is Rainbow City that one hack with all of the super mario world tiles?


I would help, but I cannot dedicate that much time to a different project while I still have life and my own major project going on. I can give help for sure, and I can pester you to death and come up with ideas, but not at 20 hours a week. I would still like to help out though.


Awesome, thanks to everyone who wanted to help, but the position has been filled, and it happens to be exactly who I wanted for the job! :awesome:

That person can tell you guys if they want to.

This went alot better then I thought it would. :o