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Prime 64 or Super Metroid 64?

Started by Waker, September 12, 2010, 05:31:52 PM

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Which would you like me to develop?

Metroid Prime 64
2 (10.5%)
Super Metroid 64
17 (89.5%)

Total Members Voted: 0


I accept that, but was thrown less by his remarks than the response he received.  Anyway, it's been done.

Also, Seattle is a little out of my way...  Apparently, from my county to your city, it's 15329.604 kilometres. :razz:


Off topic stuff:
Quote from: Quietus on September 14, 2010, 07:32:51 PM
Guys, it seemed like Paradigm voiced a genuine (or so he/she felt) concern about the name dropping.  I think it was a valid point.  As Waker stated, they don't seem to care, so we carry on.  If Paradigm's wrong, he's wrong, and should be informed, but was it really necessary to rip Paradigm a new butthole?  I may be stepping out of line, and whatever comes comes, but reading your posts sound like the forum equivalent of a schoolkid asking where the bathroom is, and getting the shit beaten out of him for asking.

QFT  Seriously people, wtf?
As for the name dropping stuff, I don't think it was meant as a threat or anything, more of a concern that doing so too often might garner unwanted attention from the "big N" and end up causing trouble for everyone.
Honestly it doesn't worry me that much and I'm not that concerned, but someone who does voice their concerns shouldn't be trolled/ragefagged simply because they spoke.  I thought you folks were better than that.[/spoiler]


None of that was meant as a threat. By name dropping, I was referring to you saying that you work for Retro. I personally don't care that you're working on these projects, nothing in my last post was meant as any sort of attack or threat. You seem to have interpreted it that way, so I apologize, I must not have been clear enough. I voiced a serious concern I had, if Nintendo actually does respect the fan game community, then okay, that's good enough to satisfy my concern.


In reality, if you aren't trolling, you should've just PM'd me. I would've answered your questions nicely and not have the backbite I did.

That's what happens when you work a full 24.

Honestly, many, MANY old game devs and some modern ones hang around the fangame industry. It's just what we do in our spare time. Ninty doesn't have the right to judge where or who we hang out with.

crashtour99: When someone comes in here saying that shit is going to get real up in here, and that he's going to "drop a name" and cause it all without being CLEAR WHAT IT MEANS, then yes, shit will get real on the trollan' side. It's expected unless you lurk for a bit on the forums and not sign up JUST TO MAKE ONE POST.

Read the Prime Board's Sources and Research thread. I have a disclaimer. Should've read it.



I think these days you only have to worry about getting a C&D from Square Enix, remember that Chrono Trigger remake or that Chrono Trigger romhack? (still can't believe a romhack got shut down.)  I know Sega, Capcom and Valve really seem to like the whole fangame community though.

Anyways, i'm looking forward to seeing any sort of progress on this.


Quote from: WakerIt's expected unless you lurk for a bit on the forums and not sign up JUST TO MAKE ONE POST.
In his defense, I'd say he didn't. While he might not be the most active poster/member, he's been watching for quite a while... :razz:

Quote from: Wakerif you aren't trolling, you should've just PM'd me.
F;b. While I agree with Quietus' sentiments (i.e. some of the material in these posts were unjustified, not to mention completely unnecessary,) was it really the best idea to share something that could be construed as a threat as a public opinion? That being said, please keep it private if saying something publically could be called an attack from now on? :heheh: Two wrongs never make a right, and Waker is often the warring type...


Zeke: Good point, I was wrong on that, mark me down as an idiot for that statement.

And yes, if you really, really have concerns about any C&D stuff or anything relating to Ninty regarding my job or the safety of this community, honestly, PM me! I'm open to discussion, and will gladly calm your fears.


And once again, I also apologize for approaching it the wrong way. And yeah, I have lurked for a long time, basically since a month or two after the site was up, and eventually got an account; well, you can see my join date. I just rarely have anything to say because it would usually be echoing one or two other posts, and there is no sense in clogging the forum up with the same comment from five or six different people (at least to me).

Hiroshi Mishima

Quote from: Waker on September 14, 2010, 07:45:03 PMOn a side note: He wasn't genuinely concerned. He was litterally threatening "omfg guys u gon' get C&D'd". That is not how this works, and I've worked long enough with "the big N" to know that we RESPECT the fangame community.

I had no idea you worked with Nintendo at some point. That's pretty cool to learn. Although I would wonder about how much they respect the fangame community when you hear about some of the Pokemon or Zelda fan work getting C&D'd. Granted I've never been really sure if I believe the C&D's were true or just an excuse, but it is certainly food for thought.

It'd be nice to think that all video game companies were intelligent enough to realize the last thing you wanna do is screw over fans who weren't doing any harm, but rather doing what the companies SHOULD have been doing (making fun/cool games that carry on the legacy of the originals rather better than the companies have) and for free, too.

And on topic better.. I don't recall if I posted in here, but I'd be much more interested in a Super Metroid 64. I always envisioned it'd play kinda like Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards or Mischief Makers. The whole 3-D graphics with a 2-D plane, kinda thing. But that's just mean. I thought those games looked beautifully made, and had always thought Metroid woulda looked fabulous like that.

Silver Skree

rabble rabble rabble GET TO WORK ON SUPER METROID 64 ALREADY

This entire page of posts is trimmable garbage.

Hiroshi Mishima

I dunno, I thought the last paragraph of my post was pretty concise with the discussion of a Metroid 64. But if you'd like I can expand upon what I was saying.

We've already seen prime (no pun intended) examples of a good 2.5-D Metroid scroller. All three of the Smash Brothers games have contained just that sort of a Metroid-based stage (or three). Not only that, but Melee in particular has a Metroid themed Escape sequence, and the way that area looked was beautiful. Most of the Metroid stages are very nice looking, in fact.

And what I said about comparing the idea to Mischief Makers... you had plenty of side scrolling levels, sure, but you also had epic boss fights with things in the background. Massive battles/stages consisting of running alongside something else shooting or jumping, too. An idea me and a few friends has ages ago when Prime 1 came out, was a Grapple Beam-orientated battle. You and Ridley, in the air. Samus has to keep herself anchored to the ceiling (or whatever else, floating platforms or debris, perhaps) and you have to keep dodging/fighting Ridley in this sort of chase where he swoops in and out. Done in a 2.5-D style like in Mischief Makers, that'd be freaking EPIC.

Or how about having a big ol' Mother Brain set up in the background with Samus standing on platforms in the central plane and you gotta shoot missiles at her and dodge potshots and Rinkas and so forth. That's not unlike the battles with the final bosses of Yoshi's Island or Kirby 64. Except Kirby was flying, but the concept is certainly a sound one.

Utilizing the N64 graphical styles in the games I mentioned, it'd probably be a lot like the first Smash Brothers visually, and Samus looked great in that game. These are some damned good ideas, and while I'm not saying you have to make a game like that, I am saying that it'd be pretty damned awesome...

But that's just me. I'm great with ideas. I just don't have the technical know-how or expertise to make any of the stuff I come up with.. *sigh* Doesn't stop me thinking about them though...


Quote from: Hiroshi Mishima on September 28, 2010, 02:31:23 AM
I dunno, I thought the last paragraph of my post was pretty concise with the discussion of a Metroid 64. But if you'd like I can expand upon what I was saying.

We've already seen prime (no pun intended) examples of a good 2.5-D Metroid scroller. All three of the Smash Brothers games have contained just that sort of a Metroid-based stage (or three). Not only that, but Melee in particular has a Metroid themed Escape sequence, and the way that area looked was beautiful. Most of the Metroid stages are very nice looking, in fact.

And what I said about comparing the idea to Mischief Makers... you had plenty of side scrolling levels, sure, but you also had epic boss fights with things in the background. Massive battles/stages consisting of running alongside something else shooting or jumping, too. An idea me and a few friends has ages ago when Prime 1 came out, was a Grapple Beam-orientated battle. You and Ridley, in the air. Samus has to keep herself anchored to the ceiling (or whatever else, floating platforms or debris, perhaps) and you have to keep dodging/fighting Ridley in this sort of chase where he swoops in and out. Done in a 2.5-D style like in Mischief Makers, that'd be freaking EPIC.

Or how about having a big ol' Mother Brain set up in the background with Samus standing on platforms in the central plane and you gotta shoot missiles at her and dodge potshots and Rinkas and so forth. That's not unlike the battles with the final bosses of Yoshi's Island or Kirby 64. Except Kirby was flying, but the concept is certainly a sound one.

Utilizing the N64 graphical styles in the games I mentioned, it'd probably be a lot like the first Smash Brothers visually, and Samus looked great in that game. These are some damned good ideas, and while I'm not saying you have to make a game like that, I am saying that it'd be pretty damned awesome...

But that's just me. I'm great with ideas. I just don't have the technical know-how or expertise to make any of the stuff I come up with.. *sigh* Doesn't stop me thinking about them though...

Hiroshi, I'm a big fan of your work with Kabs. You have a lot of creativity and shit that people like to see. Keep workin' on dat shit.


But yeah. I have some stuff down already as per graphics and rendering wise (go input control, something I haven't seen done fluently in ASM since... now) and shit.

No screenshots on Open M or even this until I release something.

P.S: Hiroshi, yeah, I do work for SnD. Pop in on IRC sometime and we'll talk. :)
I love to bitch about my job. Team Ninja's Graphics library wrapper is bulging out of it's package and rearing it's ugly head, so I'm retouching on that before our next version release.
On top of that, their memory management system is screwed. They sure love their ARAM...
My only thought: Do these people know HOW to make a game?


Quote from: Silver Skree
This entire page of posts is trimmable garbage.


I wish I had known to look around on this website first before I started brainstorming for my own SM port on N64. I even got a few people who were willing to support my project and help me learn to code...

But then I was redirected to this website to find someone who could help out, and then I found out about this. *stupid birdy-pup*

Well, I wish you luck. *hugs everyone before leaving*


Too bad Waker is dead and this project will never happen!


*facepalm* Sorry. How do I self-delete my posts?


Don't worry about it. You didn't know, and the best way to gain information is by asking questions. Don't let people like Scyzer pick at you because you did have something to add, no matter how necromancy. :^_^:


So yeah, Waker is (probably literally) dead, so this particular project won't happen. Topic lock't.