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Room of the Week 2013 - Archives

Started by ProjectXVIII, February 19, 2012, 09:14:43 PM

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Zero One

Being inspired by a game doesn't mean you have to stick to its graphical limitations. The fact that there's no background to that room may have made sense on the GB and looked good, but it looks ugly now.


Precisely.  Inspiration can take any form, and is not restricted to a simple rebuilding of a room in it's original form 'with shiny bits'.  A room inspired by another can ultimately look nothing like the original.


[spoiler=To steal a line from Jathys: Poop][/spoiler]

A first try with this tileset. I found a few little things I really like doing with it, and otherwise I don't think I have mastered it yet. Finding something to help with the BG is probably the biggest priority, but there are some other nuances I want to throw in as well.


just a little something i whipped up.

Vismund Cygnus

My vote goes to MST this week. I dunno. The design and layout of both rooms are great, but there's just something about passarbye's room that irks me. I don't know. It almost looks a bit cartoony? That being said, I really like the layering you've got going there.


MetroidMst for me.  It's a good, clean room, and I didn't like the way the rock formations just seemed to end abruptly in passarbye's room.


MST: could use some background elements, but good room otherwise.

me: need more slope tiles so that all right angle transitions aren't square. also what quietus said.

i'm also not that fond of the shade of brown i'm using.


Well no-one has posted in a while so hopefully this will get some interest back in the topic. This is my entry:
[spoiler]It's nothing special but I just quite liked the look of it (the left-hand side anyway) and thought I'd share it with everyone[/spoiler]


[spoiler][/spoiler] My first room in a whiiiile, I'm trying to get back into hacking lately


Meet your maker! The greatest entry in the history of contest entires, of all contests! This room once usurped a Chinese emperor.

[spoiler=A Widget of things.][/spoiler]



I'm not sure if I'll ever pick this back up, but here.


I'm getting a little worried about people keep alluding to quitting hacking / hacks.  Stay with me, people! :^_^:

On another note, perhaps it may be worth considering altering this area to RotM instead of RotW.  It may give more people some time to create entries.


don't worry quietus, I can't quit without winning another couple of rotws :P
This probably won't be one of them however, just a room I had lying around (and on my tumblr but no one checks that so meh). Actually one of many, would have used a room with a lush variant, but I wasn't sure if I'd put it in the running before so I didn't bother.

Black Falcon

Quote from: Shadow96 on May 31, 2013, 09:57:51 PM
don't worry quietus, I can't quit without winning another couple of rotws :P

But you are not allowed to quit, yet.


What a strangely familiar room...


It's just missing Samus repeatedly failing to bomb across the top gap. :heheh:


Quote from: Drevan Zero on May 31, 2013, 04:35:11 PM
I'm trying to get back into hacking lately
same here.
i have no room this time though.  :lol:


Passarbye, can you tell me where I can get some tilesets/sprites?


Quote from: Benki on June 01, 2013, 03:38:34 PM
Passarbye, can you tell me where I can get some tilesets/sprites?
Metroid Fan Mission
this is a great site for finding most tilesets. of course there are other places to get things, but this is where i got most/all of mine.
you can filter the results using the drop-down boxes to find what you really want.

Vismund Cygnus

Is it weekdays there yet?! I wanna have something that I can make a relevant comment on.  :sad:

Vismund Cygnus

oooooh, here we go! Master critic Vismund Cygnus is here to judge the rooms!
[spoiler=Jordan]I do like the top left corner of that room. It has an original-SM feel to it. My only real complaint here is that the green area isn't very slope-y. Also, do I spy a morph tunnel? :P[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Drevan]Lots and lots of layers. It's looking very nice. It's kind of hard to tell what layer it is you're supposed to walk on, although I'm sure it's much easier in game. I also quite like your choice of palette there.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Mst]11/10  :grin:[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Person]Another pretty Maridia room. Maridia actually has probably my favourite original tileset.
The room itself looks attractive. It's fairly small but doesn't looked cramped or cluttered. Overall a very nice room.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Shadow]I don't know about this one. To me, it looks a bit too plain. Plus I can't deal with the red background hahaha. To me it's more of a personal dislike, as opposed to the room itself being bad.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Falcon]If those yellow beams are as dangerous as they look, I'm likely to die at least 37 times in this room.
I don't have a lot to say about this one. Custom tiles are all very pretty, so is the palette. Looking over it a second time it's a lot more visually appealing than at first glance. Nice room![/spoiler]
[spoiler=Benki]The rocks at the bottom seem out of place to me. Other than that it's a very nice room.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Final verdict]My vote goes to Person this week. I do fancy that Maridia tileset, and combined with that room it looks great. I can't wait until I get to work on my Maridia area in my own hack.[/spoiler]


i had an idea for the top left of that room and the rest had to just fit around it so i guess it doesn't work as i'd like. I've actually changed up the background (didn't know how to before) and stuff to make it look a little more appealing  :^_^:
Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on June 03, 2013, 09:21:01 AM
I do like the top left corner of that room. It has an original-SM feel to it. My only real complaint here is that the green area isn't very slope-y. Also, do I spy a morph tunnel? :P
That's what you're meant to think :wink:


Hesiting between Black Falcon and Drevan, finally my vote gone to Drevan for his impressive work :D


Black Falcon this week. Drevan was a really close second.


As above, I'm torn between Drevan and Black Falcon.  Black Falcon's just feels a bit too busy, so I'm going with Drevan. :^_^: