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Room of the Week 2010 - Archives

Started by squishy_ichigo, January 16, 2010, 11:09:07 AM

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Silver Skree

Hooooly fuuuuuck.

Daltone's room appeals to my EXACT style I have going for Tierus, which is what I'm most comfortable with. Damn, I love it.

Sorry Grime, but Daltone totally crushes you this week, for me.


Daltone's room is like awesomesauce. It's awesome, and it's sauce. Wins my vote.

Grime: I never really realized it before you said it, but ever since you did, I can definitely see that your rooms are built layer1 first and then you put in the background after the foreground is complete. And there's nothing wrong with that, your room is totally rockin'. But it doesn't hold up to the mind bending awesomeness of when the layers are blended to create layers within layers. The importance of such multilayering is not to make a complex and confusing design, but rather to give rooms a feeling of depth. Your rooms lately have all looked rather "flat" when compared with some of the stuff that's out there.


What DSO said. Blending layer 1 and 2 creates some visual masterpieces. When using layer 1 you just can't connect those corners like you want to. The transition needs to be clean, and layer manipulation allows that. My vote goes to Dalton, although I'm a fan of Grime's aswell.

Hiroshi Mishima

[spoiler=Well, well.. what do we have here?][/spoiler]
Been meaning to post this in here when I didn't see I'd been preempted by some awesome stuff I couldn't measure up to. Heh. Got the idea for the rocky webs from Silver. No doors on purpose. Cropped because I don't think anyone wanted a half-screen of unused room. It's the Landing Site, by the way.


Sexy room, only the holes in the bottom are a bit too large. If I were you, I'd remove a couple of the top ones, and make the remainder smaller. The bottom ones are ok, though.


I borrowed my bro's old graphics to use them in my hack! here's the landing site that I finished yesterday.


Looks almsot as if Super Metroid got a High-Resolution Pack.


Did he put that tileset up for use on Metconst? Those look pretty slick there.

Hiroshi, I love the palette, and the completed part of the room is well done. You do have an issue in in the tunnel before your door though. All the triangle corners you used with the purple rocks all have a black corner sticking out on them that just looks wrong. A little graphic editing should fix that pretty easy.


IIRC that tileset is a rip. Not that there is anything wrong with that, shit looks awesome.

Hiroshi Mishima

The triangle corners have those black bits in them cause they were originally designed to work with the "background rock" in SM. I could have sworn I'd changed their colour to fit better, but even if I made them transparent, it'd look silly with the Layer 2 showing through them. Probably means I need to make 2-3 different versions of that tile, then.


JamieWebb16, that room is fucking amazing! One of the finest I've ever seen in ROTW.
I feel that with terrain like that though, the grass should seem dead/dried up. Not so green.
Just an opinion.
Just.. wow.




I see you hardly changed much but at least you're haxing. >_> Albeit with a super super super super old version of what looks like zerofission


Hmm.... I kinda thought this room would be a definite winner, especially since it is visually more on par with what others here post, but I'm going up against some impressive rooms this week.

This would be the room next to where you start the game, where Kraid's hideout is down below.

This is a new hack I started last week. Brinstar is already complete. Imma start a topic next week when I get back from vacation.


Just a shaft leading down to an elevator. Still the same tileset as before, but it has different palette now.


snarf: Uhm, Super Metroid much? Good but empty room though.

SMILEcat: Nice room. Good and orange.


Of course it's empty. The room is from the orignal game, just with new graphics. I've remade all of Brinstar with SM graphics. I figured it would be cool to have a remade Nestroid with better graphics, maybe something that could be used as a starting point for other hacks, or just to play the original game with graphics more pleasing to the eye.


It was between Hiroshi and Jamie for me this week.  Ultimately went with Hiroshi, 'cause I loves me some bright palettes. :^_^:


The edges in Jamie's tileset are very sharp and ugly.


This room got my vote this week. I always like good use of the vanilla tiles, and the palettes are well-suited. Which is surpising considering how wildly the colors vary. There's nothing I can complain about with this room that isn't purely a matter of personal preference and something that shouldn't really factor in on voting, like leaving the background colors unchanged.

I'm not so seduced by this room as others have been. The colors don't vary enough, and frankly that grass looks downright awful. I don't enjoy the background for the bottom cave portion using the same colors as the foreground, either. I can't speak ill of the actual use of the tiles and the level design aspect; those are pretty top-notch.


Goddamn, son. Were it not for the doors, I'd have almost no way of telling that this is a room from NESTroid. If I didn't dig Mishimi's room as much as I do, this would have gotten my vote for sure. I'm also curious about this being the start of a new hack. Is it a mini hack, or what? I only ask because I assume it would need to differ from your other hack project in some way to merit its own separate game. A whole NESTroid hack that uses nothing but SM graphics? :P

Ahh, this tileset doesn't get used nearly enough. I like the choice of color, but unfortunately the lack of foreground detail and no visible background (using BG_Data?) makes it look pretty bland otherwise. I'd consider making a few tiles that you can fill the foreground parts with, like dark brown/orange specks and whatnot so there's a bit more to look at when there's a lot of foreground occupying the screen.


OK, My time to vote   :razz:

  OK that Room looks OK It needs some work Like a darker Bg with the same tiles, Good. :D
  MMMMkay, I ain't goin to lie but that room looks Great But  It needs some work >_>
  Same thing Grime said :(
  Holy Crap  :!: Where'd you get those rock Tilesets I would kill to get those (I'm not kiddin.)
This got my vote because Of the Top, The grass Doesn't look so good though..

Silver Skree

Okay, let's go. Lots of stuff this week.

I really, like everything about this room. I kinda guided you in making it, and as an obvious result, the way it turned out appeals to my taste greatly. Even then, this is your work, and I absolutely love it.

Okay, the tiles are nice. Damn nice tiles. And I like the desaturated brown/tan pallete, but it's really the only color going on throughout the whole room, save for the ugly combed grass carpeting some floors. Aside from that, I like it, and I notice the changes to the Landing Site clouds you made. They're nice.

Try harder. Less vanilla arrangement. I do like the tile placement choice, though, so it's a good start.

Oooooh. Cool. Unfortunately, the "ooh cool" is all it has going for it; like you said, it's pretty much vanilla level design, so I can't really give it any points aside from being AWESOME for using the already-pretty-cool SM Crateria tiles in NEStroid.
I butchered that. Whatever.

Hmm. I can clearly see the effort you put into the tiling and detail, and that gets it a alot of credit. I think the darkest color in the palette could stand to be darker. Also, I know this is a fault of the original tileset and not yours, but behind-wall detail is pretty much nonexistant. I don't know whether to knock you credit for this, because I know there's a lot that you could do to create tiles for behind-wall detail, but at the same time it looks like you're working all-vanilla. I'm just not sure.

Going with Hiroshi, in the end. Good work, though, everyone.

Hiroshi Mishima

Since I entered, I don't think it's fair of me to vote, but I thought I'd give a few thoughts on what I've seen.

Hiroshi: Silver helped me modify this room a little a day or so after I put it up, and under normal circumstances I would have switched it out before the voting started. However, as it was he who tweaked things slightly I didn't feel I had a right to do that. But I appreciate what everyone has said so far.

Jamie: When I first saw this room like the day after I put mine up, I figured I'd lose cause the tiles are really nice. But when I saw someone say something about the palette, I took another look and noticed that a lot of the tiles have this weird black line around them in places. It really gives it an ugly finish, to be honest with you. I also feel that as has been said, the grass could stand to look more dried out, or even dead.

IMetroRat: Given my bias towards Zero Mission, I don't feel I should say anything for or against this. So "eh" as someone else said. At first I thought it was just something right out of the actual game until I looked closer.

Snarfblam: I really liked this room. When I first saw it I thought it was made with the Metroid 1 editor you were working on, until I saw some other comments that hinted it was Super Metroid. For that, though, I really wanted to say wow, because it seriously made me do a double take cause for a moment I thought you'd made some awesome looking Metroid 1 room. If I were to vote this week, I'd be picking Snarf's room.

SMILEuser: I actually quite like this room, although I feel that the palette could be different. I can't be sure HOW it could be different, I just think it needs to be changed a little.


Quote from: Hiroshi Mishima on August 30, 2010, 11:06:25 PM
When I first saw it I thought it was made with the Metroid 1 editor you were working on, until I saw some other comments that hinted it was Super Metroid...I thought you'd made some awesome looking Metroid 1 room.
Er... to be clear, this room was done in Nestroid with Editroid. The hack would be a remake of Nestroid with SM graphics. It was started as a sort of demo of what you could do with an expanded ROM, and I was too happy with it to stop with just a small section of Brinstar. This would be a secondary, ongoing project. When I'm done with BG, I might do sprites, ASM hacks, maybe even music. Screenshots and info and what not when I get back from vacation.


So I got bored one day and was looking through upcoming hacks.
I grew fond of Tyjet66's room, wanting to play with it in SMILE.
I asked for his permission and it was granted.

See his original concept here:,839.msg11252.html#msg11252

I copied tile by tile from the image I saw to SMILE and then got to work.
He gave me his palette just so it stayed a bit truer to his room.

Anyways, here's what the end result was.

I'd like to submit this image as 'Tyjet66 & DMantra', as it was his room to begin with.