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Forum Translator

Started by squishy_ichigo, September 06, 2010, 08:34:33 PM

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inb4 Zhs2

yep, now all you kiddies that don't know how to google have an option too!

go nuts kiddies


Essentially, these make the forums more readable for people who don't speak English. All of you English people should click the first flag and tell it to translate from the language you desire, then click 'Translate'. I'll see about it getting set to "from Spanish" as a default.

Edit: Done.


Is this like a auto-detect language thing? (on my phone atm so i cant check)
I'm not sure how this thing works, but i have a feeling it might try to translate the whole page (including english words), or would it only translate spanish?

also, you should set something in the forum preferences to auto translate english into spanish, to make it easier for them spanish peoples :)


Basically what it does is you click on the flag of choice and it hands you a page that is translated better for you courtesy of Google Translate (just in case you're too lazy to do it yourself, etc.) The main purpose of the mod I installed was to make the forum pages easier to read for peoples who speak other languages as a primary and don't know English all that well, but I've also made the first flag open a page that translates any Spanish on the page to English - just to make the people who post just to say "I'm sorry, I don't know what the fuck I'm reading" stop doing that.

You know who you are. Don't do it again.


Cool. I was starting to question when we might have gotten this up.

Hiroshi Mishima

Hopefully this will also help cut down on the confusion of ill-translated posts, as well. Having mostly stuck with Babelfish, I know that's a crappy translator, and am therefore happy to see we have something like this, especially since we're getting more non-English speakers here.


I am disappointed.  I can't translate things into Latin.... :lol:


You have to use me to do that, unfortunately.
tibi necesse est ad illam causam me uti, infeliciter.


I take Latin myself, you know....

Although I would really enjoy being able to turn things into Latin just to confuse people.