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Room of the Week 2013 - Archives

Started by ProjectXVIII, February 19, 2012, 09:14:43 PM

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Daltone cause DAMN, I want to run through that room so much.

Vismund Cygnus

I think I would have voted for Daltone, but his room is gone.  :cry:
So Passarbye wins it for me.
[spoiler=Other comments]
Mine: It was a shit room, but hey, it got other people entering.
Zero's One: I'm not really a fan of the palette, especially the very multicoloured sparkles.
Jordan'5: It's quite boring. I must assume there is some kind of background that we can't see though. Also those tunnel-door bits seem kinda useless imo.
The user of SMILE: Eh, it wasn't a bad room, it was just average. Nothing special?


SMILEuser for me. his crateria was better than mine because his has more room to play in :P
sure, the palette is a bit bright and could use some work, but i feel he wanted something truly vanilla and i respect that.

01: you could have done better with the BG. i feel that the sparks aren't really necessary in this room because it looks like a cave. runner up.
vismund: not a bad room, but it looks like something we would only run through and not think about twice. 3rd for me.
Jordan5: looks like a basic room that isn't quite finished. you could have used a lot more of the dark foreground crat tiles so that your BG pointer would blend a bit better, but that's your design choice. hell, it may have looked great in-game, idek.
still a great room for vanilla. just because it is last on my list doesn't mean it's bad.

my room: it has 1 thing going for it. colors. other than that, the flow of the room absolutely sucks, it feels constrictive, and the worst part: what you see in the BG is actually BG data.
i did not use a pointer and the dark foreground crat tiles, so besides the BG it is just blackness.
i could have done a lot better with this room, but now that i think of it this room reminds me of the bottom right crateria room before maridia. the crabby, morph-bally one.



You normally mention who won the previous week. :^_^:

Also, from the rules:
QuoteThose who do not follow these rules are may not be allowed to compete in the future.


I was bored last night so I grabbed a couple tiles from the gfx collection and made a room (also used some tiles from lush, though I didn't make their tiletables perfectly)

also, how is it that we have contest hacks being finished up and yet no rotw?


 :awesome: Well might as well get in on this band-wagon. 2 submissions thus far make for good odds.

Vismund Cygnus

This week my vote goes to Quote. That tileset is beautiful, and the palette used suits it really well.

JkP, the tileset, while awesome, doesn't make a room awesome. Going past the gfx used it's quite a plain room imo. So yes, good work Quote.


Quote for me.  I just can't seem to wrap my head around the olde worlde tiles in a futuristic universe. :O_o:


I'm not expecting to win with it, I just put this aquatic room for the fun :D

Vismund Cygnus

Here's a room.
There's probably too much of a difference between the moss and the grass but it's 3:30am so eh it looks pretty.  :lol:[/spoiler]


A room from one of my hacks. :>


Quote from: Crys on September 15, 2013, 11:30:10 AM
A room from one of my hacks. :>
Would you mind if I make a room sometime with this tileset? Not for a hack or anything, just to play around with if I ever again decided to submit in RotW.
If that even happens.. just wanted to ask.


Sure go ahead dman, it's just vanilla tiles, nothing special. :P
Just open the ROM to see tile table and palette and build from there if you wish.

Vismund Cygnus

I would vote for Cloud13, just because that means Smart Cube is being worked on.  :lol:
But my vote's with Crys because that tileset looks creepy as hell, without just looking stupid.


If you look at Crys' room at odd times of morning, you can literally swear they're looking about. I almost thought it was animated. Vote get.


Cloud13: Looks good, for what it's aiming for. I'm a mechanical guy, so I understand these entries. If I were to get picky: the neon-green beneath the spikes doesn't blend well. Also, I don't know if it's just me, but things look pixelated, with the ocean GFX.

Crys: Hard for me to judge this as if it was brand-new to me. It's unique, but in other ways bland as far as RotW is concerned. It's most definitely creative, though.

Vismund: This may be my favorite out of the bunch just because you said F*** logic, and did what you wanted. Purple grass? Check. Random yellow moss? Check. Jupiter-ish climate? Check. This is more of what I envision an alien atmosphere to be, just random.


I've voted for Crys this week.  I liked the creepy feel to the rooms, but felt that there could have been a few places left where none of the red growth appeared, so you could see at least some scenery.  Other than that, I like it when doors have tiles overlaying them, so the doors look slightly less like they've just been stuck there, but I don't think we see it often enough. :^_^:

Vismund Cygnus

I'll get the ball rolling, as usual.  :heheh:
[spoiler=About the room]As you may be aware, here in upside down death land we're on school holidays. So I've been doing all of my homework like I know I should be spending the whole time working on this hack that I thought of at 2am one morning.
So, I've spent about 5 hours working on this one, including reorienting doors and moving enemies around its numerous states. I think that's the longest amount of time I've spent on a single room, and chances are I'll revisit this one and work on it some more.
This room serves as a hub of sorts for the Crateria area. There are 4 main pathways that branch off from this room, and multiple are accessible from the very beginning, allowing for what I hope will give the hack a more open exploration feel to it. Depending on which path you begin on, you'll get access to different items and areas, meaning that difficulty will likely vary depending on what paths you take and how much you explore. I'm having a lot of fun working on this, and hopefully I'll have some sort of a demo out by the end of the year and you'll enjoy that as much as I've enjoyed making it.
....That was a long winded explanation.  :lol:


It's a nice room, Vismund.  I do have two suggestions for you:
1, Try and vary the size of the greenish parts.  All of the ones you have are very short, and it makes it seem less random, and a little patchy.
2, Vary the filler tiles.  I believe there are three shades of filler in the main Crateria set, so you can vary the shade used for a much better effect than just one solid colour.


Not quite as big as Vismund's
[spoiler=Here we go][/spoiler]



Top 3 scrolls are red (starting from the left obviously)


Another nice room, yet at the risk of repeating myself, I'd again suggest varying the filler tiles.  Here's an example, with the left half using straight lines, and the right half using variation.

Oh, and that's not an entry for RotW. :^_^:
