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Super Metroid: The Inverted Castle

Started by lordawsome12, September 13, 2010, 05:09:40 PM

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Would you be comfortable with this hack even if all the rooms weren't a 100% 180 degree flip.

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This is my first hack EVARH...that any knows about.
The Idea is that the entire map is flipped upside down, it wont be that hard to do but no has done it yet so I figured I would.
Some things will not be flipped (obviously) because the game just wont allow it.

P.S. can some one tell me how to add pics I'm a noob with forums

P.P.S got 'em.

Advanced moves
single wall-jumping
inf-bomb jumping


Look up or why don'tcha?

After that, insert direct links in [img] tags. Better get to it!


It's been a dream of mine to see an inverted SM map hack.
I tried my hand at it once but I grew lazy waiting for someone like you.
If done right, and to perfection true to form, it would make for a very interesting play.


This is a really good idea, but my only hang up is about the landing site, you walk off the ship and fall into the sky, is it possible to reach the (normally) bottom doors?


Well you'll pretty much fall off onto an invisible ceiling, one hangup though is that I'm going to have to give you space jump right out from the beginning. :O_o:


Quote from: lordawsome12 on September 13, 2010, 09:03:52 PM
Well you'll pretty much fall off onto an invisible ceiling, one hangup though is that I'm going to have to give you space jump right out from the beginning. :O_o:
I understand the invisible ceiling, but I was asking if you could scale the walls to reach the doors.


Quote from: Tyjet66 on September 13, 2010, 11:24:13 PM
Quote from: lordawsome12 on September 13, 2010, 09:03:52 PM
Well you'll pretty much fall off onto an invisible ceiling, one hangup though is that I'm going to have to give you space jump right out from the beginning. :O_o:
I understand the invisible ceiling, but I was asking if you could scale the walls to reach the doors.

Good point. If it would be possible to get around without space jump, that would be awesome. But going a lot of places (even looking at the first room; it would take a shitload of bombs) might be impossible without it. Either way, this hack sounds really cool.


EDIT: Also, I truly hope it's a proper 180-degree rotation, and not just a vertical flip. Under a proper upside-down rotation, Maridia would actually be on the left side of the map. :D


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on September 13, 2010, 08:32:17 PM
It's been a dream of mine to see an inverted SM map hack.
I tried my hand at it once but I grew lazy waiting for someone like you.
If done right, and to perfection true to form, it would make for a very interesting play.

Ah yes! One of the things i loved about Castlevania: Symphony of the Night... the inverted castle. I agree with Dmantra all the way. If truly done right, and the creator paying very close attention to detail, this would make for a great play. I'm shocked some of the other well-known Metroid hackers out there (besides Digital_Mantra) haven't tried something like this before. I hope this project continues to move forward. Looking forward to this. :grin:


See, when you said space jump practically at the beginning.. that sorta ruined it for me.
Is it impossible to wall jump or something that early on?
I can understand some items being moved as a last resort but..

An inverted SM hack demands challenge.
It would ofcourse be aimed at those who've beat Super Metroid.
So they can go into that ray of light and be like whadahfak jus happnd.

If you wanted to be really hardcore with this, you could give samus all her old abilities, wipe her item screen slate clean,
and create a whole bunch of new items, tougher enemies, and umm.. yeah that's asking too much.


Seeing as I flipped quite a few rooms myself in my own hack (wet dreams) I should come in here and comment that some things simply don't work upside down.

A list of things that would be needed for this to work:

1. Assembly code to flip the FX layer.
2. Roof slope modification.
3. Upside down ship AND a way to enter it.

Optional but good:

1. Upside down enemies and bosses so they still spawn at the same place, etc.

Not to mention item progression may have to be changed in order for the game to even beat able.
Making super metroid upside down is a lot harder then what one would think originally.


The Stone Tower Temple in Majora's Mask is another example of something like this being pulled off to near-perfection.  That level might be my favorite dungeon in all the 3-D Zeldas.

This has promise, but I can see it being incredibly difficult to pull off.  Hats off to you if you can actually do this and do it well.


Additionally, if we're going for the upside down 180, I don't see how bosses like crocomire and mother brain would work.


Okay first off the idea of this hack is going to be something like Castlevania SOTN where only the map is flipped and not the enemies or the ship. Every thing that can be flipped will be, and to all those who were wondering it is indeed a 180 degree flip on the map.
One thing terrifies me though about this... Tourian, I'm just not sure as to what it is I should do for this part. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also I want to know everyone's opinion on how to traverse the area because I agree with digital mantra about the space jump being the first ability I probably wont add it in like that but you'll have to have "MAD WALL JUMP SKIZIZILLS." to continue on. I'm not concerned with flipping bosses upside down, just making them face the opposite direction. I've had some experience in ASM but not enough to pull anything like that off.

Okay so I went in and checked to see if it was possible to single wall jump out of the beginning area and I'm very sad to say that there is going to have to be some thing changed in the level layout of the hack if anyone wants to leave feedback on ideas that would make it possible to leave without giving Samus an ability early I'd be happy to see what you've got.


There's no such thing as mad wall jumping skills. You can or can't do it. There is no try.


Quote from: Parabox on September 14, 2010, 04:16:18 PM
There's no such thing as mad wall jumping skills. You can or can't do it. There is no try.

Someone hasn't played any walljump intense hacks.


Quote from: lordawsome12 on September 14, 2010, 03:44:15 PM
Okay so I went in and checked to see if it was possible to single wall jump out of the beginning area and I'm very sad to say that there is going to have to be some thing changed in the level layout of the hack if anyone wants to leave feedback on ideas that would make it possible to leave without giving Samus an ability early I'd be happy to see what you've got.

Just modify the walls to allow you to be able to walljump up to the doors, should be simple enough.


Quote from: lordawsome12 on September 14, 2010, 03:44:15 PM
Okay first off the idea of this hack is going to be something like Castlevania SOTN where only the map is flipped and not the enemies or the ship. Every thing that can be flipped will be, and to all those who were wondering it is indeed a 180 degree flip on the map.

I like this, The WORLD will be upside-down, but the enemies will still live as usual within it. :)

QuoteOne thing terrifies me though about this... Tourian, I'm just not sure as to what it is I should do for this part. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Is it just reversing Mother Brain that you're having issues with? Or is it doors being unreachable in the escape sequence?

QuoteAlso I want to know everyone's opinion on how to traverse the area because I agree with digital mantra about the space jump being the first ability I probably wont add it in like that but you'll have to have "MAD WALL JUMP SKIZIZILLS." to continue on. I'm not concerned with flipping bosses upside down, just making them face the opposite direction. I've had some experience in ASM but not enough to pull anything like that off.

I wonder how many rooms in the game might have this issue. I'd personally prefer the early space jump to a map that is significantly altered. All I can think of for a compromise, however, is to make the unscalable walls have a 2-block wide column that you can pass (and therefore wall jump) through, so it will still look exactly the same, but you could get through those areas.



Thanks for the feed back... What truly terrifies me about Tourian is reversing mother brain and the super metroids room. What I was thinking was to just flip Tourian vertically or to put mother brains and the super metroids room so there facing there correct entry paths, but then it wouldn't be a full 180 of the game. I will finish the hack but I keep finding holes in it I have to patch-up some how. :bounce:

Inverted crash site


First thought: That room looks really awesome :D

Second thought: I understand the water would fall to the new bottom because of gravity, but are you sure the seaweed plants and especially the background *mountains* would also do that? Hehe



My first thought was that it'd be easier to create your hack from scratch, and just do an upside down hack, rather than altering the existing game.  Good luck, either way. :^_^:


Answer to Video Geemer: Well, I see what you mean but I have no idea on how to flip that kind of background :blush:
Do you?

Second question from the top. Work in the current room as well. ^-^

Interesting idea for a hack I must say. I believe it's crossed my mind before, but never stuck me like this. However, I'm going to agree with Crys on the FX liquid problems... however, good luck and most importantly have fun making it.


You Should Edit poses in smile It would Make samus Stand Up Sideown and You'd have to edit the grav. That would be a pain in the ASS.... :(


Ummm... just something I've thought of while reading this...
Is this supposed to be a "natural" upsidedown hack, or an "easteregg" upsidedown hack?
The difference being, with natural OF COURSE the water will be at the bottom, it was never at the top! If you people could look at it the way I am this would be much easier to explain. It could be a hack where the planet NATURALLY looks that way: the mountains are pointing up, the water is on the bottom, and enemies walk on the floor. Maybe only the rooms are meant to be upside down, it doesn't mean the rain falls up, or Kraid needs to hang from the ceiling.

I'd much rather see a hack where the levels were upsidedown, but it was believable. If you wanted to play a hack when samus, enemies, bosses, EVERYTHING was upsidedown, just flip your damn computer screen around :P