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Room of the Week 2010 - Archives

Started by squishy_ichigo, January 16, 2010, 11:09:07 AM

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Quote from: Crys on November 14, 2010, 06:24:38 AMI changed my mind!
Glad you came around. Much better to see you giving Webber a run for his money than to see you feeling sorry for yourself. And while I might not be hugely fond of the tileset, it is well used. (Also, doors are awesome.)


Looks awesome =)
2 things I thought of:
You dont have any slopes for the BG mush tiles?
The green tiles seem a bit plain, both in themselves and in contrast to the pink blocks. The second point isn't a bad thing at all, but I think you should have some "separator" blocks, to tell where separate tiles were placed there. Think of it like a wall made of bricks. It's not one large brick, it's made of several smaller ones, and each is visible.


Looking good GK, my only complaint is double doors within rooms (see top of you picture), to me, it just seems like something an amateur hacker normally does.


Quote from: Webber1900 on November 13, 2010, 04:10:10 PM
Another room for another week...

holy ballsack, best vanilla I've seen in a minute


All 3 rooms are looking really fantastic!  :whoa: It's gonna be a titan battle this week.


Guess what..

[spoiler] Try and beat this!


Two wrongs don't make a right, but two Webbers make seperate hacks.
(Taken from two wrongs don't make a right, but two Wrights make a plane.)



MultiK1llz: My monitor at work is normally a touch darkER than at home, which'll account for a little bit, but that pic is almost black, and very difficult to make out.


Webber for me.  While MultiK1llz' room is very good too, Webber's is the one that makes me look, wish I could make rooms that good, and temporarily stop hacking while I despair at my inadequacy.


webber1900 took the cake for me.  AS the JamieWebb room was impressive and well designed, and Multikillz had a lovely analogous coloring, the concept and layering of Webber 1900's entry pushed the others aside, and cought my attnetion much more.  There was a lot to look at, without being too cluttered.  And the pipes going in and out and behind the scenery, moving from one side of the room to the other, made me feel like there was something going on in a room nearby, which made me feel even more interested.

Crys's entry mixed fuzzy with flat, and had an ugly blue-green and pinkish color scheme.

This is the opinion of someone going to school for design.

I feel that Webber1900 will surely win this week.


ROFL, it hit me just now that I forgot to fill the wall with more then just one filler tile! :p



Had a hard time deciding between Webber and MultiK1llZ.
Ended up going with Multi's, cause I loves me some good dark lush detailing.
Webber's was great too, but something about those fungus growths kinda put me off for some reason, not sure why.  Great layering and use of original tiles though.


I had to go with Webber. That's a extremely good use of alternating between layers. I spend alot of time looking at all the different details. It kinda looks like it might be underwater, which sadly you might not notice much detail ingame due to the water, if that were the case.


Could maybe fiddle with the colours in the water, leaving it more transparent..?



@ MultiK1llZ: I love you tiles, the green glow flowers (?) and a few CRE's of Drewseph in the perfect combination - impressive awsome!!! i love it.

@ Webber1900: I also love it, but "just" 95% of the other Picture. It also ist very impressive. Make a Hack with your skills - every month you show us many good things. Did I overread a topic with Webber1900's Hack? o_O

@ JamieWeb16: Very nice room, but i thing you still can change the palette a bit. And i don't like your Doors - it doesn't look so much like [SM]

@ Crys: You have a lot of skills - but this bad Palette (sorry) doesn't look good in my eyes. But i like your Walljumping CRE Tiles! That actualy is quite Good!

[spoiler=Vote from me to:]MultiK1llZ[/spoiler]


Your post is a bad palette. Quit color-spamming like a retard.

Also, voted Webber.


Thanks for telling me a retard.

I just wantet to mark the most important words.

Ok, next time I choos fat and underlined.

Need to tidy up my room - bye at first.

Black Falcon

It indeed was a hard decision between Webber and MultiK1llZ...

I finally go with MultiK1llZ because his room design impressed me most.
(but this doesn't mean that the other rooms look bad at all)
The palette just fits perfectly and gives a nice contrast.
It really feels like old and overgrown ruins at night.
However there's a little thing that disturbes be a bit:
The dark greenish background in the lower part of the room doesn't really fit
with the bricks in the background IMO.
I think you should change that into black or another more decent color.
But nevertheless great work!  :yay:


Hello Gunnar, its been awhile, how are we today?
Awesome, great, terrific.

Anyways, as usual I'm totally not voting, because I like to be the swing vote just in case! :awesome:

Also, on a related note to RotW, we are getting close to the end of the year, and will soon be doing Room of the Year Nominations! :D
Everyone gets to nominate one room and the top 5 will go into the RotY contest!
The winner of the RotY will receive a [insert special prize here] and bragging rights for the year! :D

Who WOULDN'T want to win RotY? Its only the best thing ever!


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on November 19, 2010, 01:14:43 PM
Who WOULDN'T want to win RotY? Its only the best thing ever!
RotY is bacon? ...Is that the special prize?!


Submission for the coming week


Notes: This is a room I took out of a hack I've been doing.  It's an escape sequence room.  ACID rises up to cover the 10 lowest rows of tiles, and you're supposed to enter from the door on the left.  The mid row of platforms after the morph tunnel has plenty of Space Pirates to bother you.  I hope all of that makes sense.


This looks like it will be an interesting escape room....
