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Room of the Week 2013 - Archives

Started by ProjectXVIII, February 19, 2012, 09:14:43 PM

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Quote from: passarbye on June 03, 2013, 02:25:35 PM
Black Falcon this week. Drevan was a really close second.
^ This, plus a couple of really close thirds. Benki's and Shadow's rooms are quite excellent, and an honorable mention for Person.


Voted for MetroidMst, I just love that red CRE not to mention the green dots on the save station

Vismund Cygnus

If enough bad people enter, will the good ones come here to upstage us?
[spoiler=I'm not even sure if I'll use this room][/spoiler]


Apart from the sand ending abruptly at the pipes, the rest of the room doesn't look too bad for a vanilla hack. :^_^:

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Quietus on June 10, 2013, 07:08:24 AM
Apart from the sand ending abruptly at the pipes, the rest of the room doesn't look too bad for a vanilla hack. :^_^:
Yah, I can agree with that. I sorta looked at it, and thought, "something doesn't look quite right there..." Had I known nobody else wanted to enter over the weekend, I would've spent a bit more time on it. But I'm gonna endeavour to make sure this contest has at least one entry per week. :P
Hmm... maybe I'll fix that up now.  :nod:


There's only one entry so why not  :^_^:

[spoiler=the definition of W.I.P. :P][/spoiler]




Not at all. That is the completed room.


If that's the case, I await a TASer performing a string of CWJs across the clouds. :cool:


Here I came to submit a room, and voting has already started. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Vismund Cygnus

Vote's with Mst for originality. Plus voting for yourself is bad.

Myself, ehhh, it's a rather boring room. Might try a different palette. And I don't like the background, but the room's original was better than none.

Jordan, in some places your foreground and background are rather easy to get confused by. I feel the background tiles need to be darker than the foreground. As you said though, "The definition of WIP" :P


I haven't looked at that room for a week and im not sure i want to look at it again  :nowai:


I've voted for Vismund this week.  It needs some work, but shows promise. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on June 16, 2013, 05:02:32 PM
I've voted for Vismund this week.  It needs some work, but shows promise. :^_^:


All the rooms are a bit 'meh' this week, but
Quote from: Quietus on June 16, 2013, 05:02:32 PM
I've voted for Vismund this week.  It needs some work, but shows promise. :^_^:


I voted for Jordan because I like his item stand the best. And it looks like he might hide a second item in there. Maybe another secret too. . .


I guess it's this time of the week again  :^_^:



Tip for you: Your door in the bottom left-hand corner can potentially be glitched through.

When you have a ramp underneath the door cap like that, it's possible to get enough speed up, and to speedball straight through the door cap without opening it.  It happens because the door transition tile is hit before the ramp ejects Samus upward.  [noembed]Here[/noembed]'s an example.

I'm assuming the middle part, with the vines, is air, in which case it'd allow the player to get that speed from the opposite door.  Always worth playing it safe, and ensuring the ramp finishes before it, with a solid block underneath the door cap.  Either that, or have one part of the floor with a corner block that the player can't run over to get enough speed up. :^_^:


Okay thanks Quietus, I'll remember that for future rooms. You're right about it being air and I'm pretty sure there are no solid blocks so I'll fix that when I can get to my computer.
On the other hand, who would try to glitch through a blue door? :wink:


Didn't you know?  I'll glitch through anything, me! :grin:

In fairness, I had no way of telling that you hadn't just turned off PLMs, and hidden the coloured door caps. :razz:


Now I'm curious if that glitch can be applied to any of the currently released hacks and if it sequence breaks anything important.

And so this doesn't stay so off topic, I suppose I'll just say that I voted for Mst this (past?) week. Not something you'd usually see in Metroid and I felt it was more creative and better looking than the other two (not putting those down though). My main gripe with Vismund's room is that it's very vanilla comparatively and the same hold's for Jordan's room except that there is also difficulty distinguishing between the foreground and background.


So, here's a thing from this thing I'm working on.


Bricks were drawn by Demick. Rocks were a.... "collaboration" between Sunsoft and me. They still need a little work. And per squishy's request, I've replaced the door at the top with a doorless screen transition.

For comparison, here is the old version of the room.

Vismund Cygnus

Snarf: Wow, that looks beautiful.  :whoa:

Now, I shall begin a very obvious trend in which I enter rooms with vanilla tilesets.
[spoiler=Underwater again]
So I've decided that there will be no Brinstar in whatever I'm doing, or it will be very small anyway. There will be Maridia 1, and Maridia 2.
Only with more inventive names.
Also half of Crateria is underwater. Maybe more. We will see. Hope you like underwater physics.
EDIT: I have no idea what happened with the quality the first time.


When you are building the outer edge of your rooms, you could try to break up the terrain a little.  What you have at the moment is sort of a loop of tiles going around, whereas with a little breaking up, it can look more natural, and less flat.

As an example, compare the following rooms.  They are almost identical in shape, yet the first is with a basic loop of tiles, and the second has some breaking up.  You'll see what I mean. :^_^:

